Thursday, 27 August 2020

Liberation and Cleansing

This particular prayer advance has really been Spirit filled to say the least. Everything is being dug out from within our lives and the enemy is showing its face through different manifestations. Physical infirmity, emotional instability, spiritual dryness just to name a few but its not for just a few. At least to me I see that everyone is going through their own form of cleansing in one way or another, myself included. For myself I never really knew that I harboured deep hurts in my life but in the presence of Yahweh, when the Word was being released and the Holy Spirit was moving so I felt so many different kinds of ugly emotions just bursting forth from me for no apparent reason. Disgust, envy, hatred, resentment, sorrow, I just felt like vomiting although I didn't. As all these things came out there was a time when we were able to have the change to repent and ask the Holy Spirit for forgiveness for treating Him so shabbily and like a power and not as a Person, Elohim Himself living in us and with us as the Word says. So when it was my time I really cried and cried and as I cried I felt that everything was being released from within me. It was like a small drainage pipe was put into me and I could feel the emotions within me being drained out little by little throughout the day. By the end of the night I was so light and set free. 

And yet even now I can clearly tell that there's still more cleansing to be done in me. It's like the small residue at the bottom of the bottle that's always left whenever one finishes a drink. This is the opportune moment for me to really immerse myself and see it gone from me completely. Despite the theme of this advance being "Manifesting the Glory of Yahweh's Presence", the word that keeps coming to me is liberty. 

Luke 4:18
[18] “The Spirit of YAHWEH is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed;

Romans 8:21
[21] because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of Elohim.

2 Corinthians 3:17
[17] Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

The Lord Yeshua wants to bring us into the glorious liberty of the sons of Elohim and for us to experience that we of course must be liberated from everything of the past especially the things which hinders us from breaking through. And this prayer advance I see that that is exactly what the Holy Spirit intends to do in each and everyone of us. It's going to be utterly stomach churning but in a good way, everything's coming out both physically, emotionally, and spiritually so that only Messiah will be left in each and everyone of us. 

-Friday, 28th August 2020, 4 years 11 months 21 days, 0237

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Wells Buried Unearthed

Today the prayer advance "Manifesting The Glory of Yahweh's Presence" begins and I truly am excited about it. The Holy Spirit is exposing all the deep hurts and uncleanness in me these past few days but really it all came to a climax last night when He revealed to me the areas in which I had hurt others through my words and my actions although I had never meant to in the first place. Really, it's been such a long time since I cried tears and as I just spent time asking the Lord for forgiveness and repenting of my wickedness the more I felt I was being released from all these things. Many times my actions and my words were harsh upon others and I didn't even realise it until it was too late. 

I'm not trying to put the blame on anyone when I say that I really appreciate those who can withstand me and tell me my shortcomings and mistakes. Because anyone can praise you but it really takes those who are really close to you to point out where you have made a mistake or have fallen down. Such people, I really appreciate them although sometimes I might not like to hear what they have to say to me about it but in the end it is for my betterment and improvement so such people ought to be held in high esteem. 

I don't like it when people characterise me. "Oh, that's just the way he is. There's no helping it, it's just the way you are." Dislike is the most polite, respectful word that I could use to barely describe how I feel when people tell me that. I really do want to change however most are content with complimenting and praising and then to murmur and say it can't be helped, when what is needed is for someone to tell me where my faults lie then I can change. 

Psalms 141:5a
[5a] Let the righteous strike me; It shall be a kindness. And let him rebuke me; It shall be as excellent oil; Let my head not refuse it. 

In the end, those are the kinds of people I value more than others because they contribute to my growth and walk with the Lord Yeshua and are not simply onlookers or yes-men. The advance will soon begin and I have been liberated, but yet I can feel intimately that the Holy Spirit is still digging up all the old hurts that I never even knew I had, and cleansing me with the blood of Yeshua, making me become truly a glorious vessel of His manifestation. Praise Yahweh. 

-Friday, 21st August 2020, 4 years 10 months 14 days, 1442

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Tree Felling; Continuation

We have entered the final preparation weeo before the prayer advance "Manifesting The Glory of Yahweh's Presence" begins. And we praise Yahweh that despite there not being so many people as in precious seminars and advances the work continues on and is being done. Truly we are witnessing the Holy Spirit taking over all the work, He is supplying us the strength necessary for each day as it may require and whatsoever is needed on that day. 

Just recently there has been high winds and heavy rain, so because of that the rubber tree in front of my room and the boys' kitchen have cracked from the roots and have begun to tilt, leaning precariously to one side. In my heart I am truly glad to see that this tree is going soon because in my heart this tree in particular has been a bane to me whenever I blow the leaves and keep the compound tidy. This tree in particular likes to be brittle and drop its rubber seeds and withered branches so it's a hassle to see this happen and I have to clean up after it. But it's happening now, this tree is going to go soon but not before I get a good night's sleep first. Which is now, praise Yahweh. 

-Thursday, 13 August 2020, 4 years 11 months 6 days, 0349

Wait, now that I get a good proper look at it in the morning, it's the wrong tree. This tree did nothing wrong, it's the other tree next to it that's been muddling the place I'm trying to keep clean. Oh well... 


Wednesday, 5 August 2020

2nd Round of Fasting and Contemplation

So right now we're in the middle of our second Esther's fast during this 21 days and right now I'm not even sure what to expect. There isn't much to be said at this moment in time for myself but I can tell that when our prayer advance begins near the end of this month of August surely great and awesome things will be taking place. You know as of recently there have been an influx of more and more people hearing about our online meetings and wanting to join us. And what is amazing is that despite us not reaching out per se for others to come and join us, people are still hearing about us and not only around Malaysia but different nations as well. Pastor Jean was timely as I perceived it, speaking about revival and how in these last days that Yahweh is preparing we His people to receive more and more people into the kingdom of heaven and the household of faith. But to be ready means to be completely taken over by the Holy Spirit and so sensitive to His leading and guidance and teachings. 

I'm actually getting really excited for this upcoming prayer advance. I truly believe that this is the time that we will "Manifest the Glory of Yahweh's Presence" like never before and that the Holy Spirit will really take over those who are eagerly waiting for Him to do so. Truly we are on the precipice now of something great and it is ready to be birthed forth through much prayer, worship, fasting, and the Word and presence of Elohim. Praise Yahweh. 

-Thursday, 6th August 2020, 4 years 10 months 30 days, 0106