Monday 21 September 2020

Rest of the Spirit

There's not really much to write about for this month. Everything is going smoothly and well. I'm breaking through more and more and my walk with the Lord Yeshua is becoming quite exciting and enjoyable. I mean, it's always been but now it's even more so. Especially now that this truly is the season of the Holy Spirit and He is completely taking over everything. Now everyday even though I'm obviously working and ministering to Yahweh and just being here in His house of prayer, I can really feel His supernatural strength and endowment upon me. With almost every task at hand I'm needed to do whether it is worship or in the gardens or miscellaneous, it feels like I'm on autopilot or in the passenger seat of the car. With whatever work I'm involved in at the present time I can sense that I'm drawing power and strength not from myself but from within myself so I don't feel tired or exhausted spiritually. I mean, physically after hard work then of course I would feel fatigue but I don't feel drained any more but refreshed. Also now every time I step into the sanctuary to worship or pray or just hear the Word of Elohim I become refreshed, every single time. 

The Holy Spirit is truly taking over and it's not about what we can do any more. I believe that the moment we see the limitations of ourselves then the Holy Spirit can take over completely, when we come to an end of our strength or wisdom or experience then He will take over. Because if we can still do something then the Holy Spirit will do nothing, but when we can do nothing the Holy Spirit will do everything. 

John 6:63
[63] It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.

John 15:5
[5] “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

Philippians 2:13
[13] for it is Elohim who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

Honestly speaking this is the easiest I have experienced in my life, ever! By easiest I mean that I can draw from waters that never run dry and be refreshed always, I can continue serving Yahweh knowing personally that it is not what I can do for Yahweh or what I can say for Him. In actual He doesn't need me for His work to be accomplished but because He loves me He involves me in it and gives me the strength to carry out and fulfil His call and work and will. So now, it's no longer me trying to do something for the Lord Yeshua but it is the Holy Spirit Who will glorify Yeshua in and through me. All I need to do is rest in Him by faith. That's it. Praise Yahweh! 

-Tuesday, 22nd September 2020, 5 years 15 days, 0405

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