Saturday 24 October 2020

To Earnestly Pray For

There's nothing much to take note of at this moment for myself. I'm doing absolutely great in the Lord Yeshua. I'm enjoying my time serving Him in various means and ways and delighting myself in worshipping and ministering to Him daily night and day. Although at first I was a bit tired out but now everytime there is a refreshing and there is enjoyment and great pleasure coming before Him everyday. 

Perhaps now my greatest concern would be for my brothers and sisters in Messiah serving together with me here in Glory Place. Particularly the Choong family here. All of them are going through their own battles and struggles and I've seen now that there is nothing anyone is able to do to alleviate in the least for them. Talking doesn't work, to discuss, to counsel, to encourage, all of it that involves ourselves in it brings no avail. The most effective is of course prayer and I myself have seen the power and the reality of our prayers. They are close to my heart and it is my desire to see that all four of them able to breakthrough their situations, particularly now that there's such a stronghold in the mind that shuts out every other word and especially the Word of Yahweh. But praise Yahweh: 

2 Timothy 2:9b
[9b] but the word of Elohim is not chained.

Having spoken to them I realize that for a long time they have had their situations pent up within themselves until it came to a boiling point. And for a long time they have been using their own strength even in serving Elohim when it is clearly said in His Word: 

Romans 1:9
[9] For Elohim is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers,

Romans 7:6
[6] But now we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter. 

 The Lord Yeshua has given me a burden for them and so I obey. I want to see them breakthrough and I write this not to speak about their situations per se but rather to remind myself again should I reread this that I am called to pray for them until the Holy Spirit takes over them completely. Sometimes it pains me to see what they're going through and that all that is needed is for them to rise up and not allow the enemy to subject them to such things. But in the end it's their stand, their faith, their choice to remain in it or to come out of it. All I can do is to pray and hope and continue to have faith. And doubt less I will see my prayers for them answered shortly, one way or another... 

But I really want to praise Yahweh that I am so privileged to be able to experience Him day after day. Everyday I see miracles, I see the Lord exalted and His Spirit taking over me gradually more and more. I am truly enjoying myself because the Lord is so real to me. When I speak to Him He answers me as you would to a friend and I have my counsel with Him and all my thoughts, concerns, even my complaints He takes it all when I pour out to Him and He gives me an answer of peace to which I may take heart to. I always leave from my communion with Him alleviated and refreshed. Praise Him always. 

1 Peter 5:7
[7] casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

I won't be putting the different verses from the Book of Psalms into here since there's so many and doubt less that what David experienced so am I. Praise Yahweh. 

-Saturday, 24th October 2020, 5 years 1 month 17 days, 1657

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