Friday 27 November 2020

Beholden to the Maker

I don't have much to speak of at this moment other than the fact the the days are being spent here quite enjoyably if I do say so myself. Although in a way what we're doing here everyday is but the same thing, really isn't it the same elsewhere or rather anywhere? The only difference is that because the Holy Spirit is involved everyday is new, fresh, exciting. And although we might be doing the same thing physically, as being led by the Spirit of Yahweh brings about new changes and delights each day. Everyday is a fresh anointing and a fresh encounter with the Lord Yeshua for me, here in Glory Place. 

The coming month of December holds many events and things to be taking place. Appropriate since we have now come to the end of the year and also the end of a decade. We begin to prepare ourselves to close this exciting year and begin a new one in the presence of Yahweh. And at the same time to remember the marvellous works which Yahweh had done and all the great promises which He had spoken He has fulfilled by His own hand and time. More so for myself that this year was truly exciting, although I didn't really go or travel anywhere but rather just stayed here in Glory Place for the majority of this year, I greatly benefited and enjoyed it. It allowed me to really take time and examine myself more and to find pleasure serving my Lord Yeshua in the things to which He had called me to. 

I have no regrets in my choice to serve Yahweh and no intention to deviate from it any time soon, but rather I have much hope for the days to come that they will be much more glorious and wonderful than they are now. In fact, having given my life to serve Yahweh I realise that as the years go by the glory, blessings, and riches, and every fulfilment of His promise toward me become a reality each time. The longer I continue the greater things I shall bear witness to because I am His. Praise Yahweh, that's it for me for this brief excerpt. 

-Friday, 27th November 2020, 5 years 2 months 20 days, 1828

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