Wednesday 18 November 2020

Quick Update

There's not much to write about at this moment. Maybe just as a quick update that everything is going swimmingly in Glory Place and I of course, am enjoying my time and my service to Yahweh. Although I do think that there is an incident I can journal down here... 

Last Saturday morning, 14th November 2020 at around 4am or so as we were worshipping the Lord Yeshua during our Friday Overnight prayer meeting a car rammed into our gate and completely mangled it. It was a drunk Indian man in his 30s out celebrating his god's festivity and was driving at breakneck speed. All of a sudden he lost consciousness at the wheel and swerved into our gate. Needless to say the damage was extensive, our left pillar was completely demolished and our metal gate literally flew a few feet forward into Glory Place. Some of the boys hurriedly went to check up on it but I couldn't as I was leading the worship. During that time I know that this is nothing more than the reality of spiritual warfare earlier that night we were coming against the gods that have held our Indian brothers and sisters captive for so long and have blinded their eyes to the true saving knowledge of Yeshua Messiah. And we know because it was plain to see and as clear as day that this is a retaliation of the enemy trying to shake the pot. So we once again took up our authority which we as believers all have in Yeshua Messiah to bind especially the spirit of death and bloodshed from working that morning. We realised life to flow and for Divine protection upon everyone who steps into the gates here at Glory Place, which I of course subtlely meant for the driver of that car. 

You wouldn't believe it but although the car was completely trashed, engine oil was leaking out and the car was folding in on itself; the driver himself although dazed and in shock was unharmed with only a small bruise on one of his arms. Praise Yahweh. He hears our prayers and protects His people and those to whom they cry out for. Such is His mercy towards His own children. Us. 

And also what is amazing to me is that in one day we were able to erect a temporary gate and to seal the breach in the wall. To me this is the anointing that the Holy Spirit has given us that we can experience the Word of Elohim coming alive everyday. Everything that has been spoken and written of in the Bible we are privileged to experience being made manifest before our very eyes. Praise Yahweh. 

-Thursday, 19th November 2020, 5 years 2 months 12 days, 0257

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