Monday, 9 November 2020

Revival Fire

You know we're living in exciting times and we are seeing the revival that has been promised all this time taking place right in our times and generations. Truly the glory of the latter will be greater than the former. I'm sure we all know what is exactly happening in the nation of North America but to us believers as I believe the results or even what we see is happening doesn't matter in the slightest at all. Revival is being birthed for and despite from the opposition of the enemy's camp we are going to see the glory of Yahweh revealed in and through each and everyone of us. 

Looking and reading back to all of the past revivals that have taken place before and to my own understanding most if not all of them were birthed through prayer of the saints of Elohim. Long, continuous prayer day and night and thus at the appointed time the revival fire came. But what I've noticed is that this was limited in the sense that only a region or a country or a city was found to be praying before the revival came. And although the effects of many of them permeate still throughout the world it never really had any lasting or eternal effect. True, I am not discounting the fact that it had truly caused a further expansion of the work and kingdom of Yahweh here on earth but what I'm trying to say is that it was always but a part of the body of Messiah that was directly in the revival work. 

But now, because of the current state of North America not just a part but the whole Christian world is praying for them right now, the whole body of Messiah regardless of denomination, doctrine, traditions, or beliefs are doing the one thing our Lord Himself in heaven is doing day and night for His saints: praying. We are in the midst of birthing revival that we have never experienced nor seen before until now. And this will not only be in America but as we believe the fires of revival shall spread all across the world and change the very course of this world. We are in the midst of the greatest work of the Holy Spirit that we have yet to seen. 

So even now there is a cleansing work that is going on. Things kept secret, skeletons hidden in the closets for many years are being dug up and exposed and all those deep hurts and complications overtime are being dealt with. And now is the time when the work of the Holy Spirit is truly cranking up His intensity and pace, it is on us to yield to it and be thoroughly cleansed. Truly it is as the Word says: 

Luke 8:17
[17] For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.

Luke 12:2-3
[2] For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known.

[3] Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops. 

-Monday, 9th November 2020, 5 years 2 months 2 days, 2329

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