Friday 9 April 2021


I haven't written for a long while now and just reading back on my last post it was quite the bummer. But I am pleased to report that the deliverance is over now and I am set free, praise Yahweh. 

Actually for the past few weeks I have been undergoing many a cleansing and a lot of the rubbish that I didn't even know I had in my life was being exposed and dealt with in the presence of Yahweh. Because of that now it's like I've entered into a new facet or a deeper level of my relationship with the Lord Yeshua. He is becoming so real and personal to my life and not just for me, but for many others as well both here and online. 

I can recount perhaps two of the more recent encounters that I've had with the Lord Yeshua during this time, but that is not to say that it is just these two encounters. There were indeed many more but I find that I need to specifically write down and remember these two: 

1) I remember that during this month's staff fasting and prayer daytime sessions I was on worship. This took place actually on Thursday, so it's still quite fresh. I remember that one day prayer the Holy Spirit was moving mightily in our midst and caused us to wait upon Him for a long time, like from 11am until 2.30pm. I was actually thinking to myself how good it would be if I could also experience that when I lead worship on Thursday the next day. So as we began the meeting on Thursday we were just waiting upon Yahweh for a while and while I was waiting the Lord came to speak with me. I remember that I had a conversation with Him and that we were both talking about what should happen that day. He was asking me how long we would like to wait today and I told Him that it would be nice if it could be as long as yesterday or more, Anything specific? He asked me. And I said that 3pm would be a good time. Is that all? He said. And I asked if it is possible then 3.30pm however I told Him that although I knew He could do everything and anything I would be content if it could just reach 3pm. I am the Elohim of all flesh, there is nothing too hard for me, just watch; He told me. And truly, that was what He did, we waited until 3.45pm before we began to worship and during that time when I began to know within myself that we would pass 3.30pm I was just greatly humbled before Yahweh that not only would He speak and confer with me something so trivial like this but that He would also give me above and beyond what I asked or thought. So I was just giving thanks for that whole day for what He did. 

2) This just happened during the Friday overnight prayer meeting yesterday. Pastor Jean sensed the Spirit wants to move into crying for the lost and those who have yet to be saved or come to the Messiah. So of course she prayed for all of us to receive the spirit of prayer and intercession so that we can shed tears for those who are lost and I was really concerned how I am going to cry. I was crying out to the Lord Yeshua to give me the tears to cry and the burden to pray for the lost because I knew that I couldn't do it by myself. That was when I once again had another talk with Him by the Spirit. He asked if I really wanted to cry and I said yes. So He said to me that He will take over and I don't have to worry but must believe and pray. After that I felt like someone had rubbed oil on my eyes, the kind of oil that when you run it on your skin the area becomes hot. I felt that around both my eyes and I felt so comforted and at peace that surely the Holy Spirit will just take over. And praise Yahweh He did, when I just began to open my mouth I felt the tears begin to fall from my face. It was like an open tap and I just felt myself crying and crying while I prayed. Praise and glory to Yahweh. 

But of course which each breakthrough that I experience the enemy won't just stay quiet but they will rise up to try and cause a ruckus. So with each breakthrough I am reminded to watch myself because when we are on a roll or soaring so high with the Lord that's when the enemy is most opportune to pull us down with them and suppress us. I need to always be on guard lest I slip and fall again. But really praise Yahweh for all the breakthroughs and I know that things will not be the same again. 

-Saturday, 10 April 2021, 5 years 7 months 3 days, 1252

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