Sunday, 29 October 2017

His Work Is Perfect

Having had a late ending to the City Revival Centre service and perhaps a later ending to our dinner, we have just begun to make our way back to Semarak and in turn later to Glory Place Mantin. Seeing as how now I can just take my time with this I begin to ponder the road that Elohim has thus far taken me on. Doubtless it has been an exciting one, one where there was never a dull moment. However, I found that even then there were times where it was monotonous and yet in that monotony I found such simple pleasure in doing the same thing over and over again that now, it's already been two years since I had left the service of the world in favour for the service of Yahweh. It truly is marvellous as I recount the blessings that Messiah Yeshua has graciously wrought in my journey and how He has mercifully preserved me until this very point in time.

Do I travel a lot? I don't think that I do. Rather I'm a man of simple pleasures, if you give me rhythm then I can make a song. Give me a routine and perhaps I will find my pleasure in it. Some people make grow bored of the same actions and principles day in and day out but the wonderful thing about Messiah and His life is that even though we may do the same actions and go through the motions day in and day out, His life makes all the difference. His life makes our journey that much more exciting and adventurous. I'm reminded of a verse that I had read before:

[Ecc 3:11] He hath made every thing beautiful in His time: also He hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that Elohim maketh from the beginning to the end.

Now it may sound bad but what the author of the book of Ecclesiastes speaks about is the world without end, in other words eternity. He has placed eternity in their hearts so that no man can find out the work He brings forth from beginning to the end. Even as I write this I'm beginning to see a clearer picture of what this actually means. It means that because Elohim placed eternity within us, we have every expectation to inherit eternity and the works thereof. What I mean by that is simply that we are eternal spirit beings inhabiting dusty bodies and because of that we have a loose grasp of time. Time seems to fly by ever so quickly and more so when Messiah's Day approaches. We have a hope that the works we do now in the Spirit foreshadow the eternity we shall spend with Him in glory.

Am I making sense? To myself I am but I'm not too sure what I'm trying to imply is getting across to the reader. Anyways this is but a mulling on my part. A deep contemplation of what I've gone through and what I'm going through at the moment. But I realise that for my stay here in Glory Place Mantin for the past two years I do not find it monotonous in the slightest though I may be going through the motions. Because of the life of Yeshua everything becomes fresh and exciting for me. And it is to that regard I find worship ever such a joy because the presence of Yahweh and the Spirit of Yahweh moves in ways we cannot predict neither comprehend at times. The days continue onwards and yet I find myself expecting so much of Yeshua Messiah and I keep finding myself astounded because He has not just met but greatly exceeded all my possible expectations. Everyday here in this place is a blessing because there really is no place I'd rather be.

I'm growing albeit at the pace set by the hand of Messiah upon me and that can be no helping about it except that to speed up the process is to simply yield all the more to the moulding and refining of Himself upon me, even if it means going through the furnace to do so. Because I see what is waiting for me at the end I do not deter myself from going through it, rather I find that if I am unable to take the first step the Holy Spirit is here in and with me to launch me forward. Many a times He has already done so and many a times I've been blessed because He gave me the necessary push when I wasn't able to.

The journey has been long and at the same time no distance covered whatsoever. Time and time again I've seen and experienced that of all things I've gained and learnt that I have yet to really learn proper. There's so much yet left to witness and go through that of everything I've experienced thus far only further emphasizes to me that there is still so much more to learn and gain from in my walk in the Messiah. It really leaves a sobering sort of feeling upon me every single time I recall this, that with every high breakthrough comes a sobering to properly keep me grounded in the foundation and truths of the gospel of Messiah. Every single time and it is truly by the grace of Yahweh that He has led me thus far.

I've been delaying this post for a day already, guess it's time to post it soon. But nonetheless I relish the time I have to just minister to Yahweh in every way whatsoever. Praise Yahweh.

-Tuesday, 31st October 2017, 2 years 1 month 24 days, 0324

Friday, 27 October 2017

Seasonal Song

It's a new season in Messiah once again and this time it kicks off with impartation of an anointing for a new song. During the Friday House Church here at Glory Place Petaling Jaya as I was reading through the song of Moses, I realised that I had connected with it more than I could ever realise. It was as though I could feel every ounce of emotion and what he wanted to convey when he gave his final song just before he went up onto Mount Nebo to see the land and then die. It was further confirmed in a way by sister Moriah and I found a new song welling up within me now.

There are times when I make songs, though rarely I do; and they are categorised into two different groupings. The first is by impartation of the Holy Spirit and the second is simply because the need of it arises or because there was a song welling up within me. I can firmly affirm that the Song of Solomon was of the former category and it is standalone until now. I believe that what Yeshua has imparted onto me is yet another song of the Lord and that is good. Megan has been up and about with so many songs that it spins my head to fathom just how many songs she wants me to hear and hear and hear before she is satisfied. Whenever I'm around her, should she be holding a harp I can almost guarantee that she'll want me to sit down and hear one of her songs.

Not to say that that isn't a good thing, it is simply the anointing of Yahweh upon her that she can freely and easily craft song after song for Messiah's joy. And now, the same anointing is upon me as I see it and it is just for this song of the season. Elohim willing I will be refining and tuning it up until it reaches the point where I am most satisfied and Yeshua as well Elohim willing. It's getting quite early and I must turn in now lest I find myself groggy and unaware again in the early hours of the morning. I do have things needed to be done in the end, until then reader.

-Saturday, 28th October 2017, 2 years 1 month 21 days, 0406

Monday, 23 October 2017

Glorious Promotion

Yet another while since I had last wrote but now even as I sit here during the wake service of one of our ministry's sister from Melaka, I begin to ponder what exactly is Yahweh trying to speak unto us through it all. I'm not necessarily grieved with her promotion, I hardly knew her but yet I have this consolation that she is right now in the place where we who believe in the Lord Yeshua Messiah desire to be. That in itself should be a mighty comfort to her family and friends.

But I begin to ponder that is this truly what Elohim desires to do? With what He has been speaking to me, I just wonder is it true?

[1Co 5:7] Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Messiah our Passover is sacrificed for us:

To me, with all the glorious entering of eternal rest for our beloved friends and family in this short year which is already drawing to a close, this is nothing short but a word from Yahweh unto us. And if not unto us then unto me. I do not question what Elohim does, He gives and He takes away and it would be foolishness on our part if we only accepted from His hand opened to us His blessings and not His challenges poised to us. Yeshua calls us to walk with Him with a silver spoon in the mouth and also when the cross is looming before us.

[Ecc 7:14] In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: Elohim also hath set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him.

[Job 2:10] But he said unto her, Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of Elohim, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips.

To me, and this is my own personal opinion Yahweh is removing the past so that the present may manifest the glory of Messiah. Many times we glory in the past, we retain memories of good times long past by and that includes even the workings of Elohim in our lives. However, as such the Holy Spirit has been teaching me that clinging onto the past however good it may be is detrimental for our continual walk with Messiah Yeshua. Many a times we always remember the former things even when Yahweh told us not to remember them. And to me, that includes the wonders of Elohim that He has wrought in and through each of us.

[Isa 43:18-19] Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

[Isa 65:17] For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.

But we still do remember. I praise Yeshua that sometimes even forgetfulness becomes a blessing amidst controversy. After all, Joseph named Manasseh after Yahweh had caused him to forget all his labour and toil thus far when he had become prime minister.

[Gen 41:51] And Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh: For Elohim, said he, hath made me forget all my toil, and all my father's house.

I'm not saying remembering the works of Yahweh are bad in such regards, however having a fixated mind on past things surely is a bad hindrance to our walk which must continue on else we be swept away in floods of dissipation. There is one thing that Elohim wants us to remember when we look in the past:

[Isa 46:9] Remember the former things of old: for I am Elohim, and there is none else; I am Elohim, and there is none like Me,

When we look back, do we see Yeshua? Or do we like the people of His times see the works of His hands and not behold the beauty of His countenance? Are we fixated on past works which will hinder the working of the Holy Spirit in ways we cannot imagine? When we keep looking back in many ways to me it shows that you are convinced in your mind that Yahweh has already given you the best He can give and what is to come cannot compare to yesterday or yesteryear. That in itself is unbelief in many ways. When we look back our eyes must look unto Him always lest we become fixated on the gifts instead of the Giver of said gifts.
Such is now I believe, that Elohim is removing the past so that the present may come and come with its full manifestation of the sons of Elohim. We desire to see the days of Elijah, of Ezekiel, of David. What I want to see are the days of my Lord Yeshua. With just one Son of Elohim, the entire world changed one way or nother, and now He desires to transform many of us into sons of Elohim for this present age. Are we ready to receive the present outpouring or is old wine still better than the new?

[Luk 5:37-39] And no man putteth new wine into old bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish. But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved. No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he saith, The old is better.

-Monday, 23rd October 2017, 2 years 1 month 16 days, 2144

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Deep Waters

And of course with every high there must come Sennacherib, king of Assyria to contest it. What I mean is simply whatsoever written within the Bible must and will come to pass one way or another.

[2Ch 32:1] After these things, and the establishment thereof, Sennacherib king of Assyria came, and entered into Judah, and encamped against the fenced cities, and thought to win them for himself.

If you read the previous chapters prior to this, you'd see that Hezekiah restored the worship in the tabernacle and many other sorts of deeds of faithfulness, only then did the enemy come against him. And even after such a breakthrough it is of no surprise that the enemy should come against me as well, it is after all written in the Bible. But many would argue that that was King Hezekiah and not I, and yet everything that is written is for my example and learning. So that I would not repeat the errors of the saints of old and to trailblaze for a new generation that shall follow shortly thereafter.

[Rom 15:4] For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.

[1Co 10:11] Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

So it is to my benefit to take heed where I stand lest I fall because they that fell in the wilderness were those who practiced the law of Moses and kept its commandments somewhat. Only that they could not enter into their Promised Land because of unbelief and it would be hazardous for me if I didn't take heed and fell by the same error.

Today is Deepavali, a Hindu festival holiday and as such it was of no surprise that the enemy came with much force against me. Today, the sun was exceptionally scorching and as I worked; barely fifteen minutes into it I already wanted to collapse and die. I felt myself dying the more I continued and persevered. I badly had wanted to go into the sanctuary to just lie down there and rest as I was going through my deliverance and yet I knew I couldn't, I must overcome in Yeshua's name. Every time I heaved and exerted some form of strength for the replanting of the banana trees today I felt like I wanted to vomit and purge out all at the same time there and then. When I went to the wash room I had never seen myself that pale in the mirror in such a long time. However, praise Yahweh that after the halfway mark at 2 o'clock in the afternoon my breakthrough came once more. Though I did feel tired, it wasn't anything severe like in the morning and I was no longer feeling nauseated. Through the prayer of my brothers in Messiah, and constant encouragement by them I rose up in the name of Yeshua and overcame.

As I look back at it now that it's all over, it was a needful experience. It just goes to remind me that of all things I have learnt there will come a time to put them to practice and when the rubber meets the road, do we play chicken or conqueror? Yet another reminder that everything given and blessed unto me is by the grace of Yeshua in my life and without Him I would surely have succumbed and perished. I have made it thus far because He upheld me all the way through. Yet another lesson of learning to remain sober and vigilant indeed. Praise Yahweh for such things.

-Wednesday, 18th October 2017, 2 years 1 month 11 days, 1809

Monday, 16 October 2017

Greatest Feeling

It's been really good. The fast this time has really been good. This fast for me has been one that has the breakthrough that I didn't know I wanted and yet I realise now days in that this is the most perfect breakthrough that I could have received in this due time and season. For a long time I have had a difficulty in putting a rein in on my emotions but now I've realised that they have been subdued and put under my authority as along with the rest of my body somewhat in the name of Yeshua. This was particularly a burden which I never knew I had and yet when I experienced the deliverance from it I have not felt ever this light and easy before.

This is perfect for me because now my mind has been completely cleared and focused upon the Lord Yeshua once more. Not that it isn't already but there is a change this time. I'm not exactly sure how to put it down into words but now it feels as my purposing of heart is exactly as what the Bible describes it to be: with all my heart, with all my mind, and with all my strength. In another word, I have been restored to how my fervour once was the very first time I came to this ministry before all sorts of matters and complications came into the equation. However, in this time I can add not an inexperience but rather all that I've learnt and learnt until this period of time can be used to reinforce and keep the fervour in place and to keep the fire alive and aflame.

There's not much else to write now besides the fact that I've experienced a breakthrough that I can never come back from ever again. Not in a bad way, but with this breakthrough my mind has never been clearer than now. I know what is needed to be done and this time, emotions will not hinder my walk any longer and neither any time soon. Praise Yahweh for such a glorious breakthrough and my prayer is that this will be but the start of many more incredible ones to follow in Yeshua's name. Amen

-Monday, 16th October 2017, 2 years 1 month 9 days, 2309