Sunday, 26 April 2020

Psalm 27:4-6

Yahweh has been really conversing with me by His Holy Spirit recently and it's as though He has become a friend closer than a brother. Well, that is Biblical and all but honestly it has been a very exciting that I've been having here at Glory Place. 

The Movement Control Order for our nation has extended yet again to another 2 weeks, that means more time for me to seek Yahweh unhindered. Hallelujah. I really want to praise Elohim because I can be here to worship, minister, and serve freely in this house of His and that everyday I can converse and just intimate myself with Him things not shared with any other. I truly believe that this lockdown is of the Lord Yeshua and that He has given us so much grace period to seek Him like never before, so it of course falls that I should take full advantage of it then. 

The more time I spend in His presence, the faster the time speeds on like nobody's business. The more time I spend intimately with Him the more I hear and can discern the leading and the guidance of His Holy Spirit upon me. Not to say that I've perfect knowledge, but even the times where I mess up all things worked together for my good and for my betterment. So in this time of apt solitude I can just go to the secret place of the Most High and be so one with Him. It's a feeling indescribable. To be able to confer all that I am going through to Him and to be able not just to know He listens but that He answers me speedily and to the fulfillment of His purpose for and in me. So in this time of lockdown I can really tune myself into His presence and just soak in Him and allow Him to work in me both to will and to do for His good pleasure. 

I really cannot begin to describe just how much I cherish this time that I can spend in the house of Yahweh. 

Job 23:12 I have not departed from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.

Truly He is so good to those Who seek Him, such as are in His house for a perpetual season. 

Psalms 84:4 Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; They will still be praising You. Selah

Psalms 65:4 Blessed is the man You choose, And cause to approach You, that he may dwell in Your courts. We shall be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, of Your holy temple

Praise Him forever more... 

-Monday, 27th April 2020, 4 years 7 months 20, 0001

Sunday, 19 April 2020

In Remembrance of Him

There's nothing to really take note of at this current moment in time other than of course the imminent sensation that our Lord Yeshua has not left me but rather it has intensified even more so these past few days. I'm spending more and more time in the sanctuary than I had ever before and I am enjoying it to the fullest ever. I praise Elohim that He has allowed me to stay in Glory Place during the lockdown so with nowhere else to go I go upwards towards the throne of Yeshua in the heavenly places. Such is my right, my privilege, my pleasure. 

As we draw near to the halfway point of the year 2020 I look back and see that it truly has been a very quick paced 4 months already. How fast the time is flying and I believe it will only get faster and faster as the day of His return approaches more and more. I am truly blessed to be able to spend my days in the house of Yahweh serving and worshipping Him. People everywhere are stuck in their homes for the duration of nearly 6 weeks already but I am privileged to use such times to seek Yahweh and to soak in His presence more and more. 

I believe as well that the days are coming when we can no longer enjoy such times like this but that doesn't matter. What matters is what we do with the time in our hands now at this present moment. Because the days will most certainly come that we will desire the Word of Yahweh but will not find it, His presence but He will be in the secret place. Now is the time to get connected to Him and to be of one spirit together with Him so when troubling times arrive we will not be shaken neither perturbed. With that said, I am so glad I'm here in this place able to seek Yahweh indefinitely. Such liberty has been gifted to me so it is right I use it to the fullest measure possible. Hallelujah, onwards! 

-Monday, 20th April 2020, 4 years 7 months 13 days, 0224

Monday, 13 April 2020

Imminent Arrival

Well, it has most certainly been quite an eventful few days for me. Firstly of course would have been the crushing of my current hand phone. As I exited the van to close the gate to Glory Place when I returned from throwing the rubbish my phone slipped out of my pocket without my noticing. And I rolled over it with the van, hence crushing it. At first I could still see but half of the screen, but as the day drew on the black screen crept onto the rest of my phone. It was a sheer miracle that I was still able to make calls and do some WhatsApp messaging since I could only see but the corner of my phone and that didn't give away much, I had to trust in Yahweh and muscle memory to type and to make calls to the right people. Praise Yahweh that I was able to find another replacement phone at an affordable price, quite practically half of what I had before. 

But that is enough of that, great change is coming and now it is not just the Christians who are sending it. When our Prime Minister announces the extension of our lockdown until the end of April he mentioned that we can never go back to the way we once were ever again despite how much we want to. This virus has changed things and that we can never go back to how we once were. The world has taken notice that now is the time of great change, but the church of Messiah had foreseen this already and had begun to move beforehand. 

Revival is coming, this is but the beginning of the closing of the age and the soon return of our Lord Messiah Yeshua and everyday it becomes even more apparent. I don't know about you dear readers but everyday I am sensing the urgency of the times and that now is the time to lay down our lives for the Kingdom of Yahweh. What we want to do, our desires, dreams, ambitions, and even needs pale in comparison to the imminent coming of our Messiah and King. And everyday I am ever so grateful that I am found in the house of Yahweh serving and worshipping Him day and night. I cannot begin to express just how much now everything is leading up to revival and the soon coming. There is a power outage in Glory Place as I write this, everywhere in Glory Place has gone dark save the sanctuary where miraculously the lights and power are still running. Note that it is not that it is connected to a different generator, it is joined with multiple rooms and the White House adjacent to it and if the White House has no power then neither should the sanctuary at all. And yet, the White House has gone dark but the sanctuary remains shining brightly amidst the darkness. So what are we doing? Almost everyone has gone up to sleep and rest in the sanctuary, myself included and let me tell you that it was such a wonderful and refreshing sleep these past few days. 

Back to the point at hand, Pastor and as I believe many of us share in the sense that something great and marvellous is coming direct from heaven to earth but only those who are watching and waiting will be able to receive it and see it firsthand. I don't know what this is, but it is something unlike anything we have seen before. All these events are really causing me to examine myself. Am I perfect? Hardly. Have I reached far? Far from it. But by the grace of the Lord Yeshua I am who I am today because He made me so and I can only believe in Him that He will me through to the very end. Of this hope I cleave unto like an anchor for my very soul, that He Who had begun the good work in me shall perfect and complete it unto the coming of our Lord Yeshua Messiah. 

Honestly, we are near the end of all things. It's at the doors now and we must be all the more connected to Elohim in these times more than anything else. May Yahweh be with us all. 

-Monday, 13th April 2020, 4 years 7 months 6 days, 2225

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Nearing The End

The restriction order for our nation has been extended. Did I mention that? If I did I reckon that I had best mention it again because now as we are seeing what the world is coming to I truly am so glad to be in the house of Yahweh and in His presence in these last days. So many things have begun to accelerate to the end of the age and more so there is an urgency of the times. We are nearing the crux of the final hour and it will be soon time for every Word of Elohim to be fulfilled. 

What an exciting time to be alive now, what a privilege it is to be among the last few generations that will see the coming of our Lord Yeshua once again. And yet inasmuch as there is great excitement there is also a great turnabout happening now. Many lives and many persons are changing, those who truly can press into the things of the Spirit are spearheading the charge and those who are still out and about are still doing their own things. This is a time where we need to truly make right with the Lord Yeshua and to cleave to His Word because now there is so much propounded and conspiracies and fake news going about around the world that one cannot tell one from another unless one really delves into the different stories thoroughly. But there is no time left, for myself personally I have so much time and yet at the same time not enough time left. The coming of our Lord Yeshua is imminent and I can feel the urgency to not only soak myself more into His presence but to allow Him to make the changes in my life that He wills to do so. 

Truly I cannot begin to express just how near the end we are and how important it is to finish the work of Yahweh and to come to such an intimate, personal relationship with Him and His Son and His Spirit. Especially now that many of us are experiencing the lock down not just around here but everywhere around the world, we have ample time to give and spend with the Lord and we have no more excuses to say that we have no more time or are too busy. All things have come to a stop expect the work of Elohim, He is still active and alive even now and He is among His people. 

The time draws near when the final curtain call will be made and I am taking this time now to fully soak myself in His presence and Word because I know well enough that soon everything will be turned to fulfil Biblical prophecy and that only the Lord Yeshua can sustain us through these times. The end draws nigh and we are privileged to see the sun come down and the Son arise with healing in His wings. He will return very, very soon... 

-Saturday, 4th April 2020, 4 years 6 months 28 days, 1834