Sunday 25 February 2018

All Authority is Given

And with that, we have officially closed the 42nd National Prayer and Intercessor's Advance entitled, "The Power of the Kingdom". And what a ride it has been. Honestly, the 10 days passed by so quickly that one begins to suspect whether or not it really was ten days or just half of it. But what I want to share is of course what I've been through during this advance.

And this advance was in almost every single way, from its beginning to the end so much like the Holy Land's convocation. Everything in its beginning was of a controlled chaos where everyone who had accommodations in the new dorms and apartments where left with no place momentarily to rest their heads because the buildings in itself were incomplete. And thus, a need to sacrifice was in order and I was all the more willing though not at first but through the careful consideration of my peers and looking at the state of the incomplete new buildings, I found that there was a treasure to gain when taking the loss of my room. In the end, the young boys and I received by far the most luxurious room of them all. Just the seven of us in a large two storey dormitory, and since the original purpose of the large dorm was to accommodate a large amount of people, it was designed for mass usage. So, we needn't fight over the order to shower because we each were able to have our own individual showers with hot and cold waters flowing forth. Talk about being the blessed of Yahweh Most High.

Throughout this entire advance, everyday without fail there came not just a high but a humbling to go along with it as well. Everyday I received in some way through events or people a humbling of myself and more so I am reminded time and time again that I have yet to receive even better things from Elohim through Messiah by the Spirit. There needs to be a humbling so that when we see the true nature of ourselves, the excellence of Messiah is all the more exalted and the perfection of the finished work of the cross is all the more made real in me. When I see my faults, I see that I stand not because I'm good or perfect but that because He is good to me and He makes all things perfection.

This was a real advance to me, in the sense that everything felt so real, so alive in the Spirit to me. I saw the Lord seated on the throne high and lifted up, and the train of His robe fills the temple. Having been given the duties of worshipping every night, it was a true pleasure to do so. Because I found that there was truly a refreshing presence of Yahweh for me every time I would worship wholeheartedly. I would get sleepy headed, then I would be refreshed for the rest of the night. I was also given the duties to oversee the rubbish collection as per usual. I really enjoy those times because it is then that I learn not just about myself more but also other people as well. You'd be surprise just how many people become loose in their guards when they throw the rubbish and leftovers and I'm there to see it. More so, I see it as yet another humbling on my part. No one wants to do such a job like this but I can enjoy it so much during those times. I remember there was a time a Chinese sister threw something important accidentally into the rubbish bags and so the boys and I had to sift through the bags with our hands to find her belonging. It was pretty disgusting but I had such a joy from doing it. I thoroughly enjoyed myself through and through it all.
All in all, what I received most during this prayer advance was that I have the power given to me by Yeshua over all things and situations. Little things said in Yeshua's name will come to pass, whatever spoken or thought in faith in Elohim becomes a reality and every action made is one directed by the Spirit of Yahweh. It was truly an awesome prayer advance and though it has ended, surely the ones to come Elohim willing; the next ones will be even more splendrous in glory. Praise Yahweh for all things because He only does good things.

-Monday, 26th February 2018, 2 years 5 months 19 days, 0208

Monday 19 February 2018

Peace; Delivered and Rescued

We're about halfway through the prayer advance, "The Power of the Kingdom" and this is definitely in every way like the Holy Land just in the way that I've experienced it. If you've known my story and what transpired there then you more or less know where I'm going with this writing.

This advance has been one full of confrontation for me. Whether physically, emotionally, and of course spiritually as well. In fact, there has not passed one single day where I've yet to not have a confrontation in some sort of way or form. But praise Yahweh He has delivered me through it all. Not from it, there was still a need for me to go through with them because one way or another I am bound to offend some party or people. So, whatsoever the choice I make I'm bound for the refining fire. And through it all I realised that the Holy Spirit requires of yet one more thing from me: my voice. Whether by voice of opinion or the voice to sing, He has required it from me and so I have given it to Him.

And what liberation I have now that I've released my voice for His use and purpose. And even in that I realised that I've come some ways but still there is much more to grow into. I've long since stopped questioning why and how with Yeshua because He does things His way and I'm expected to follow in it. Even so with this. I'm set free in the sense yet another burden I never realised I had has been lifted off from me and I'm much lighter now than I was. I was actually quite bogged down by something but now, it's been driven from me. Praise Yeshua for that.

There is a new season here for me, and it calls for quietness and confidence. Perhaps more so, that now it's time to find my voice in the Spirit once again.

[Isa 30:15] For thus saith the Lord YAHWEH, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not.

-Monday, 19th February 2018, 2 years 5 months 12 days

Actually, I've received my breakthrough yet again. And this time it's about the voice. When I surrendered my voice to Elohim, it was as though a large chunk of me was taken out in the process. I felt quite drained after that and had no real appetite for the Word nor the presence of Yahweh during that short period of time. Praise Yahweh that He didn't leave me alone. Pastor Jean sensed the powerful visitation of the Holy Spirit and prayed for the nations, Malaysia included. So when it was the staff and helpers turn, I went up and when she prayed for me it was just as usual. However, as I was lying down I was being ministered to by the Holy Spirit.

He and I had a little conversation and what He told me was that I needn't receive all this oppression from the enemy, it's not from Him. At the moment, I received that epiphany and realised He's right. In that moment, I rejected the oppression and released the power of the Holy Spirit upon me. I lay down with a frown, and I woke up with a smile on my face. The joy and pleasure of Elohim has returned to me and I'm glad. As for the issue with the voice, I've surrendered it to Him and now perhaps there is something greater in store for me to come in the next half of the advance. Praise Yahweh!


Thursday 15 February 2018

All Smiles

You know, my first thought about this particular prayer advance was: "It's just like the Holy Land!" And in many ways it is. The day and night shift is quite spontaneous in the sense that I'm on call for any hour every hour for any duty every duty imaginable. I particularly enjoy the work which must be done during the nightly hours and even as I write this I'm just sitting down here with a cool drink, munching on some biscuits and chips and having such satisfaction not just in seeing how the Holy Spirit has directed me thus far, but the satisfaction that it is a job worth toiling for. For the glory of Yahweh of course I am willing to suffer inconveniences so that our other guests may have the best during their brief stay here and yet, it turns out that I have the best now because of what I was willing to surrender to Elohim. Everyone is everywhere and cramped into every room imaginable and yet I've been given a room completely isolated from the hustle and bustle. A sanctuary within the sanctuary. An inner sanctum if you will. The best of everything comes my way now and this is but the start of the prayer advance.

I am the blessed of Yahweh because of Yeshua. So, why should I not be blessed. This really is like the Holy Land in so many similar ways. And I'm glad that I'm not just an onlooker but am part of it all in this time and season. This might be a very short write up but you cannot begin to fathom the expectancy that I'm having for the days to come. If all this clashing of wills and emotions which yields but the peaceable fruit of righteousness and humility brought for so much in just a span of two days, how much more the fullness of it all in the time to come? I'm expecting awesome things from Elohim by the Spirit and so shall I receive them. I already have in fact...

Praise Yahweh.

-Friday, 16th February 2018, 2 years 5 months 9 days.

Monday 12 February 2018

New Light

We are but mere days away from the prayer advance "The Power of the Kingdom" and everything and everyone is falling into place like well oiled cogs of a machine. The albums are completed, the book is done, the shirts are ready, the sanctuary is in its very zenith of completion and the accommodations are being speedily built like nobody's business. The land is slowly but surely being cleansed day and night of all the rubble and rubbish and it's starting to look clean once more. And yet, there is this premonition that during this advance something is bound to happen. Something good, something otherwise I do not know but what I do know is that this advance will be unlike any that we have experienced before simply because everything is new and fresh this time around.

New and fresh in the sense that the venue is new, even the sanctuary where we will be gathering together from different nations is new and there'll be new songs to worship with and a new book by Pastor Jean as well. Simply put, everything has become new as the Scriptures has promised.

[Isa 43:19] Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

[Rev 21:5] And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

And surely He has done it. I really am excited for this particular prayer advance because I know that something shall break through upon us. Something fresh and exciting but more so something that will bring us ever nearer to the Lord Yeshua Messiah. It's no wonder that He is now by His Spirit weaning us off the old and previous things and bringing in the new which we have never heard of before. This gives me reason to rejoice and to look expectantly at Him in all His glory and to behold and receive new things in the light of His countenance. Praise Yeshua.

And even in this I realise that this year though it has just begun is a different experience than to the year prior. Everything that I've attained to I cannot bring them into this year and I enter fresh and new in a sense. It's a higher level for certain but one that I cannot carry anything past with me. And even as I write this I can sense my mind even being renewed to new things and to new ways. And I am honestly quite amazed at how the Holy Spirit took over in this season and time of His. He's preparing us all for something great, and He's preparing us that when the time comes we will be enlarged to receive the fullness of His blessing and anointing. Praise Yahweh.

-Monday, 12th February 2018, 2 years 5 months 5 days, 2223

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Glad in the Lord

Praise Yahweh. Because He is truly doing a marvellous work and perfecting that which man is not able to. In the leading up to the prayer advance in but a few short days time, every work has sped up at a stunning pace. Be it in the construction, recording, book making, registration, preparing the accommodations etc.; all things are progressing smoothly albeit at such a quick pace. This is surely nothing short but Elohim now taking over because everywhere and every work is being perfected in more ways than one.

You can take the recording of the new album "Worship Before The Throne" in conjunction of the upcoming prayer advance which I had just mentioned, the work though is much and abounding is progressing at such a pace that it is not just quick but the result produced is nothing short of what I perceive as a miracle. Because despite the rush of time and needing to submit all the songs for publishing by Friday, the work is steadily progressing at every turn and every song. Having been at work recording the music and the vocals for the music not to mention the accompaniment of musical add ons and parts of tenor and alto voices, somehow some way by the grace of Messiah Yeshua we are moving not just at the scheduled pace but faster than that.

Truly it is Elohim that works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure and surely we know it is His good pleasure to give us the kingdom and that includes the songs of the kingdom of heaven. I am thoroughly moved at how the songs of this new album are forming themselves because surely at the beginning I had my doubts but now all of them have cleared away. Without a shadow of doubt when this album is released for public hearing, it shall be anointed unlike those before it. Truly throne room worship right here. And am I glad that by the grace of Elohim He has involved me with the making of this one album. It is good to give thanks to Yahweh and to sing praises to Thy name, o Most High.

I've been staying in Semarak due to the recording all this while but during the brief return to Glory Place for clothes I noticed that the work of the sanctuary is coming along at a brisk pace as well along with the new accommodations. All is well, truly well and it is not because of our trying but our believing that Yahweh is able to work all things out for good in the name of Yeshua. As I look back at what we've each done for the past few days, I am amazed because this is nothing but a miracle really. Yeshua has led us by His Holy Spirit and now we are coming to the closing curtain of it all. How fast we've arrived and how far we've come because of Him. Now perhaps it's time to look forward to greater heights and deeper depths as we begin to wrap things up, each of us in the next and few coming days. Praise Yahweh.

-Wednesday, 7th February 2018, 2 years 5 months, 0112

Friday 2 February 2018

Toothless Death

This fast has been quite the experience. I think I've been saying that for quite some fasts now but yet it is all the more true. Anyways during this fast, two of our brethren have gone home to be with the Lord Yeshua in glory. One an infant and another a beloved aunty. However, it is not saddening in the least for me because I know where they go and that now they have entered the eternal rest promised to them through our Lord Yeshua Messiah.

I won't be writing much this time around because I'm still pondering and wondering as to what exactly the Holy Spirit has in store for us in the coming days and season to come. Surely in this season I perceive that the spirit of death is beginning to roam about and intrude itself into our ministry. And yet, praise Yahweh that in the name of Yeshua we have power even over death itself. Death cannot cling to us and hold us down, it shall heel to us and not we to it. And so, the next few days and weeks shall be interesting especially since this is but a few days more before the upcoming prayer advance which shall be unlike anything before it since. Such a great breakthrough I can already sense is on the horizon and perhaps this is but the warfare that comes with it. Come what may, we as sons of Elohim always shall push and breakthrough it all. "Not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit" says Yahweh of hosts. Amen.

Also, I wonder if this works...

-Saturday, 3rd February 2018, 2 year 4 months 27 days, 0210