Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Less is Definitely More

It's been a while, but this week has been quite plentiful. With so many people leaving to minister to the nations right now Glory Place Mantin is home to the faithful ones. I jest, but there's only a handful of people now in Glory Place and when it comes to work on the farm I can count all of them on my hand. The work is sparse, varying, and many but praise Yahweh that day after day somehow He takes over and the work I see is not just being done but done in such a way that I consider it a miracle. The work though much is being accomplished and the people though few are accomplishing it surely by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Well, I say that but perhaps I only see that for myself and those working with me.

Having been put in charge of the farm work I'm beginning to understand just how vast and plentiful the work is, thankfully I understand more that my Elohim Whom I serve is much more vast and plentiful in His supplying of all our needs. To me, and this is to me personally; I see the work is actually being done much more with less people considering. That in itself is a miracle. Throughout this week I've been pondering and thinking about how to manage the work efficiently and I realise that the first and foremost of course is to give the work and tasks at hand first to the Holy Spirit. Then I begin to see that it is through Him that we do valiantly. Now that I'm on call day and night (well, I'm always on call day and night but in this time more so) I realise all the more that it is my joining to the Lord that sustains me. Not in the hours of sleeping or in the hours even of seeking Yahweh but in the knowing that I am joined to Messiah Yeshua at all times and some way somehow He shall provide indefinitely for both me and those with me. I have borne witness to that many times already.

The day is continuing and as yet my duties are not yet done. There is much to do and much learn and bear witness to but there is no point in doing it if we don't enjoy what we do. I remember speaking with my sister about spiritual maturity and her definition of it is to know not just the right hand of Yahweh but also the left. To know that He gives and takes away, which is true to a tee. But I've realised now that it goes beyond that. Not only are we to know and understand that He gives and takes away but that we too should rejoice and be exceedingly glad when He does so. When He gives us our heart's desire, we rejoice but when He doesn't we rejoice all the more. And now I find that unless I begin to enjoy not just the rewards but the trials proceeding, then I will never attain to what I desire to hope in and for. The very fact that I am continuing on is simply because of the Lord Yeshua Messiah, and I enjoy and do joy in the things He has put onto my path. Things both pleasant or otherwise, I am greatly pleased with them because with every step I shall know Him all the more. Praise the name of Yahweh.

-Wednesday, 27th June 2018, 2 years 9 months 20 days, 2259

Thursday, 21 June 2018


Hmm, today has really been a day of ponderings and thoughts going all the places and things. Well, one thing is certain is that when one looks to man and puts his expectations on a mere mortal we are all surely bound to disappoint and disqualify one another. Having gone through today, today is nothing short of hearing the voices of the populace here at Glory Place Mantin. And from those I've been hearing is that everyone has something or someone they are holding against? Why? Is it not because they put their expectations on something and someone and said expectations are met with a crumbling end? Isn't that what the Bible tells us that we ought not to do.

Sometimes I wonder if we really know what we are reading or understanding in the Bible. We say that we would not repeat the same mistakes of the Israelites as they were in the wilderness but yet I find prevalent those very same errors happening everywhere with everyone. This really boggles me because we all know the outcome of what happened with the people of Israel in the wilderness as foretold by the Scriptures but are we not repeating their same errors which led to many of them not receiving their Promised Land? Honestly, to whom is the reader putting their expectations on even right now?
We sometimes expect change and if change does not occur then we consider that there is stagnancy. Which is true albeit this is not what the Bible tells us to focus our attention upon. Sometimes the way is not fair, neither is it considerate or heart warming, nor is it flocked with many like minded ones; but one thing is certain to me: it simply means that the road I tread upon is the same road that Messiah treaded.

[Heb 13:12-13] Wherefore Yeshua also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered without the gate.
Let us go forth therefore unto Him without the camp, bearing His reproach. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.

Sometimes I wonder, do people intend to live here forever? And even if not, then why the emphasis on change and modifications to cater to needs that though others may enjoy I myself have come to learn, live, and love even the simplicity that Elohim has given me? I understand that what many do they deem to do it for the betterment of a place or even of the people staying there but what if they didn't want that? What if by their own means to an end they can come to a better solution than what others may say. After all even a king such as king Ahab understood that:

[1Ki 20:11b] Let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off.

It's different for those high up or far off to know of those who everyday wedge through their daily life. And I find that it is those same people that find it so hard to relate to those with them because they have never been with them. Everyone has their misgivings, mine is not excluded. However I've learnt that pouring out myself to my peers and those senior to me have no use. No, not even my family lest I myself further sin by adding fuel to fire, but I have learnt that the greatest answer comes from above. All I need and have comes from Him and is it not appropriate that my complaints and their answers thereof should come from Yeshua as well? Many times we confide with one another our cares and burdens but it does little to alleviate our own. Why not choose Yeshua? I have been here at Glory Place Mantin all this time and speaking from personal experience, it is because He has answered me every single time that I am still alive and very well here in this place.

This is not a surprise to me, where there is manifestation of the sons of Elohim there too must be manifestations of the sons of the devil. For what gives birth to both is either with the obeying of the truth heard or no. The criteria is that both have heard the truth but one chooses to obey and submit and the other does not.

[1Jn 3:10] In this the children of Elohim are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of Elohim, neither he that loveth not his brother.

Is this a complaint, is this a speaking of one's honest thoughts? I know not but what I do know that with everything that is taking place here now it is useless to put your trust in man. It is also useless to presume that the house of Elohim can be taken care of by human means. It is His house, He shall call forth His caretakers and in and through us, Elohim willing; things are made not our perspective of good or right, but His perspective of good and life.

[Eze 44:19] And when they go forth into the utter court, even into the utter court to the people, they shall put off their garments wherein they ministered, and lay them in the holy chambers, and they shall put on other garments; and they shall not sanctify the people with their garments.

The seasons and times are changing again and I find that now, only those who truly know Elohim will continue forward. May Elohim be merciful and gracious to us all because I sure know that if not for Him already, many of us would have been consumed in our own hurts and misgivings.

-Thursday, 21 June 2018, 2 years 9 months 14 days, 1839

Wednesday, 20 June 2018


It has been a very long time since I had last blogged. More than ten days even but that is of course due to the Young People's Camp which has just finished a few days ago and now we are ever moving on. Back to the routine of things but yet I must remind it's not a grind nor is it monotonous but I always find the work however same it may be day in and day out will always be different because of the Holy Spirit Who is leading and guiding me through every work at hand each day. Anyways I don't think I will write particularly long, Elohim willing for this post but instead just paste my thoughts here...

Many things are happening in my life particularly. I will not specify but I find that everything spoken over me either by situations, friends, family, or even pastor mayhaps is coming to pass. Surely this is nought but the power of the words spoken by the sons of Elohim over one another. Many great and wonderful things are taken place for me in the near and distant future but I find that such things are not my concern per se. Hold on, it feels as though I've written about this kind of thing multiple times before and perhaps even told the reader to go back and look at them to know more. Hmmm...
Anyways, everything that has been revealed to me has not caught me off handed but rather I expected them because I knew from Whom I have heard first and foremost about all this from. You'd be surprised as to just how much the Holy Spirit is revealing to me about situations, peoples and things even through situations, peoples and things. This has become quite a regular thing for me now because I found out the secret. All it takes is to know in Whom we trust. Sure, we can all say that we know Who we trust in but just how much do we know about Him? It's completely a different thing when one knows about someone and to know intimately the same. To know not from mind to mind but from heart to heart. But for us it is beyond even that, it is spirit to Spirit and can only be spirit to Spirit and no other way.

There's so much more to speak of but I desire to first gather my thoughts concerning this before I share of it. After all, it is once again my turn to share for this week...

-Thursday, 21st June 2018, 2 years 9 months 14 days, 0244

Saturday, 9 June 2018

Thoughts and Ponderings

This particular fast has been rather contemplative for me more than anything else. And what's been on my mind for the most part is that I am finding that every promise and every word spoken to me or even written in the Scriptures are surely coming to pass. From the least to the greatest I am finding every promise and word Yahweh holds them true and dear to Him and surely even now to me. Thus, even more depth has been added to the Bible which I read in the sense that now I find that the memorizing of the Word of Elohim is becoming more and more tricky to me. I find substance in every word and verse written now so much so that the meditation of it just fills my mind to the point where I too am misquoting verses here and there.

Is this a good thing or no? Whatever answer the reader surmises, in the end it is Elohim's work being done in me and now for this particular time and season He is teaching me by His Spirit to begin to tap into and experience the Bible for all its worth first hand. Not merely a sharing of mind to mind but now where I fully understand what it means to be joined to the Lord by one spirit. I found myself days upon days ruminating on just one phrase the Lord had spoken to me through His Word and through that I find that everything slows down.

Everything around me has slowed to a tempo that it's no longer about hustling nor bustling about, even though I still do every so often; but it becomes that every time I can just ponder on the Word, what it means, and how does it apply to me. When doing so, time slows down for me. Things thought once important loses its glimmer in the light of the Word made rhema to me. I really just want to take Yahweh for that because now even though everything is still moving at such a brisk pace, personally it feels as though time around me slows to a bubbly, gentle pace. Like a river filled with peace, I too find myself just caught in the ruminating of the words revealed to me by the Lord Yeshua. And in doing so, I find that the Bible becomes real. Even more real than I could have imagined.

I'm not sure the reader follows, it matters not. These are merely parts of my meditation and what's been on my mind recently after all. Compiled to form one post for yet another day. I find that the Bible is more real than we could have ever imagined. Not only is it so applicable but the way to apply it defies every and all common senses of this world. To know the complexity of the Word is to know the simplicity found in the Messiah. There's so much to do and be done but it's not in my power nor mind to do so. To do all we have to leave all in the hands of the Holy Spirit. Doing nothing yields the greatest fruit of accomplishing everything. What I mean is that by not relying in our own knowledge and experiences, but instead solely upon the power of the Holy Spirit we will see greater works and fuller satisfaction than what we perceive we ourselves able to do.

In this time and season I understand what Elohim is indeed working in and through me for. And so I await the fullness and the manifestation of it in due time. What He intends for me in this season is simply to be witness to what He wants to do in and through me. I remember what my father once told me, that in this time and season I ought not to burden myself with needless matters beyond me. I need to just continue forward with Elohim though none may follow and in due time He shall make me strong. And this strengthening is what I see happening now. Praise Yahweh for that.

Perhaps I can end with saying that though I may not speak of my experiences, many have attributed that to me as having none. But mayhaps time will give evidence to that. I've noticed that people tend to acquit someone of not expreicing Yahweh due to the fact they do not share. But I find that is a lie and a deception, nothing short of accusation. Because during my current staying in with the boys I've noticed Elohim doing a mighty work in them though others and even they themselves do not see it. I have a great hope that the boys shall be used mightily by Yahweh even to confound we who think we know better. And this hope I place in Yeshua, who better?

-Sunday, 10th June 2018, 2 years 9 months 3 days, 0148

Monday, 4 June 2018

His Day and Himself

Today is a special day but I've come to realise it's not about me, it's about Yeshua. How that this is the day He formed me and called me from my mother's womb to be His own even before I myself realized it. So ultimately, this is the day which I would want for Yahweh to take completely for Himself. I would rather spend my birthday quietly in the presence of Elohim and close friends and family than for a big bash of it with everyone. In the end, when I first came into this ministry He had already made known to me exceptionally clear that today isn't my own day to do my own things but it is for Him.

[Rom 11:36] For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.

Amen. And I've realised that today of all days Yahweh will be especislly sovereign over me. For the previous times I've tried to have my fun and in one way or another every time it has been confounded especially today. Truly, Elohim is good in that He has not left me to my own devices but instead especially on today every year He directs me back to Himself in Messiah and for that I am joyful and glad. Though this might be a day for celebration, true but not for me yet for Him Who birthed me and brought me forth. Let's celebrate Him instead of myself because for His purpose and will I am still here and everyday especially on my birthday I am reminded of that: I am only here for 22 years because He wills it and He has His purpose and plan to fulfil in and through me by His Spirit.

It has always been my desire that on today few people would know about it but it would seem contradictory that I would now be writing like this so as to notify others about today, but I have known that today was truly the day of the Lord. The day belonging to the Lord in that I was left not to my own whims but simply to spend my day just ruminating and quietly meditating in Him, waiting upon Him. Having a quiet meal is so satisfying really, I'd rather not have such a large, spectacular bash like others.

I've realised also that people including Christians make a wish on today but I realise I need not to wish. For to wish as I know is to feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that cannot or probably will not happen. I need not wish, I simply ask in the name of Yeshua Messiah in His will and it shall be done.

[1Jn 5:14-15] And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He heareth us: And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.

I really enjoy this verse much more than others may realise for what purpose they seem to. We have the confidence that whatsoever we ask according to His will He will give us. But I realised just recently that the things He desires to give us are beyond material but immaterial blessings, heavenly gifts beyond earthly means.

[Luk 12:15] And He said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.

[Eph 1:3] Blessed be the Elohim and Father of our Lord Yeshua Messiah, Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Messiah:

But you see, when we ask in His will we too have the confidence that He hears but what He desires to give us is of Himself. As it said in the 15th verse that we have the things desired of Him. Meaning that beyond material blessings, it is always and in His will that we ask of Him, for Him so that we may know Him more.

I remember a story I heard of a preacher in India who went to heaven and spoke with Yahweh. He asked the preacher what does he want and he asked for His blessings and all that. Yahweh asked him again if he wants that or Him. In the end, the preacher realised that beyond the gift of life it is the absolute best to have the Life-Giver with him instead and so thus he answered Elohim. Needless to say Elohim was well pleased with that answer.

In this day, I want Him. The fullness of Him in the name of Yeshua. That I may know Him beyond my peers and beyond my own understanding of Him. That I may be filled not with gifts but with the Giver of gifts. That I may be filled overflowing not just with life but with the Life Himself.

[Joh 14:6] Yeshua saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.

In Yeshua's name. Amen, and thus I shall receive because I know it is His will to give me of Himself.

[1Jn 5:15] And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.

-Monday, 4th June 2018, 2 years 8 months 28 days, 2234

And yet, Yahweh of course had different plans yet again. Praise Him. I've been humbled.
