Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Harp and Bowl; Testimony

The Harp and Bowl seminar has just recently concluded and it was once again a major milestone and success because the Holy Spirit took over from the get go. The seminar lasted from the 22nd to the 27th of June 2017 and included the attendance of many nations, including that of Spain. Once more, all the families of Messiah gathered together to just immerse ourselves in the presence of Yahweh and allow Him to completely take over which He did.

During the opening night, 36 harpists led the worship together and the presence of Elohim was clearly felt amongst the people. The highlight of this seminar was once again the Harp School which was held on the 23rd to the 26th of June in conjunction with the ongoing seminar. A total of 36 students were taught not only how to play the harp but more importantly, how to minister to Yahweh on it and its significance as Elohim's chosen instrument of heaven. They were taught the technical side of playing the harp as well as learning more about it's Biblical origins from verses in Genesis up to Revelation. As the Harp School was commencing, at the same time the Bowl session would continue on. The bowl signifies prayer and intercession and they mingle together with praise and worship to become a pure offering unto Elohim. Inasmuch as the students of the Harp School were learning the harp, the participants of the seminar who did not register for it took part in the Bowl session in continuous worship, prayer, intercession and waiting upon Yahweh.

On the closing night, the enemy thinking to hinder the worship caused a malfunction in the electricity as the 34 harpists were once again leading worship together. However at the very moment the lights and electricity went off, our spirit man rose up. Praise and worship doubled up in intensity and strength as we continued to worship until the lights came back on later during the night. What the enemy sought to do Yeshua has utterly confounded them and turned it around to our advantage and benefit. On Tuesday, 27th June 2017 the 36 students of the Harp School led worship together with the others in 2 songs: Deuteronomy 7v6; Leviticus 20v26 and Psalm 66v1-4 in both English and Chinese. Despite the vast majority of them coming from backgrounds where they have never touched an instrument before, they were so easily able to worship on the harp in just a few short days. Truly by the grace imparted upon their teachers by the Holy Spirit and the anointing upon them that breaks every form of yoke and bondage. And once more to close each and every seminar Pastor Jean anointed the people.

Overall this seminar was one that was truly led of the Spirit of Elohim. There may have been a few bumps here and there, however because Yeshua took over and His life and Word were beginning to manifest Himself amongst our people that we were able to swiftly work out and overcome every and all hindrances and speed bumps during the seminar.

As for a personal testimony here it is:

During the course of this seminar, I had a thorough experience of inner cleansing. The cleansing I speak of has nothing to do with coughing or sneezing or any such thing, this is an inner working of the Spirit of Elohim within me I believe. This all began just a day before the seminar officially began. I was offended at something Megan commented about me and that just about ruined my whole day. But my deliverance came during the worship at the weekly Wednesday Prayer Meeting in Semarak where Yeshua spoke to me in a particular verse I was reading in Ezekiel that really set me up for the whole seminar itself.

[Eze 2:8] But thou, son of man, hear what I say unto thee; Be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house: open thy mouth, and eat that I give thee.

That was definitely not something I wanted nor expected to receive but what can I do?! I have to eat what is given unto me and make sure I enjoy it good. With that mindset in mind, I realised at least for me that this seminar will most likely be a time of dealing with my nature and character as the Day of Yeshua's return draws ever nearer. And that was what was occurring behind the scenes where only a few people who really looked saw what was going on. Everyday I experienced mood swings like nobody's business, I could wake up feeling so joyous and the next moment when a slight change in plan comes then I swing from one extreme to another. Everyday was a day to overcome and praise Yahweh He caused me to ride over it.

I realise that this seminar taught me the value of correction, which I do know a certain foundation of. It's something I need though not necessarily something I would always want. During this seminar I was taught that an inheritance as a son of Elohim also comes with tutoring, with correction. I could go so far as to say correction is an inheritance that only a son of the Prince receives.

[Eze 46:16-17] Thus saith the Sovereign יהוה; If the prince give a gift unto any of his sons, the inheritance thereof shall be his sons'; it shall be their possession by inheritance. But if he give a gift of his inheritance to one of his servants, then it shall be his to the year of liberty; after it shall return to the prince: but his inheritance shall be his sons' for them.

Things are changing all the more now that we draw to a close to the end of the age and it becomes even more exciting. I truly wonder what Yahweh has in store for His people next. Praise Yahweh.

-Wednesday, 28th June 2017, 1 year 9 months 21 days, 2358

Sunday, 18 June 2017

First Half

So, the first half of the Harp and Bowl is over and the official second half is about to begin in a few days time. This first half has by far been enjoyable as well as thought provoking for me personally. Through this seminar I had the opportunity to really delve into my own mindset and see where my convictions and standings lie. What I've found is quite ponderous and really causes deep soul searching in me. Characteristics I had never seen before in myself and others came to light in this seminar and really, this seminar has been nothing except deep pondering for me throughout.

This Harp and Bowl as I have mentioned before have been quite relaxed for me considering the amount of work I had to do was miniscule compared to the usual amount I receive during a seminar. All of it was volunteer work really and I had the privilege to man the sound room, by far the best duty out of them all besides worshipping. But at the same time it requires much from me, but it is much that I am willing to give to the glory of Elohim. Although the work I have done may not amount to much recognition or even having a lasting impression on others, it's for Yahweh and that's all that matters. We sound crew go behind the scenes to ensure that everything runs at a decent pace. And many times we receive the ire of others when things fallout of place. Nonetheless, it is a work we enjoy doing. Because unless we enjoy what we do, then it becomes light and easy instead of such a burden. We love our Lord Yeshua, that's why we continue despite setbacks and whatnot. We see Him and that's all we want in our lives. Him.

On a more deeper tone, this seminar really stirred me to take a deeper look at myself. And when I compare my walk thus far with Elohim, with His Word I find that inasmuch as I've attained to plenty there are still aplenty left lacking in the same regard. What I've received is but a small tinge in the grand scheme of things. I find myself wanting much more done in my life, my character, my personality, my everyday living. And I find that I can do nothing to change myself. I've tried and tried plenty but I find the more I've tried, the less is done about it. A long time ago, I've received the word that the change I seek does not come from me, it comes from Yeshua Who lives in me. He will do the work so long as I go to where He is. Meaning His presence is the in working of His Spirit in me to the outworking.

The road ahead is still just beginning for me. What I know now is miniscule in comparison to what shall be revealed and made known to me in the near future. Until then, I had best learn to walk the walk. But then again, the good part given unto me can only be kept through the Holy Spirit living in me.

-Monday, 19th June 2017, 1 year 9 months 12 days, 1133

Friday, 16 June 2017

Mixed Feelings

We are halfway through the first half of the Harp and Bowl II and it has brought many things to light. Is this what it means to be led by the Spirit? If so, we should do thusly more often. I find that this particular seminar in replacement is quite free and easy despite having many things to do and sleeping at irregular hours, I'm thoroughly enjoying myself in this Harp and Bowl. And I mean I'm really enjoying myself, though I may find few hours of sleep I can find such a liberty in His presence that enables me to focus as the Word is being shared. And even then I find that there is such a prominent peace of Yahweh that is filling the sanctuary and the people as the days go by. Apparently, Elohim really wants us to be still in this time and season to truly know Him and to know that He is above all, even all predicaments.

Just before the Harp and Bowl began with the others arriving from elsewhere, we gathered as usual before the night session to just soak once more in the presence of Yahweh and during that time Pastor Jean revealed to us as to why everything was shifted here. Simply because a long time ago, we had enthroned Yeshua in this place and since then He has not forgotten it. In the exact same moment she said that to us, Megan and myself stumbled over a particular verse in the Bible at the same time to truly confirm her words.

[Jer 17:12] A glorious high throne from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary,

What's amazing is that this exactly describes our situation right now, what's even more so is that Megan was sitting at the opposite side of the room to me and we both found this verse around the same time with the guidance of the Holy Spirit as I do believe. This is yet another confirmation for me that this path thus far is the right one and now it is time for the plans of Elohim to come to effect whereas the plans of man, having tried have failed to deliver.

Fast forward to now and plenty of things have happened. Yahweh really want His people to know the truth but more so to know Him and that in being still in His presence. As this new group roll in, particularly those from Singapore, Philippines, and China I see a work that Elohim is working through them to bring back revival to their nation; not man's way but Elohim's. A far more efficient and better path to take. However, just today I noticed something that took me by surprise.

I did not expect to experience what I had experience last year to be found here once again, it left a deep imprint within me so how could I not remember it? What I saw in the All Nations' Convocation last year, the flair, the excitement, and just the sheer heavy atmosphere of it was brought here apparently. And if you know what I've written that's not something to be glad over about. When the Singaporeans presented their own harpists as well, everything balled out of control. Literally out of control, it quite felt that I was back there and I just had to find somewhere quiet to just reassess what I just saw. As the harpists were playing, the people got overly excited and just did as they felt, some shouted in intercession, some did a banner march around the sanctuary, some began to join the dancers. Basically, I found it really uncomfortable.

I am reminded of a verse.

[Rom 10:2] For I bear them record that they have a zeal of יהוה, but not according to knowledge.

Perhaps that is why they are here, not to do so much but instead to learn stillness. To learn the beauty of silence because I still remember something that I had read a long while ago which left a memory in me. In heaven, there's only worship and silence, one or the other. Many of us know how to worship but many in the same boat don't understand the meaning of keeping silent in His presence. Perhaps I'm being quite bias because I'm surrounded by people who just cannot keep still as I write this but I believe that inasmuch as one desires to worship, one must also learn the art of quietness.

[Jer 14:10] Thus saith יהוה unto this people, Thus have they loved to wander, they have not refrained their feet, therefore יהוה doth not accept them; He will now remember their iniquity, and visit their sins.

We want to do many things, even good hearted things to exalt the name of Yeshua but even in worship it must be of the Holy Spirit. I'll leave it here like this for now but I'm still observing what will become of us, of all of us in the next few days. Will we grasp exactly what Yahweh wants to work in this time when He has brought the counsel of men to nothing? Or will just be another Touch and Go for us? Elohim be merciful to us, and keep us.

-Saturday, 17th June 2017, 1 year 9 months 10 days, 0155

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Harp and Bowl II

In just a few more days time, the people of Yahweh will once again be gathered together to witness the fulfillment of the will of Elohim amongst the nations. The Harp and Bowl; Worship, Prayer, and Intercession is about to commence and there is a palpable excitement in the air, mainly because of the events leading up to this Harp and Bowl. Due to issues with the authorities the All Malaysian Golden Gate Revival Convocation has been cancelled and from the offset it looks like the work of the enemy is triumphing over the people of Messiah. However, had only they known that even satan fulfills the will of Elohim then they would have treaded lightly with us.

I believe that this is no longer man's planning and agenda, it all failed. Now, it's all Elohim's. His Holy Spirit has once again fully taken the reins and now He is leading us to have yet another Harp and Bowl so that people will know the sound and the heavenly song. And with the 50 harpists of Glory Place South East Asia gathered together, all 50 representing more than 10 different nations as well; we shall see the kingdom of Elohim powerfully manifested in our nations in this time. Pastor Jean was led to declare in preparation for the Harp and Bowl 72 hours of non stop praise and worship, prayer and intercession for the 50 harpists besides the usual prayer watches and Bible declarations that are also on 24 hours a day. This feels exactly like how a seminar would be, give or take with a few added bonuses and benefits on the side. It's altogether a much more relaxed Harp and Bowl than the previous one that's for sure.

It really is exciting to be led by the Spirit simply because you never know how He will throw a curve ball into our plans. We may plan many a thing, but every decision lies with Yahweh first and foremost. And more often times He will do as He pleases and when He does that at least I find that it doesn't coincide at all with what pleases me. The Holy Spirit works in such a way that He will give us firstly what we need more than what we desire. The latter will come when we are first prepared for it and to do that it takes many yieldings and reproves by Him. But Elohim does so because He wants us to be perfect in image and likeness with Yeshua so that when He comes, we will be as He is.

And so I believe that just like the previous Harp and Bowl seminar, this one will of course have many ramifications not only in the physical but also the spiritual side of things. The previous Harp and Bowl saw many confrontations and testings and once again I find that this Harp and Bowl is no different in that regard. With every great breakthrough there must be a great strongman to break through first. No breakthrough comes through times of peace, it comes hard earned and well fought.

This is going to be interesting. But more than that this is yet another opportunity to rise to the occasion and to progress ever further with our walk with Yahweh.

-Tuesday, 13th June 2017, 1 year 9 months 5 days, 2323

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Setting the Lord Chiefly

Things have begun to move once again. With the family of Messiah gathering once more, it is a time of expected revival and breaking through into the Heavenlies. I myself am quite excited for the coming days because I can truly see that now the Spirit of Elohim is beginning to take over His people and we in turn are beginning to learn to flow together instead of doing as we please. An expected greater breakthrough is imminent as it is and once again it is good to see nations and family from all over the world gather together to honour the name of Yeshua.

I believe that now Yahweh is hastening His work and every work not belonging to Him is being exposed and disposed off. In fact, the time is already upon us that He makes a separation between those who really know and stand for Him and those who simply know about Him. I find it quite marvellous to see that the Holy Spirit is taking over every work especially pertaining to my personal life and that now I can just enjoy the rest and liberty found in Him. Because a long time ago, I had realised that it doesn't amount to anything if it comes from my own resources and power. Instead things flow smoothly as they ought simply because the Holy Spirit took over entirely in the matter.

Even in matters where we've had years and years of experience I find that there still must be a consulting with our Teacher because even if we have done things before it doesn't mean that things will always go our way. All the ways of the natural is subject first to the spiritual because the things were we now see and feel were not made of things visible unto us.

[Heb 11:3] Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of Elohim, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Worship is beginning soon so I may have to write later. Anyways, there must be a continual need to always set Elohim ever before us because when we do so, then we are immovable and unstoppable. We find rest and much more when we first of all set Yeshua first. He is our Beginning and our End after all.

[Psa 16:8-9] I have set יהוה always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.

[Isa 41:4] Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I יהוה, the first, and with the last; I am He.

-Sunday, 11th June 2017, 1 year 9 months 4 days, 0958

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Passing By

It's just how I wanted it and yet at the same time beyond my expectations. My birthday has passed by already and I am glad to see that it was a quiet, inconspicuous one. I'd rather just spend some time alone with my thoughts for the day than to really ham it out like some people do. To me a good day is one where there is a sense of serenity and tranquillity about. And I find that this year was one such day where I can just enjoy being with my loved ones somewhere else without the spotlight on me.

Then again, my birthday was also a day of sacrifice in the sense that though I had thought to relax a bit, responsibilities requiring me were advent on that day particularly. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy doing it, I've told before that truly in Yahweh we don't have such things as day offs or even leave days. Everyday is already a day of rest and enjoyment in Him if we truly see that so much so that things such as rest days are quite unnecessary save for the fact to sometimes catch up on sleep. There's no such thing as a day of rest when serving Yahweh but on the other side of the coin we have already entered into Yeshua's true rest so that we needn't have to go about using our own strength.

What a paradox really. We needn't rest because we are already at rest and in His rest. We rest aplenty because we haven't entered into His rest and know no true peace in spirit, soul, and body. But that is starting from the topic I want to speak about today.

Looking back I found my journey thus far in Yahweh to be quite the exciting one. True, that He has led me through thick and thin but the main matter is that He has led me through it all. What seemed like such a mountain during the time of the trial now seems like such an insignificant speed bump on the road. And truly I find that His Word is coming to pass for me, especially for me. And for that I truly an humbled by the fact that despite all that I've done, I've said, and gone through He, by His grace and mercy continues to lead me on. I truly serve an awesome Elohim.

Many people wonder whether or not this is the calling. That what I'm doing now is all there is and because of that many become discontent with their circumstances. They want more of something new and vibrant and I see often times that even in this ministry our young people itch for something new. However, for me I am extremely content with where I am so in a sense. Not to say that I want to remain here spiritually on my walk with Elohim, there must always be a continuing and a finishing of what has begun. But here at Glory Place Mantin, the calling of Elohim in my life has led me here and because now I am here I am content. Though I may go through many things here, though I may be stuck with the same routine every week, it's not a bore to me. I find it ever so joyous and a privilege to be able to walk in the will and the works of Elohim.

It's been a good birthday this year. Megan talks about her birthday where all her friends and family in Messiah celebrated it with her as an exceptional day but for me, it has to be quiet. I find such rest when there's no one but me and Elohim. I find myself reflected in the mirror of His Word and I find that I see not myself, but Yeshua once more. Should I see myself, I see errors and faults in my character and actions, but I see the Highest living in me and that is all that I need to see. Praise Yahweh.

-Monday, 5th June 2017, 1 year 8 months 29 days, 1808

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Drawing Water

It's been a while yet again but here we are at the halfway point of the year 2017. It felt like mere days when in fact it has already been 5 full months gone by. Every year that comes goes with even quicker pacing than the last. It just means that the Lord Yeshua is coming again real soon and that He is cutting His work short in righteousness.

[Rom 9:28] For He will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will יהוה make upon the earth.

Nonetheless we as His people ought to prepare ourselves to meet with Him. Over the course of this week I've noticed something quite thought provoking: my seniors are tired. And I don't mean a lack of sleep even though some of their faces are just like that, they are physically and spiritually tired. Just yesterday as I was on worship together with Danti I could so easily sense that almost if not all of my seniors present were absentmindedly present. Meaning that their bodies were here but they themselves were probably elsewhere and I'd reckon the elsewhere was work based. I just find that as Pastor Jean and the team went off to Singapore for yet another Harp and Bowl seminar, that we have become short handed. But not really short handed per se but I'll come back to that some other time. What point I'm making right now is that my seniors are reaching the end of the rope for themselves. They find strength failing, work ever increasing, and 24 becomes not enough for many of them. Of course, that might not be the case for all but for some of them as I have been observing.

Where does our strength lie? Where or rather Whom do we draw strength from? From Messiah or from myself? Isn't that why we have become ever so tired and find our walk becoming so monotonous? We don't know stillness of heart and that's why we can't hold onto anything that we grasp upon.

[Job 20:20] Surely he shall not feel quietness in his belly, he shall not save of that which he desired.

The belly in the King James speaks of the heart. Anyways, I find that people trudge to the house of Elohim and suffer through many a times of worship and prayer. That ought not to be the case, Yahweh only accepts the sacrifice if it is first out of a cheerful heart or in another word, an offering where we willingly give it.

[Exo 25:2] Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring Me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take My offering.

Isn't that clear enough? His offering is an offering where a man gives it willingly with his heart. But we don't see that, we see worship and ministering to Him as part of ministry duties and that's why the breakthroughs pass us by by the droves. We don't know how to allow the Holy Spirit to take over especially during the time to minister to Him. Because it is by the Spirit we draw near and it is by the Spirit that we are able to keep the good thing belonging to us.

[Heb 10:19] Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the Holiest by the blood of Yeshua,

[Eph 2:18] For through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.

[2Ti 1:13-14] Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Yeshua the Messiah. That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Spirit which dwelleth in us.

We bring out burdens to Him when, and in my opinion should have done before we come to minister to Him. During our times of worship we are so bogged down by many things and that's why we can't experience what the Holy Spirit is working in and through each and everyone of us. We bring our issues and in another sense, we bring ourselves into the presence of Elohim when in fact when we come before Him it should be time to put on the Lord Yeshua. All that we have gone through and faced we leave at the door of the house of Elohim and we enter having nothing. Because when we are purged from the old leaven then we can become a new lump altogether.

[1Co 5:7] Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even the Messiah our Passover is sacrificed for us:

And when we experience the newness of the life of Yeshua, a little leaven leavens the whole lump. It's much more than we can imagine. I do hope the readers can understand what I'm trying to convey here. Whatever we have gone through, though we may find ourselves lacking in many regards; as long as we learn to leave ourselves at the door of Elohim's house and enter with nothing but the Lord Yeshua put on then we can experience what Paul blessed the Philippians to receive.

[Phi 4:19] But my Elohim shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by the Messiah Yeshua.

The Book of Psalms also expressively speaks about the people of Elohim being abundantly satisfied in His house. But the only way they can be satisfied is if they first know Him personally first.

[Psa 36:7-10] How excellent is Thy lovingkindness, O Elohim! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Thy wings. They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Thy house; and thou shalt make them drink of the river of Thy pleasures. For with Thee is the fountain of life: in Thy light shall we see light. O continue Thy lovingkindness unto them that know Thee; and Thy righteousness to the upright in heart.

[Psa 46:10] Be still, and know that I am Elohim: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

[Psa 65:4] Blessed is the man whom Thou choosest, and causest to approach unto Thee, that he may dwell in Thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of Thy house, even of Thy holy temple.

We have been brought near to be able to experience Yeshua all the more now than ever. But do we see that? Do we see it as yet another opportunity to draw strength, to draw water from the Dayspring Himself? Or do we see yet another duty we must perform not because we want to but because we need to?

-Friday, 2nd June 2017, 1 year 8 months 26 days, 0146