Monday 27 November 2017

Blessings In Being Led

It's but the same season with a new phase in it altogether. As I'm seeing and even witnessing the confirmation of it time and time again, this is still yet the season for the leading of the Holy Spirit and yet it is time for new and fresh beginnings as well. Everything is changing in new ways and that includes people as well. I find that now more so that the work of Yahweh especially in my life is reaching a steady climb upwards even more speedily than when we first began. It just goes to show really that Yahweh really is hastening His work for the sake of His elect and the coming of His Son, Yeshua once more.

[Rom 9:28] For He will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth.

All the more now in these last days and times that I'm beginning to see and experience the tangible manifestation of power by and from the Holy Spirit in everyday life. We have power, we have authority, we have all rights in the name of Yeshua to determine our course of life. What I merely mean by that is that we have the power to not just live the life of a son of Elohim but to enjoy every moment of what it truly means to live said life out. It does not come from us but rather it is lived out by the believing and continual believing of the Word of Elohim in us.

[Isa 54:14] In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee.

I am free from any and all oppression.

[Psa 36:8] They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Thy house; and Thou shalt make them drink of the river of Thy pleasures.

I am satisfied with all the fullness that I have in His house. I drink from His pleasures.

[Isa 46:4] And even to your old age I am He; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you.

From young unto old I am carried by His everlasting arms.

It's not that we stock ourselves with the Word of Elohim and let them gather dust in the deep recesses of our lives but rather each and every single day provides opportunity for every Word to be fulfilled and manifested in all His glory through us. We can say and quote and yet find ourselves unbelieving even at the most foundational of promises because we don't see it come to pass for us. Frankly, the Word stands supreme. And it is because of Elohim Who is merciful that He confirms the words of His servants. However I find that now there is a need not just to believe because every can do that, but to keep believing. Holding fast onto the anchor of our souls which is Messiah and not wavering in the slightest at the promises promised unto each and every one of us in Himself.

[Heb 6:19] Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;

[Heb 10:23] Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for He is faithful that promised;)

[Rom 4:20] He staggered not at the promise of Elohim through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to Elohim;

We want to glorify the name of Yeshua but how to? Simply by not wavering but to believe in all that He has said can and more than that will come to pass for us. Simply because it has been written. Praise Yahweh, really. This season brings about much blessings in the simplicity of believing that we are led by His Spirit and then we will begin to see that we truly are led by Him at every given turn and corner. It's not positive thinking or optimism, but a solid fact of the matter that we truly are led by Him to as many as would believe. I do, and I am blessed because of it.

[Gen 28:15] And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.

What a powerful promise not just to Jacob, but to us who are in Yeshua now as well. Praise Yahweh.

-Tuesday, 28th November 2017, 2 years 2 months 21 days, 0402

Thursday 23 November 2017

Walking Forth in Spirit

The rain is pouring down like a shower was just turned on to the max and bit not Glory Place again was partially flooded but even the roads were completely blocked with water. So much so that at Nilai people had to U-turn and head back the way they came to find another route to traverse over the flood. Myself and Jefrin included we were caught up in all that on our way back from Nilai after disposing some rubbish. It was exhilarating and an eventful drive no doubt but perhaps more so that this is nothing more than but the beginning as I believe. Something new and exciting is forming and soon enough it will be upon us all.

There really is nothing as of late to detail in the blog simply because this is still in the continuing of the season of the Holy Spirit and thus He has been leading me ever so faithfully through it all. There's not much to write because even as I write how everything is being confirmed and fulfilled in accordance to whatsoever Elohim has revealed unto me I find that this anointing is one that is specifically specialised for myself. The Holy Spirit leads each of us no doubt. However, the way in which He leads us differs from one person to another. The road which I take, I do not expect my family and friends to comprehend let alone walk the same specific path with me and vice versa. We each have our paths and journeys to take in the Lord Yeshua Messiah and yet our end goal is the same. We each began the same way and will end the same way, and yet the journey from one point to another is entirely different for each of us.

I have the absolute confidence that Yeshua is doing a mighty, awesome work in my life which will one day surely burst forth onto the scene but until then I am kept, moulded, refined, and made ready for that day. I find myself becoming more and more distant with the concept that I can do everything because as I've been graciously taught, whether through the Word of Elohim or through experience; the power, the life, the everything does not come from me but from Him Who lives in me and works through me to those around me. Many a times I find that I have been given the desires of the Heavenly Father to carry out and yet I know that there is another step awaiting me and that I find that only a select few can understand.

[Phi 2:13] For it is Elohim which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

Many times we have the will in waiting for Him but we do not wait for the impartation of the power to do of His good pleasures. I've seen time and time again how so many people lay their expectations upon not just myself but upon themselves and it all falls flat. Why? Because we understand that we must wait for the will of Elohim to be revealed to us before me move but we don't understand that it is a two part of waiting. We wait for the will to do, and then we wait again for the power to do of His good pleasure. We receive one by the Spirit and then intend to perfect the work with the power of man and flesh? Surely we are mistaken and surely we fall short so many times because of it.

[Gal 3:3] Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?

I understand that much is required of the sons of Elohim no doubt. However, the sons of Elohim operate when they are led thus and not because of whimsical ideas. We are impatient, and in another aspect impertinent because when we have received whatsoever it is from Yahweh telling us to go forth, we go without waiting for the endowment from on high. We say we understand the concept of waiting upon Yahweh but the fact of the matter is we don't. We know how to wait for the promptings of the Holy Spirit and go thus with the prompting alone instead of waiting further for the power to manifest and fulfil that prompting as well. Am I being clear to the reader and even to myself? There needs to be a longer time of waiting because everyone thinks that there's something that must be done when there is absolutely nothing that we can do. All we are are but vessels holding the power and glory of the kingdom of Elohim and we as vessels wait for the Master to use us and pour us out.

The time is coming when we will find our works which we do are simply not enough, unsatisfactory, and never complete because we see them as we ourselves having to do them. No, we're wrong. We are His workmanship, created in Messiah Yeshua for good works which the Father has prepared for us that all we have to do is but to walk through them. And in them, He works in us to give the desire by the Holy Spirit and the power to fulfil that same desire by the same Spirit. So that Messiah Yeshua will be glorified in all and through all.

[Eph 2:10] For we are His workmanship, created in Messiah Yeshua unto good works, which Elohim hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

I am satisfied each day with the work handed out to me because I see them as not my own but His which He will Himself accomplish in and through me as I first walk forth into them. So, the burden lies no longer on me, the expectation is beyond me to meet but when I see Yeshua; I see everything is already met and exceedingly so. Praise Yeshua.

-Thursday, 23rd November 2017, 2 years 2 months 16 days, 1617

Saturday 18 November 2017

Carry On

Truly Elohim is gracious even unto someone such as myself. Having just finished sharing the Word of Elohim for the 1st service, I found myself having need of much more to learn and to witness of in my walk with Messiah Yeshua. Perhaps it's become more frequent but still the need to remind myself that I have much yet to learn is very much needed in my walk. Of all things attained thus far it is simply but the tip of the iceberg. And that is something I welcome because it gives me the opportunity to learn more and experience all the more greater things which are yet to be manifested in my walk with Yeshua. In the areas I find lacking in my life, I see the grace of Messiah which rests upon me that He is able to supply and exceed my limitations and thoughts to thoroughly show me that there is much more to His life than what I had previously thought.

Perhaps this is vague but as of this moment I am led of the Holy Spirit. Not to say that I wasn't led before but now I can affirm with confidence in Messiah Yeshua that I am led by His Spirit in me, through the storm and the sunny days. This is truly the season of the leading of the Spirit and I am blessed to be able to be led graciously by Him. But more so than that I am blessed to be able to see the word and the promises spoken to me by Yahweh arriving at their fulfilment in one way or another. And more than that it is as though my perception of my surroundings have changed somewhat. No longer do I once looked at things at surface level but it is now as though what is hidden beneath is coming to light. And even for myself I find that in this season the Holy Spirit is showing me that it is not because of who I am but because of Who He is that He reveals things to me. It's not what I can do for Him because I understand there is nothing I can do for Him, but because He wants to do His works through me that He empowers me ever so graciously. In the end, He doesn't even consider my emotional state of mind; when He moves I am expected to move and flow together lest I be left behind. And though sometimes I move in obligation to His Word I find that halfway through many a circumstance my obligation turns into voluntary joy and pleasure.

[Psa 110:3a] Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning:

Praise Yeshua that this is truly what I wanted though I may not audibly say it. Even as Pastor Bernard was reminding us to remember back to the time we were saved as well as the time we were born again into the kingdom of Elohim and see how far we've progressed or even how far we've regressed, I am reminded that this has been an outstanding road thus far. It has been very much an enjoyable ride altogether because I find that though the road we walk is difficult and narrow, the yoke which we carry is light and easy. More so that even our Heavenly Father carries us through it all and will continue to do so even to hoary hairs.

[Mat 7:14] Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

[Mat 11:29-30] Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.

[Isa 46:3-4] Hearken unto Me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the house of Israel, which are borne by Me from the belly, which are carried from the womb: And even to your old age I am He; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you.

What a mighty Elohim we serve and walk together with. Praise Yeshua.

-Sunday, 19th November 2017, 2 years 2 months 12 days, 0327

Monday 13 November 2017

Holy Spirit Leads

As I write this I write from the port town of Port Dickson where I am spending my off day in the prayer house here. It truly is a beautiful place and it reminds me of a certain apartment that my family and I have very fond memories of somewhere in the Highlands. The atmosphere, scenery, everything about it is just reminiscent of our holiday home away from home which we used to frequent but now no longer due to the fact that we serve the matchless Elohim day and night. In all honesty, in this particular season and time I find that there is less to write and more to experience which cannot be put to paper to describe. This season emphasises on the leading of the Holy Spirit as I believe and with how everything is just lining up ever so beautifully I must concur with that judgement. Everything and everyone is falling into place like a puzzle and it is my privilege to see all things truly working together for the good of them that love Elohim, they who are the called of His purpose. Truly, a privilege to witness and behold.

There isn't much to speak of as I've mentioned already but merely just a quick recap of the events of daily life. The construction of the new sanctuary is under way and smoothly running and we are expected to finish on time, praise Yahweh. Perhaps even more exciting news is the prospect of claiming the entirety of the third floor of the City Revival Centre where the church is held on for the kingdom of Elohim's glory. The massage parlour who was once opposite us have been ousted and now the large, one storey space is left abandoned until we come along and claim it; even right now in the name of Yeshua. Many who have entered have easily noted with how the layout is that it is ideal to be transformed, Elohim willing into a sort of cabin stay where seekers and the like can come to reside next to the prayer house there. That prospect excites me, seeing the hand of Messiah Yeshua sovereignly over us and where we go, truly we are the sons of Elohim and we have the power to destroy the works of the devil and deny entry to the powers of darkness wherever we wish. Praise Yahweh for such authority in Messiah Yeshua through the Holy Spirit.

This is the season for the Holy Spirit to work mightily, no doubt and I for one am excited to see just what ways He shall lead each of us individually and corporately as a singular body of Messiah. Though our paths vary, we all walk the same highway of life and holiness unto Yahweh. It's just a matter of what means we reach our upward calling in Yeshua. Praise Him for that and for days to come I am expecting greater things as per usual with Him and from Him.

-Tuesday, 14th November 2017, 2 years 2 months 7 days, 0509

Friday 10 November 2017

Totally Wonderful

And how He has answered. A new season is now ushered in and I know exactly what this season is all about, the leading of the Holy Spirit. It's so exciting to be led by the Spirit of Yahweh because we simply do not know how He will exactly lead us and where into He will direct us but we can be certain that though it may seem arduous, it is for our good that it is so. To be led by the Spirit is to allow Him to lead us in ways beyond our comprehension and understanding and certain of the fact that the end is always good because it is Messiah we seek after. For the past few days, I've been put into perspective of seeing the tangible working of the Holy Spirit in my life and I can truly see His hand upon me to lead and guide me down the desired paths and roads. Though the situation may seem odd and at times out of place it always ends with all things coming together ever so beautifully.

Even as I write this, I am quite in amazement at the leading of the Holy Spirit thus far in my life. He has never ceased to amaze me and continues to cause me to walk in His footfalls. Because of that there is now a trust and a bond between Himself and me so to say in that I can easily expect my prayers to be answered or my words confirmed one way or another even as the thought occurs in my mind. I have seen the gracious hand of Yeshua Messiah upon me in that there is a true fellowship by the Spirit going on right here in my walk with Him. As I ask, He gives the answer. As I speak, He gives the confirmation. There has been nothing that I have not seen that hasn't in one way or another had the hand of Elohim upon it. My life truly is under the watchful gaze of the everlasting Elohim Who is my refuge.

Though there are times also when I hear from the Holy Spirit things which I am not particularly fond to hear of. Yet these are the times for the great breakthrough indeed that awaits me at the end of it all. Just yesterday, my father was speaking to me about something that ought to be done and I brushed it off as saying it's none of my concern whatsoever because in the end I continue to maintain my stand that I did not come here to the house of Yahweh for the sake of others. I came to serve Him because He called me into His service, to be His son instead of being the ideal example or role model everyone sometimes expects of us. Honestly, it just goes to show that many times we have many concerns but over the course of my time here already I've learnt that whatsoever I do without the leading of the Spirit to foreshadow it because a recipe for disaster. Spiralling out of control from the littlest things simply because I presumed to know the will of Elohim in that season and time when I did not. Anyways I'm deviating from here now.

Back to my father, I simply told him that I would only move when the Holy Spirit gave me the prompting to do so and would you have it, in just 24 hours time I've received the prompting and not just a prompting but even conviction to carry out what must be done. The thing with being led by the Spirit is that He takes us with Him to ride His high hills but also to the deepest depths of the sea, through ups and downs. As His people it is on our part to walk with Him not just when a silver spoon is in our mouths but when it's time for the fire and the flames. Ah, this is nothing new of me to be honest. Yahweh truly is gracious and I understand what must be done. Let it be done then, as You have so given me the will so give me I pray the part to do as well of Your good pleasure. How marvellous it is to be led of Your good Spirit, I never have a dull moment with Thee.

-Saturday, 11th November 2017, 2 years 2 months 4 days, 1056

Quick Write

It's been a while since I had last wrote however what is there to write in this moment in time? Yahweh is as usual doing something marvellous in my life but I have yet to receive clarity into exactly what He is doing in my life at this moment. Because of that I'm just waiting to see what exactly He intends to spring forth in my life for this season in time and so I've refrained from writing at the moment simply because there's not much to write about.

Everything is going on smoothly for me, Elohim is gracious. Everything is falling into place and even now I see as I was reminded that even the mistakes and presumptuous actions I've taken thus far in my walk with Messiah Yeshua has been worked together for good. Praise Yahweh. And now perhaps my main desire is to be completely led and driven by the Holy Spirit and I praise Yeshua that that even is coming to past.

Life in Messiah is always good and now is no exception for me. Looks like I've run out of things to say however I do look forward to what Elohim has in store for me in times to come. Praise Yahweh.

-Wednesday, 8th November 2017, 2 years 2 months 1 day, 2312

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Quick Write

It's been a while since I had last wrote however what is there to write in this moment in time? Yahweh is as usual doing something marvellous in my life but I have yet to receive clarity into exactly what He is doing in my life at this moment. Because of that I'm just waiting to see what exactly He intends to spring forth in my life for this season in time and so I've refrained from writing at the moment simply because there's not much to write about.

Everything is going on smoothly for me, Elohim is gracious. Everything is falling into place and even now I see as I was reminded that even the mistakes and presumptuous actions I've taken thus far in my walk with Messiah Yeshua has been worked together for good. Praise Yahweh. And now perhaps my main desire is to be completely led and driven by the Holy Spirit and I praise Yeshua that that even is coming to past.

Life in Messiah is always good and now is no exception for me. Looks like I've run out of things to say however I do look forward to what Elohim has in store for me in times to come. Praise Yahweh.

-Wednesday, 8th November 2017, 2 years 2 months 1 day, 2312

Wednesday 1 November 2017


Life is good. In consequence to what I've written this week as it is thus far is full of unexpected twists and turns and yet in a deep recess of my being I kind of expected such things. After all, my previous posts was one where I welcomed the challenges as it came so that I may breakthrough.

This week has been nothing short of miraculous. From Monday onwards until Thursday morning as I write this I am filled with the Holy Spirit as I see myself guided and strengthened by Him for every and all occasions. For Monday we had been given the task of providing coverage for the construction in progress of the new sanctuary here in Glory Place and as such we had to pull down large bamboo trees and bend them in angles where it would provide as much covering as it could without breaking it. Two hours into the work, the rain came down and seeing the fervency of my brother Caleb performing the task even during the rain I knew I couldn't leave him to it alone. I didn't but stuck with him through and through until the end and by the end of it all I was drenched and tired but thoroughly enjoyed myself. I even had the privilege of climbing the telephone pole for a higher vantage point during the work, it wasn't so much a work but more of an adventure.

Such was the case today as well. Having been given the task of fixing the leaks on the roofs of the new cabins I went forward without actually knowing what I would get myself into until only later on. The tar which I was to use was viscous like anything and completely stuck itself to my skin, my clothes, my shoes, and my equipment. By the end of it I was left covered in black goo. People even were concerned about it but it wasn't a bother, this isn't the first time I've dabbled in tar and how sticky it can get. What was most important was that I enjoyed myself yet again.

All in all, every and all tasks given to us can be such a pleasure if we so desire it to be. But the reverse is also applicable as well where we make our jobs dutiful and with a heavy heart we do it, not because we want to but because we have to and that changes our perspective and mood about the whole thing and even for the rest of our day in some occasions. Because we do not know how to find pleasure in the work of Yahweh it will be very, very difficult to continue on our walk with Him. When we find no pleasure in Him, our walk is a walk begrudgingly taken and that kind of journey holds nothing but sorrow and disappointment. But the blessing of Elohim is that He's given us His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truths and works in Himself so that we needn't even lift a finger per se. What I merely mean by that is that we are supplied richly with the power and strength of Messiah and needn't turn to ourselves for the solution. But to access such a gift is first to yield ourselves entirely to the fire as in Romans 12. Not to fear the flames but to know that as we launch ourselves willingly into it, the will of Yahweh will be revealed and done in and through us in our times. After all, I firmly believe that there will come a time when even the things we do will no longer be accepted unless we bring a willing offering unto Yeshua.

[2Co 8:10-12] And herein I give my advice: for this is expedient for you, who have begun before, not only to do, but also to be forward a year ago. Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have. For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not.

[Exo 25:2] Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring Me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take My offering.

-Thursday, 2nd November 2017, 2 years 1 month 26 days, 0051