Monday 30 April 2018

Preparing to Wait

It's really early in the morning but it seems like the right time to write for this moment. I am glad, not only because of my circumstances but because I also see that Elohim has not left me alone but in all things and ways Messiah is here with me now even as I write this. His presence is here with me not because I can feel it alone but because He has already promised that He will never leave neither forsake me. Because of that I can boldly say that He is my Helper and that I need not fear whatsoever comes my way. All in all I think it is good now to truly remember and begin to move in the leading and working of the Holy Spirit in me through Him.

The things needed to be done in preparation for the upcoming seminar are vast as they are many and yet in all things I found that I can still smile and enjoy myself doing this because in the end, we do have to enjoy what we do right? It also bears reminding that in every we also ought to know that it is by the empowerment and wise guidance and counsel of the Holy Spirit in and through us that everything is made good and well. Not because of what we say, do, know, or more; but because of what He says, knows, does, and more. Though the demands leading up to this seminar is indeed many, there is a danger to become very high strung because of it. And because of such tension even a slight vibration out of alignment might cause the string to snap, I'm speaking in metaphors of course. But now is the time that when we are flooded we must step back, take a deep breath and call upon the name of the Lord Yeshua. Elohim knows that we are unable to do His work for Him, so we yield to Him that He may fulfil His own work His own way in us.

The reason I write this is because leading up to this seminar I realise that the tension is beginning to run high amongst my seniors but is irregularly unfelt amongst my juniors. Where do I stand, I stand in the rest that He promised us. I realise that the demands are great and expectations are to be met, but in the face of such I can only laugh because I know the uselessness of trying to meet said expectations with the means of man. The bar is set for us, myself more so ever so high that it takes the Messiah Himself to manifest in me so that the work may be done. In these times and seasons I see myself doing less work, in the sense that the strength flows not from myself but from a higher, deeper power in me and because of that, I can rest and enjoy myself through it all. It's like you're sitting in the back of the car as a passenger. You are part of the trip and yet you sightsee and allow your father or mother to drive you, knowing fully that they know what they're doing and that they will take you where you need to go.

Hoh, the words are just flowing out but sometimes I wonder why when I speak the words aren't as smooth as this? Perhaps that too is a great concealed gift from Yahweh to me. Elohim knows I will lord it over myself if I should receive praise for the gift of the tongue. But know because I find my tongue lacking in vocabulary, He receives all the glory when the words do come out. Perspective changes, mindsets and thought patterns are reworked, actions are taken not in faith in strength but faith in Elohim, life begins to flow out from within and you can just look around you and see the glory of Yeshua Messiah filling your whole earth like how the waters fill the seas; indefinitely. Such is living in a supernatural life.

It is a good first lesson. Elohim willing that many more will come from that step. I most certainly know that it will of course, why? Because I believe that the Highest awaits for me that He may yet be gracious to me. Praise Yahweh.

[Isa 30:18-21] And therefore will YAHWEH wait, that He may be gracious unto you, and therefore will He be exalted, that He may have mercy upon you: for YAHWEH is an Elohim of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for Him. For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem: thou shalt weep no more: He will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry; when He shall hear it, He will answer thee. And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers: And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.

-Tuesday, 1st May 2018, 2 years 7 months 24 days, 0606

Wednesday 25 April 2018

In Weakness Rejoice

It's been a while since I had last written, perhaps I've been starting my blog posts to many a times with that phrase. Hmm, no matter; at everyday and every moment I thank Yahweh that I am constantly under His watchful gaze and care. That constantly as He brings me higher and higher into the heavens He as well keeps me grounded and humbled by many a circumstance around me. I just had another quarrel with my sister, Megan even over something so obscenely petty. Simple mispoken words and we both somewhat spiralled out of control. She taking up the defensive and I recalling back the times this has all happened. Honestly, it's all very petty and pointless to argue so much about this because I at least know that such is normal even between families. I have not known a family where everything is fine and dandy all the time, there will always be times where we will butt heads with one another and that's truly the times where we come to know someone more than just their outlying expressions and faces. It's good, I always see that whatsoever comes my way is for my good and because of that I can always remain joyful in praise and in worship to Yeshua because of it.

I won't dwell on it too much now. After having been in the presence of Yahweh for my time of the morning watch with some of the boys I find it such a burden to continue remembering such things. I'd rather soon forget all this and perhaps that in itself is one of the many blessings Yahweh has given and taught to me. Carrying such burdens even for more than a day already weighs heavy upon me and yet I know of people doing thus for years upon years. Why? It's such an arduous task and it gives no benefit whatsoever. This in itself is truly a blessing that Elohim has given to me in that I realise that I needn't carry such needless burdens and weights and that in the name of Yeshua I can easily remove them and needn't even remember it. It truly is a blessing but whenever I come into such arguments with my sister this becomes my disadvantage.

Well, I don't really care. In the end, all this is not even worth mentioning to anyone but that the reader may know that man is not perfect, myself surely more so. And yet Yeshua gives all the more grace in that He still perfects us who are set apart to Him. It's then that I come to understand, I'm simply here because of Him. I stand because of Messiah Yeshua in me and working through me. And my faults, my mistakes, my weaknesses all serve as a reminder that just as I cannot save myself He has already saved me. My wrongs point me to His glorious life and because of that I can be glad. I am always reminded of His awesome grace and mercy in my life even through my daily failings, mistakes, and inactions taken. So that truly in all, ALL things Messiah fills all in all to His glory. Praise Yeshua.

-Thursday, 26th April 2018, 2 years 7 months 19 days, 0335

Saturday 21 April 2018

Glorious and Heavenly

The Heavenly Harp School has just finished and it was tremendous. The breakthroughs given were many and abounding to many more and the presence of Yahweh was tangibly felt from the beginning right until the end. It was truly a powerful, awesome time and it was my privilege to be able to bear witness to the work which Elohim is doing in the midst of the churches. How Messiah is drawing those who hunger after His Word and after His presence so deeply into Himself. Many people experienced a deeper level of intimacy and worship like never before, and many more have truly understood that this worship on the harp really is Yahweh's desired way of worship inasmuch as it is in spirit and truth.

I've already shared on the first day and yet the breakthroughs continued to flow in like a massive tsunami, shaken by the presence of Yahweh to us. Needless to say, inasmuch as I prepared myself to experience and to witness what Yeshua wants to do I found that it was still lacking. I was not fully prepared to how vast the scope of the breakthrough would be. The people are so hungry for the Word of Elohim and for His presence that as soon as the sessions were over the book and shirt counters were flooded with people eager to learn and buy so much so that for many CDs and books and shirts we have reached a complete exhaustion of stock supplies and had to request for Semarak to send us more in the days to come. I was really excited about that.

Perhaps one can say personally that my breakthrough came during the Friday overnight there. As we were worshipping I could sense such a presence of Elohim coming down upon us all, taking us to a higher level of worship. That only escalated further when we altogether worshipped on the harp Isaiah 6. Worship team and participants included. At that moment when we were all worshipping together for that song, I sensed such an immense glory of Yahweh filling the place and the people. It was like I was taken up into heaven and right there now before His throne worshipping Him. Absolutely glorious. From then the worship just progressed and progressed on and before you know it, 4 hours of non stop worship had elapsed. Truly the work of Elohim alone in my books.

All in all, it was truly a great and awesome time that churches from around KL gathered together to truly desire something greater of substance from Yeshua and many of them, if not all received it as per their desires and much more beyond that. I was most blessed to be able to be a part of this and to bear witness to the work of Yahweh in the lives of His people, bringing them back to true worship in the Spirit into the very heavens itself. I really enjoyed myself, really so. Praise Yahweh for such an experience but now I know that it is yet much more on my part that I must continue with what He has blessed me and given unto me. It's time to press on towards the goal. Praise Yeshua.

-Saturday, 21st April 2018, 2 years 7 months 14 days, 2312

Wednesday 18 April 2018

A Bowl of Soup

What a satisfying end to the beginning of many more satisfying days to come. I truly am satisfied to no extent because of the wondrous work and coming through of Elohim in my daily life and situations. The harp school has just begun and even from the off set that I can see Yahweh's great and immense love for the people of KL. This is the first ever Heavenly Harp School and what more it is for the people of the KL city. Even more so that this Heavenly Harp School also falls together with the 70th anniversary of Elohim's chosen people's nation. Truly, truly timely and marvellous how Yahweh moves and works by His Spirit in us all.

Even now at the end of the day as I'm sitting here with everyone and eating some rustic rice with savoury peanut soup, my heart is deeply satisfied with all that has transpired for today. Even today, as we were setting up the camera was not in a cooperative mood for the entire day. Having racked my brains looking and finding the answer, I found none except to just focus and enjoy the harp school as it goes on and need not waste my energy further on thinking how the wirings ought to have gone for the camera. After the end of the session I took another crack at it. While I was figuring out just where the HDMI ethernet ought to go and while I was watching a video seemingly showing how I ought to place so and so here and there, the Holy Spirit brought a single word into my mind: projector. I had an epiphany and following that Elohim given prompting I am now where I am, elated and satisfied both spirit, soul, and body.

The harp school is just in its first full day still but yet I am already experiencing Messiah taking over just as He had promised He will. I know just like always that this harp school shall be awesome indeed and it is to my privilege and honour because of Yeshua that I am hear to witness all the things to be wrought in the coming days not just for the people but also for us all. Praise Yahweh.

-Thursday, 19th April 2018, 2 years 7 months 12 days, 0050

Friday 13 April 2018

More Heart

Yeah, there's some real serious changing of many hearts even taking place as I write this. I am truly very grateful to Elohim for firstly having His Son Yeshua Messiah living in me and His life manifesting in me, secondly for His Holy Spirit Who truly guides me into all truth and revelations not just of Yahweh Himself and His Word but also opens the doors of many hearts of people to me for me to be able to witness and see what truly lies beneath the surface level. And now I truly see that everyone has their issues and their problems, myself included and yet that in turn makes me all the more joyful. This joy I so longed to share with someone because I truly am beginning to understand just how real and alive the Word of Yahweh truly is. What Paul says that he is able to glory in tribulations I am now beginning to understand slowly how he is able to joy even in the bleakest situations, simply because he has Yeshua in him. Not to say that I am in a bleak situation but now even in the grassy green seasons of my life right now I know fully well Who I have believed in and that He is able to fully keep what I have fully committed to Him, regardless of whatever it may be.

Now is the season for the heart change to take place. Many a times we have found ourselves stuck in the same situations and circumstances and have longed for something more, something new. That won't be until we first have a change of heart and mind and not just a change but a change towards Messiah's own heart and mind which we now have because He lives in us and has freely given it to us. This is the time where the work will indeed begin and become perfect and complete firstly from inward within and then to flow outwardly. I find that now more so of all times I ought to guard what I say because from my tongue flows the issues of my life, people will know (at least those who are able to discern) just what sort of situation or circumstance you are in simply because you speak. The world also teaches about this, on how to see the mannerisms of people from the subtle movements of their body and the expressions of their speech. What about us, more so when we know it is a spiritual and ever so real matter?

I have this feeling that now is the time where Yahweh is so revealing to me the inner depths of my heart and others as well, leaving it out in the open for those who are able to see it as transparent as glass. And now is the time which I emphasize again that I ought to guard my tongue from even idle words because I realise just how powerful my words are as a son of Elohim. Everything is mine for the taking should I use the name of Yeshua but what does it avail me if I have everything I so desire but the satisfaction of life that only comes from abiding in Messiah Yeshua is not present. All the more now I ought to enjoy and strengthen myself in the Lord Yeshua and then the rest will come in due promised time. And enjoying myself I am, much more so. Praise Yahweh for all things and all.

-Saturday, 14th April 2018, 2 years 7 months 7 days, 1247

Monday 9 April 2018

Heart Exchange

I'll keep it short since that everything is simply going along the way that the Holy Spirit has revealed to me thus far. Something new is indeed on the horizon and it is truly the privilege given to me through Messiah to not just bear witness but to also be a part of it. I'm very excited and thrilled to see the work of Yahweh in these last days. And surely it is in His good pleasure to see me through all His work to His glory. Praise Yahweh.

There's nothing much to write about in this time except perhaps that the work which Yahweh is bringing forth in this season as I perceive is the work of the changing of minds and hearts. To relinquish everything of the previous mindset to embrace something greater and beyond it. The latter glory which is said to be greater than the former. And all those who are willing, to them He shall show His salvation.

[Psa 91:16] With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him My salvation.

[Psa 36:8-10] They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Thy house; and Thou shalt make them drink of the river of Thy pleasures. For with Thee is the fountain of life: in Thy light shall we see light. O continue Thy lovingkindness unto them that know Thee; and Thy righteousness to the upright in heart.

-Monday, 9th April 2018, 2 years 7 months 2 days, 2156

Monday 2 April 2018

Freedom to Live

Honestly it's as though that now I have no care in the world because I've left it all unto my Divine Father to manage and keep me on track on time. And because of that I am able to enjoy every and all moments that come my way. True, not all moments are sweet like sugar but often times are bitter but they are well needed to keep in check that I don't go on a sugar rush and meddle with the awesome plans of Yahweh for me. I'm speaking in figurative language and using sugary words but what I mean to get across to the reader is that there is no better place you can be than in the rest of Elohim. To allow Him to truly be the One Who moves and lives through us. We are the vessels holding the waters of life from heaven. Though we bear the glory of Yahweh we do not receive the glory because of it but Yahweh receives the glory due. Just as how when we are thirsty we drink the cold waters from a cup, we much rather give thanks for the refreshing water than for the cup that bears it. The cup served its right purpose and so do we. We are the bearers of the true light and life that comes from heaven and returns there inevitably. We are the carriers of Messiah's glory made manifest for the world to see and so it requires that we lay down to rest ourselves so that only Messiah may manifest and not we.

I am very satisfied right now. Riding back home to Semarak and then to Glory Place Mantin there is just this sense of satisfaction that I very often experience. A feeling of great contentment that comes from fully accomplishing something although I did nothing. But I find that what I did accomplish is the will of Elohim, yet not I; Yeshua in me Who fully carried out the will of Yahweh through me being still and allowing Him free reign to do so. And because of that, I enter His rest and experience the fullness of all His promises and all the goodness of being in His house carries with it. I truly am very glad to be in the house of Yahweh and to serve Him all the days of my brief life here. He has blessed me so much that when I remember even of His goodness just today, it is so numerous and wonderful that I can scarcely contain this bubbling of satisfaction and warmth flowing inside me.

This is the time where the young people reach a threshold. To enter into the promised rest His way or risk entering the bloody way. Through many dangers, toils, snares, and wiles of the enemy awaiting those who do not come to grasp that without Yeshua they can do nothing. Absolutely nothing, no; not even the simplest things such as getting up early and even to have a good night's rest. There's nothing if not Yeshua first. And now is the time for those who have understood this to truly experience life of heaven on earth because to them, nothing can go wrong. All roads lead back to Yeshua Messiah. All roads no matter how dark lead back into the light in the end for those who continue walking in the faith of the Lord Yeshua Messiah. And what was His faith?

[Phi 2:8-9] And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore Elohim also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name:

Yeshua Messiah...

-Tuesday, 3rd April 2018, 2 years 6 months 27 days, 0110