Friday, 26 February 2016

Clean Up

Well it is once again the end of the 3 days absolute fast of no food and water. It was interesting to say the least. I had to undergo many a temptation of food and drink from all those not partaking of the fast. Especially that bottle of Pepsi in the fridge in my room. How it has called out to me many times and now that I am free to drink it as I please, it doesn't appeal to me much anymore.

One thing that is definitely broken in this fast is yet another bondage and chain that was troubling me. I will go no further than to say that truly Yeshua has set me free and now I am free indeed. I won't write much as I am getting quite sleepy but one thing is sorely needed now. A sprucing up of my room. It's about time too. Also thank Yahweh for calling me out of the world. Eternally grateful for that.

-Saturday, 27th February 2016, 5 months 20 days, 0540

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Limbo Time

Been a while since I last wrote. Don't have it in me to write at length this time so I will keep it short yet sweet with a tinge of sourness. Right now it is the second day of the 3 day absolute fast from food and water and I am in a state of limbo. First of all I truly want to praise Elohim for giving me so much strength so much so that I am hardly hungry nor thirsty. It is like I just had a drink and a meal moments before even though it has already passed the halfway mark. Strength is rising within me.

Then again that is the state of my spirit man. My flesh however is starting to feel it. My limbs sometimes become unsteady whenever I get up off the floor. Lethargy is besetting upon me like a quilt, so comfortable. This, I am in a state of limbo. I am tired and yet I am not tired. I am hungry but not hungry, thirsty but not thirsty. I want to close my eyes but I cannot sleep because of the strength of Yahweh coursing within me.

Come to think of it Yeshua did mention that His strength is made perfect in weaknesses and that when we are weak then we are strong. Sigh, well in this I too can rejoice because the time is flying so fast. Soon enough the time to break fast will be upon me once again and I can rejoice in the salvation the Lord has delivered unto me. Onward and upward, never looking back!

-Thursday, 25th February 2016, 5 months 18 days, 1805

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Psalm 117

Recently the atmosphere is heavy. Oppression is hovering all around me, causing me sleepiness. Must be the T-shirt. It was the T-shirt, the black Putrajaya one to be exact. It had a picture of a mosque in it and I was completely oblivious to it, wearing it for consecutive days and whatnot. No wonder I felt an oppression soon as I began wearing that shirt though I did not connect the dots without the prompting of Pastor Kwai Heng on this matter. Having changed shirt, the oppression is instantly gone just like that. I feel much better now.

T-shirt aside, Elohim has been really really gracious and merciful to me. Well He has always been but I have begun to take notice of it in all my doings. I can see the utter merciful kindness of Yahweh in that whatsoever I ask; even if the reason is slightly selfish He sustains me with above and over what I asked or even thought. Truly He is able to do exceedingly over and above what we ask or think according to the power that works in us. I am reminded that I am now experiencing all of this because Yahweh is a covenant keeping Elohim. The covenant which he made with Abraham in that in his Seed shall all the nations be blessed and as we are in Messiah, we are his seed and therefore heirs according to the promise.

I am blessed simply because Yahweh keeps His Word down to the jot and tittle. He promised that as I walk in His ways then all the blessings in the Bible shall pursue and overtake me though the reverse applies to me as well. But besides that I am thoroughly reminded it is not what I have done or what I can do, it is not how much I have understood or read, it is not by much exertion or much meditation; it is because Yahweh Himself promised that I will be blessed and therefore I am blessed. I am humbled by the fact that I have found so much favour with Elohim and with men. All because of the covenant He made with Abraham thousands of years ago.

Oh, Lord Yeshua. I thank You for Your great abundance in supplying all my needs according to Your riches and glory. Whatsoever I ask, believing I shall receive, I most certainly shall receive. Thank You for all the times You have given me another chance though I should stumble and fall along the Way. Though I fell short of Your glory many a times I thank You that every time You have forgiven me and cleansed me by Your blood. Thank You that now Your Holy Spirit is working in me and through me to do Your work Your way. So I submit myself under the shadow of Your wings knowing full well that from henceforth it is all You and nothing of me. Praise You in Your mighty Name, amen!

-Friday, 19th February 2016, 5 months 12 days, 0328

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Recap #2

Now then I have received revelations and breakthroughs aplenty during these 10 days. What I received most was the Word of Elohim. I can just feel His Word cleansing and sanctifying me just being in His presence. Just sitting still and doing nothing already makes that much of a difference. At the end of it all I feel refreshed though my body is physically demanding rest, my spirit man is stirring within me.

I also am able to see the sovereign hand if Yahweh working miracles in these 10 days. The norm is to have at least 6 hours of sleep minimum but that is the world's standard. According to Yahweh so long as we remain long enough in His presence He has promised to refresh us. And so everyday I had the privilege to witness the strength of the Lord Yeshua Messiah being made manifest as I barely got 3-4 hours of bare minimum sleep time. More so especially during the Friday Overnight Prayers and Saturday 1st Service which lasts up till 3am.

On the more spiritual side I have received plenty of dreams concerning the Word. Oftentimes I found myself falling asleep as Pastor Jean began to preach the Word for consecutive hours nonstop. Whatever the reason it may be it was a deep sleep. As such I often dreamed dreams unrelated to the seminar. For example I was dreaming about me myself sleeping on a bed in my old homestead. When all of a sudden Pastor Jean walks into my room in that dream and begins to preach to me about the Word of Elohim! The wondrous thing is that whatsoever she is preaching to me is exactly what she is preaching to the masses; word for word. When I woke up it is as though she just continued where she left off in the dream. This happened on multiple occasions though not always everytime.

One particular standout was that the presence of Yahweh; which separates His people from the people of the world was made manifest in such great might. It felt as though we reached heaven with just the harps and cymbals playing alone. On such an occasion during high praise the voices of the people around me melded together into the sound of mighty rushing water. The closet thing to describe it was like I was in the middle of the huge waterfall gushing downwards onto me. This happened twice. As the voices of the people got louder at the same time they got softer as the roar of the waters took over the sound. In the end all I could here was just a faint whisper of people and a huge torrent of water. Praise Yahweh!

Thus the 10 day seminar has ended and yet the working of the Holy Spirit had just begun. With the introduction of the harp and cymbals as the sole instruments of worship unto Elohim from henceforth, we are nearing the end of the end. Amen! Come, Lord Yeshua!

-Thursday,18th February 2016, 5 months 11 days, 0246

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Recap #1

Well now, 10 days flew by just like that. And here we are again, it's been a while hasn't it? Much has happened within the span of 12-13 days of no blogging. I'll begin from the get go. As a helper I have been assigned various duties to tend to during the 10 day seminar: Be Prepared as a Bride for Yeshua's Return; from the 5th to the 15th of February. Such duties are as follows:
1) I was put in charge of trash management. A messy job but pleasant altogether. I thoroughly enjoyed wading through rubbish and separating the disposables from the non-disposables.
2) Water duty. My job was to ensure there is round the clock supply of drinking water for casual and/or emergency uses. The afternoon shift is mine and not only do I refill all the jugs of water I also have to clean all the used cups for the masses. It was tedious but I cannot complain, it was a simple job altogether.
3) Security duty. 2 shifts: 7am and midnight. That means less sleep for me but I have just recently been catching up on it so it's all good.
4) Prayer slots. I had 3 different slots to fill with different people, on different times and days. The presence of Elohim was mighty and thus the time flew by with a snap of the fingers.
5) Cymbal-ist. The proper term is percussionist. I have been assigned to play the cymbals for every morning session. Which means that as I sleep late I have to wake up early for the past 10 days for the morning rehearsal and prayer for the worship team. Of course sometimes it takes it toll but overall I enjoyed playing the cymbals with much vigour to boot. There's three of us to cycle through. Me on the morning session, Justin on the night session and Joey for that one single session she was not playing harp because she was to share the Word of Elohim. But I guess it couldn't be helped, she was eyeing the cymbals ever since we began the seminar. All in all we have Heman, Asaph, and Ethan on the cymbals as in the days of the physical tabernacle of David. We have their modern day counterparts as well for the spiritual tabernacle of David.
All in all that was what I have done; or rather that was what Yahweh has given me to walk in His works during the 10 days seminar. It's getting quite late, I will end here but will resume when the timing is right. I will resume with what I have received from the seminar. Goodnight.

-Wednesday, 17th February 2016, 5 months 10 days (well), 0313

Monday, 8 February 2016

2 Peter 3:14

I'll make this brief. I won't be writing much until this seminar is officially over. Day 3 is finished and how time flies. Soon enough the last day will be upon us.

I was wrong to come here expecting nothing in particular. I praise Yahweh that through the encouragement of a brother I have once again set my sights on the things Yahweh shall do through His Spirit in this season. And just as we are being prepared to be a Bride for Yeshua's return, we are being sanctified by His Word as though through water. Holiness unto Yahweh, we cannot be holy by ourselves and when we are made holy by Yeshua Messiah it is only unto Him and as He who called us is holy we also be holy in all our conduct.

I was mistaken to come here expecting nothing less than the complete sanctification individually and corporately as the body of Messiah. Henceforth I look forward to the blessed hope and promise that through the Word I shall become as living stones fitted together into the glorious body of the Church of the Firstborn. Praise Yahweh for His works are plainly seen now acting and reacting in my life actively.

-Tuesday, 9th February 2016, 5 months 2 days, 0000.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

The Essence of Holiness to Yahweh

With this the seminar is finally underway. "Be prepared as a Bride for Yeshua's return." And how soon His return is. I thank Yahweh that currently He is teaching me what holiness to Elohim really means. Just recently I have received due correction for my sloppiness in the upkeep of the Hiding Place; my current tenancy. I would like to point out that I am currently hosting two other guests who in their own way had contributed to the mess however that is merely pushing the blame onto others. I thank Yahweh that He is giving me the privilege of being taught personally by Him in all this.

I know now what must be done. If I am to manifest the life of Messiah in me it starts from the small things. How can I call myself holy if my surroundings testify against me? How can I call myself a son of Elohim if the life of the son is not made manifest; and surely that life is no slob. It starts from the little just like a mustard seed and soon enough will grow into a great tree on which birds make their nest on. After this seminar is over I know what needs doing. Praise Yahweh for even as the name of the seminar He is already preparing me as the Bride for Yeshua's return. Time to rest, much to do in the morning.

-Friday, 5th February 2016, 4 months 29 days, 0101