Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Religious Backbiting

We're supposed to be prepared as a bride for Yeshua's return by Yeshua Himself and yet sometimes in our own doing good we hinder the working of the Holy Spirit. I begin to notice, sometimes occurring within myself that a spirit of hypocrisy is trying to creep in once again to the church. Saying one thing, meaning another. Doing one thing but the everyday living stands as testimony whether for or against you. People who tend to be quite laid back and well meaning all of a sudden turns up a notch in their holiness when before others or not. This definitely should not be so. Why allow the same leaven of the Pharisees to leaven the holy, sanctified lump of the body of Messiah?

I make a firm decision and stand by it, that should be the case. And yet it is easier said than done most of the times. To waver between two is to be likened by James as being tossed to and fro by the waves of the sea. However, and this is my firm belief on this particular matter that no matter where I am, whoever I am with, I try to make it a point to be myself; a sinner saved by grace and not a saint free from sin though I am both now by His grace. That way when people meet me, whether they love or hate me they decide based on my true self rather than a mask put on. The tendency to be holy is easily overshadowed by a single principality that governs almost all human character: pride. Why do we who are sometimes so lax with ourselves become so rigid when in front of someone acknowledgeable? Pride, pride to be seen as someone or other by another. That remains true sometimes to things pertaining holiness.

It is so easy for pride to be the underlying source for being outwardly upright when inwardly it is not so. What's more hypocrisy is found companion to such people and things. Religiosity also happens quite regularly as well. To be religiously rigid with oneself only adds to burden us much more than normal. What more of we decide to burden others with our own burdensome load of religious ludicrousness. All of a sudden what is alright is taken as an unclean spirit inhabiting someone or what one enjoys to do counts as indulgence and requires fasting and prayer to overcome. The next moment you see the person who condemned you in such a matter doing as well. What does one say to such things?

Nothing;  that's what I have learnt the rough way. People, myself included tend to believe that we are in the right and anything anyone else says is contrary until proven with hard facts. And yet sometimes this is not even enough to persuade to dissuade someone. As the old hymn goes:  "Take it to the Lord in prayer." That's by far the best and only answer in such matters. Yahweh is the Vindicator and Avenger. We need no one else to fight for us when we have the Most High.

-Wednesday, 30th March 2016, 6 months 23 days, 1914

Monday, 28 March 2016

Receiving, Received

Well, with this yet another seminar has ended and we have once again ascended into a different airspace than where we were last month. The Spirit of Elohim is indeed stirring mightily in the midst of each of us and truly revealing the areas in our lives that need cleansing from of. And yet this is not just another seminar but truly a time for transformation. Just as we have received the resurrection life of Yeshua Messiah I can tell that now Semarak sports a different air and atmosphere about it. The air around feels lighter, crisper in another word. Just as we have freely received this newness of life, we can freely give it as well to others.

Over the course of this seminar I have experienced different varieties of anointing and different movings of the Holy Spirit. One such case was when the worship was escalating to such a degree that the voices of those around me; in fact the entire hall, harps included just blended together to form a rushing roar of water around me. It feels like I am in the midst of the great waterfalls of Elohim, simply lost I was in the presence that time. Yet, there was also a time quite recently that because of some sort of hindrance, whether the worshipper or the congregation or even the timing of some occurrences; worship barely connected and felt more like a filler than anything else really. I felt the worship just snapped like a cord and the presence of Yahweh was hindered. A real bummer.

Most of all I can feel a new surge of energy, not that I can physically feel it but my spirit has received much needed strength and refreshing. Through the many tasks given to me; especially those that challenged the need to get down and dirty I found Elohim working mightily in and through me. Because I connected with Elohim through the Spirit I could easily connect with those who came to dispose of their leftover foods through joyous banter. The supposed stress in all the mountain of work never really came and even if it did try to manifest once in a while, it quickly died down as fast as it came.

Overall, I received plenty and will take back plenty from all this. Looking forward to the next events taking place whether it be in GP or in Semarak. Surely He has given me His divine favour both with Himself and with men. Hallelujah!

-Monday, 28th March 2016, 6 months 21 days, 2233

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Philippians 3:20-21

I guess now is a good time to write again. There is plenty of time before the next session. The seminar is yet another Word filled seminar. Well, isn't it all? The Word of Elohim is going out in full force and this time we are most definitely striking the nations with Yahweh's sharp two edged sword. In this seminar though it is not numerous but we still have quite the variety of nations in attendance. Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, Vietnam, Holland, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, South Korea, United Kingdom, Australia and China.

I have been given quite the numerous roles this time around and yet it is pleasant. After all, the commandments of Elohim are not burdensome; whether on paper or in the execution of it. Something like managing the wastes and rubbishes of people's meals could be quite the frustrating job and yet to me it is a pleasant time to spend serving Elohim. It was not man who gave me this job but the Lord Himself has given me this honour thus. And if Yahweh has given me this duty surely He knows that I am able. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saithיהוה of hosts." (Zechariah 4:6b)

The seminar is running smoothly. Sailing well, clear skies and all. The kingdom of heaven is indeed at hand and has manifested itself in all its glory and splendor. Though sometimes it may be physically taxing and yet there is a deep sense of pleasure found to just be in the presence of Yahweh. In His presence the times of refreshing cometh and at His right hand pleasures forevermore. It is already halfway through and soon enough we will once again reach the end. And yet it never really is the end, Yeshua is coming really soon and the time to prepare for His return shortens day by day.

The need to prepare for His coming is something only He can do. Just as He who called us into His kingdom and holy nation is faithful, so too is He faithful to cleanse, sanctify and save those who come to Elohim through Him. The only real way to prepare is to right now abide in Him just as He abides in us. As we are where He is in the spirit through the Holy Spirit then His coming won't be catching us off guard at all. After all we are already seated in heaven worshipping before the throne and before the Lamb, Yeshua is just returning to bring our physical bodies to where we are.

-Saturday, 26th March 2016, 6 months 19 days, 1827

Thursday, 24 March 2016


In the midst of seminar right now. Won't talk much. All is well will explain much after seminar.

-Friday, 25th March 2016, 6 months 18 days, 0857

Friday, 18 March 2016

Onward and Upward

Having just broken the 3 days of absolute fasting life has returned to normalcy. As I write this I am currently on my way back from GPPJ to GP Mantin. It is amazing to note that how I was just moments before and after the breaking of the fast. The satisfaction I felt was immense as I took the first sip of my drink. It just reminded me that truly Yahweh is gracious and full of compassion on me. As we draw nearer to the seminar: "Receiving the Resurrection Life of Yeshua", I am reminded again that truly time is speeding by and that awesome Day is fast approaching.

The coming of our Lord Yeshua Messiah is soon and we had best make right while we still have the light. As we continue to walk in the light of Elohim all our works will be exposed and corrected that we may be perfected into the image and likeness of our Elohim. For someone like me that means well. Though not all of my actions may be right before His eyes and others, it is also only He who is able to refine me as through immense heating that I may come forth as gold pure. Thus, I found that so long as I continue to remain in His presence, His sanctuary then will He do that complete work on me. In this time and season the presence of Yahweh is no longer scarce but like an everyday shower, warming the spirit, soul, and body.

I am truly privileged to be able to live a life completely separated from the world; that I am able to live as what the Lord Yeshua has died to make me: a king and a priest unto Him. Praise Yah!

-Saturday, 19th March 2016, 6 months 12 days, 0445

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

A Son's Life

In continuation life right now is better than it was yesterday. Well it always gets better than the day before and tomorrow will be no exception. Everyday I can see the sovereign hand of Elohim working mightily upon me; His Spirit doing the deep restoration and cleansing in my inward parts. How marvellous to know that all my days have already been fashioned for me, meaning that even the bad I go through is all part of His written plan for me. No matter what I go through it is already written down and surely all things will work together for good to them that love Him.

Everyday as I continue in the presence of Yahweh I can see the tendencies of my flesh and its passion and desires loosening its grip on me. The more the days pass by I am blessed to see this marvellous work taking place in my life. I know that for as long as I continue surely I shall be set free in an even greater depth than I already am now. Therefore I am finding my rest in Yeshua Messiah and it is a good rest indeed. Though I may stumble and fall oftentimes, Yahweh is gracious that He picks me up and sends me onwards. In the end as He has promised surely He will carry it out. For He has perfected forever those whom He is sanctifying.

Therefore everyday is a day well enjoyed and loved. For everyday is a blessing given to me by Yeshua because of what He has done on the cross to save a sinner like myself from death and to bring me into His very own life eternal. What I desire I ask of the Heavenly Father in the name of Yeshua and it shall be done because He delights in me; not in any substance or form of myself but because He sees His Son in me that He loves me dearly. I have been adopted into the household of Elohim and am now a son born of water and Spirit and bought with the Redeemer's blood price. Hallelujah!

-Wednesday, 16th March 2016, 6 months 9 days, 1742

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Brief Summary

It's been a while since I last wrote. It has been well, really well with everything. Though it may not be perfect it is most certainly marvellous. We have begun the 10 days of fasting prior to the upcoming seminar and are now undergoing the monthly 3 day absolute fast from food and water.

I don't really have much to say, rather I feel the need to say anything at this moment to be nil. Therefore, I will keep this brief as I am able. People are coming once again to Glory Place and we are gearing up for the seminar; "Receiving the Resurrection Life of Yeshua" which happens to fall right on Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday in conjunction. The air is hyped with change as we once again enter into a new season in Yahweh.

Life has been wonderful, I will elaborate further tomorrow given the chance to. Until then I will be resting. Yahweh bless.

-Wednesday, 16th March 2016, 6 months 9 days, 0333

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Galatians 3:3

Encroaching upon the third week of March and needless to say time is yet flowing faster and faster. Things are heating up and the seasons are briskly passing one after another. From the change of heavenly worship to personal holiness I feel that now is the time that Yeshua Messiah will come again shortly. Time is almost up and yet His church is slumbering and unaware of the Day fast approaching. Many things still need to be cleansed and purified for holiness unto yahweh but thankfully just as the days are getting shorter so too is Elohim's great work in and though each and every one of His elect. He is cutting the work short in righteousness and now we will see the glory of Yahweh risen up each and every one of His chosen people.

But what does it take to be His people? Nothing, it is the free gift of Elohim: Yeshua Messiah His Son who gave His life for us that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people; zealous for the good works which He has prepared for us to walk in beforehand. But we cannot be both of the world and of the kingdom of Elohim, we cannot have one foot here and another there. It takes full commitment and requires us to choose just one: life or death, the passing pleasures of this life or the eternal pleasures found in Yahweh's presence. Just like Elijah said: "How long halt ye between two opinions? If יהוה be Elohim, follow Him: but if the Baal, then follow him." Now is the time, Yeshua is coming again and we must be found abiding in Him and He in us lest we be caught unawares by the fast approaching Day of Yahweh.

This is something not feasible, unobtainable through human reasoning, strength and otherwise but purely by faith and faith alone. Although on Whom we put our faith in is as much the issue as having faith to begin with. Anyone can put their faith in things which they see, gods made with hands, men and whatnot but Yeshua exhorts us to have faith in Elohim. For there is no other Who can save us when we call except Him Who sits in the heavens and in us. Therefore no amount of exertion through tried means or human logic will get us anywhere in Messiah but only but the leading of the Spirit which cones through faith as well. We began this Christian walk in faith believing that Yeshua truly died for us that through and in Him we might have eternal life, so it is by faith that we continue. It is utter foolishness to believe that the end of the spiritual walk reaps physical means. Paul rebuked the church of Galatia: "Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?" Elohim is not mocked, what we sow to the flesh traps the end of flesh, the perfection of destruction in our bodies. But what we sow in the Spirit reaps perfection through the sanctification of the Word.

-Thursday, 10th March 2016, 6 months 3 days, 1750

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Matthew 26:39

This is the first time I am reblogging right after I published another blog post. The times are changing and they are swiftly changing. Even as I write this I can just sense that something is coming quickly. Of course excluding the Lord Yeshua Messiah's second coming; yet another season of change is upon us unlike any other.

In this season the need to seriously get right and get done in is urgent. To get right with Yahweh and to truly die unto self and unto the world and its lusts and pleasures. The time has come to choose one and forsake the other, and truly this is my time of decision. The nations are gathering in the Valley of Jehoshaphat, the Valley of Decision and more so Yahweh's people are being gathered together to finally make a decision and no longer run to and fro betwixt two sides. Yahweh is cutting His work short in righteousness and His Son's imminent return is upon us. If it was already so soon 2000 years ago what more now in this grace period of His?

The time for decision making is now. I can no longer afford to carry any weights to slow me down, I want to live therefore I must die unto the world and unto myself. The Holy Spirit must take me over so completely giving no more room for even any interference from the second heaven. And surely He will, He is waiting for me to come to the end of myself and now is that time, that season. Yahweh Elohim forgive me for so long clinging to my last vestiges of this world in love. Forgive me that I have gone following the ways of Solomon and how he clung to his heathen wives in love. I repent and I close the door, no longer leaving it ajar for the enemy to come in. Cleanse me thoroughly and completely, every room and every corner of this house.

I still have yet much to learn and experience firsthand the wonders of Elohim in Messiah Yeshua. I thank Yahweh that He has forgiven me and now I truly want to be His own special and peculiar people above the face of the whole earth. He has cleansed me from all secret faults and presumptuous sins. Now the enemy has been defeated and I am to remind them of their place: under my feet. There is an active resistance to play inasmuch as there was passivity. I must resist the devil and he must flee from me when I do so. I cannot sit back and expect Yahweh to do something for me because He already did it 2000 years ago through His Son and to expect Him to help when help is already provided is to mock and deny the finished work of Yeshua on the cross. I must fight inasmuch as the war has been won, the battle must still be fought.

-Monday, 7th March 2016, 5 months 29 days, 0124


Parents are here at GP. Can't say that I enjoy their company right now. However they are family and thus must be treated as family no matter how inquisitive and prodding they may become. I only have one earthly family and once they leave it only leaves me to walk this world until I join them. Then again what is for the future should remain future. And what is now should be now. Praise Yeshua that He is He that was, and is, and is to come; existing on all plains of existence and forever omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. As He never changes, we as mere dust and ashes change in the seasons of time here; we can put our complete faith and hope in Him who never changes.

My sister and my parents, I'd rather not talk to much because I know that whatever words come out next to them it will be seen as nothing more than complaints even though they are justifiable. However I praise Yahweh that He never allows me to hold grudges, whenever I try to it hurts me more than it will ever hurt the other party. Besides Yahweh is my recompense so what need have I to go around opening wounds. I have no business nor obligation to do so. My ministry is reconciliation as is all who call themselves believers of Messiah Yeshua.

A new season is upon us. Soon, Megan will have reached the one year mark from the moment she has given up all to follow Yeshua. Had she remained in the world there would be no telling just how much corruption she would have gone through. Now, she is magnitudes better and faring well here in Glory Place Mantin. Though she has yet to learn some things I know that the Holy Spirit shall teach her all that she desires to know in conjunction with what He has planned for her. I myself can already see ahead. There are changes coming towards me and when I meet them then things will start rolling at a much more accelerated pace. Until then I just need to hope, to have faith in Elohim, to rest in His rest, to receive and to abide. Amazing grace.

-Sunday, 6th March 2016, 5 months 28 days, 2344

Friday, 4 March 2016

The Blessed Hope

March is here now. Has it already been half a year? For my sister it is already reaching one full year that we both have given up on studies and whatnot to come and serve Yahweh in His house. And let me just clarify that we both do not regret what has been done. We both know full well that if we had stayed on longer in the world then there would be no turning back. Thus, we are eternally grateful to Yeshua Messiah our Lord who has redeemed us from the snare of this world and its pleasures and translated us into His kingdom.

As I write this I am on my way back to Glory Place Mantin from Petaling Jaya from the weekly Friday overnight prayer. I am constantly reminded that unlike those around me I am free, completely free indeed. I have no worries whatsoever and no need neither want as Yahweh my Elohim is my Providence and my Sustenance. I give thanks that truly Yeshua has died on the cross for someone like myself, though I was once completely warped to the culture and cares of this life now everyday moment by moment I am being cleansed.

Though I may sometimes stumble, though sin may sometimes be found abiding, where sin abounds grace super abounds. How marvellous to know that I am the redeemed one of Elohim through the covenant cut with the blood of Yeshua Messiah. His Spirit dwelling in me as testament and surety of the promise which is and is to come. Now it becomes clear to me that whatsoever I may go through, it is infinitely better than the pleasures this world offers in the end. I would rather that I enter trials and tribulation with the Lord than to dwell in comfort and pleasures and be utterly godless. Elohim is gracious and merciful unto me.

Now it is time that we continue to keep walking, Yeshua is coming soon. Very soon and we had best be found in Him and prepared by Him when He appears, more so myself.

-Saturday, 5th March 2016, 5 months 27 days, 0441

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

February and more

This is the day that Yahweh has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. What a wonderful life I am living. Looking back on February it was filled with such great joy and challenges but far be it to say that it was a downer. With Elohim nothing is ever mundane for in His presence is fullness of joy and His right hand pleasures forevermore.

My room is getting cleaner by the day. Just want to throw that out there. Coming back to the main topic; I don't actually remember much about what has happened in the month of February besides the seminar. The time just flew and now we are in the beginning of March. Has it already been half a year since I began?! How marvellous are His works and that my soul knows very well. What can I say if February besides that it flew by in the blink of an eye. Needless to say there have been major changes made in Glory Place Mantin.

Harp worship is the only worship now. Guitar and piano, bye bye! A part of the drums has been removed as well. All that remains are the cymbals, the flute, the harps and of course the shofars. Somehow I was quite perturbed with this change of events as I wondered with natural understanding how can we flow into high praise with something as quiet and soothing as a harp. Needless to say like Jeremy, I was confounded and astounded at the result. As the tabernacle of David is being built up right before our eyes; to my immense joy and privilege to behold, high praise which was once occasional has become so easy to flow into. After all this is Yahweh's instrument so He knows what He's doing. Praise Yahweh for that.

Thus, February flows by as quickly as it came. Showing us that truly in this series of ever changing events for the better that Yeshua Messiah is returning and returning soon. If it was soon 2000 years ago now much more now when Yeshua's prayer is being answered. His kingdom has come and His will is being done on earth as it is in heaven. Just as it says in Romans 9:28: "For He will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will יהוה make upon the earth." And indeed His work is being cut short not because of the enemy's interference but because of heavenly intervention that He is able to cut it as short as it is now. Even so, amen!

-Wednesday, 2nd March 2016, 5 months 24 days, 0314