Sunday, 28 January 2018

Satisfaction Guaranteed

A real work is going on for each of us in this season of the Holy Spirit. And I've realised that even as the same Spirit works mightily in each of us, yet because of our intricate uniqueness that Yahweh had made us the fruits which we all yield are wonderfully differing from one another. And perhaps that is a good thing, not all are teachers and not all are prophets. The whole body does not compromise of just hands and feet but also eyes and ears and a mouth. What I'm trying to say is that there is a mighty working of the Holy Spirit in this time for each of us that we can expect something to shift and take place which will soon shift us out of our comfort and into the consoling arms of our Heavenly Father. There is but one fruit but comprising of many different facets and parts of the Holy Spirit so we can expect to bear the same fruit but not necessarily the same facets of it. I'm beginning to learn that we ought not to expect others to become like us, that in itself is but pride and arrogance but we can come to expect those who truly are seeking Yeshua to become like Yeshua. After all, no longer us that liveth but Messiah Who liveth in us.

All these ponderings have got me thinking about what exactly it means to bear good fruit. It is of the nature of the plant to yield its fruit after its kind but ultimately for those that are in vineyards and groves they are in the hands of the Husbandman. He takes care and nurtures the vineyard that it may bear more fruit. With every branch that yields fruit He prunes that it may bear more than before. Such is the case with us and out Heavenly Father.

Anyways these are the times that I believe that we are really experiencing something beyond what we can comprehend or even understand. At least for me, the work which the Holy Spirit is doing in my life thus far is removing every layer of the past years of all that I've accumulated in favour of newer and greater things I have yet to know and am slowly coming to know. As He gives, He has the same power to take away but yet it does not mean He is not to be blessed but more so than ever before. He removes the former so that the latter may be glorious indeed and that is coming true for me in Yeshua's name. What I've been experiencing thus far is such a peace as I've never known it before. If I can make an allegory:

[Isa 48:18] O that thou hadst hearkened to My commandments! then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea:

It's a flowing peace that causes me to know that I am truly satisfied in Him and that I have no lack when I'm with Him. And such a peace is even now running like a river in my life. I am satisfied like never before, and such satisfaction I can never receive had I not first learnt to let go so that I may receive more. Praise Yahweh.

-Monday, 29th January 2018, 2 years 4 months 22 days, 1701

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Death and Life

There really isn't anything specific right now to write or to update concerning all this. Well, I say that but everything's been taking place and shifting like nobody's business for the past couple of days. However, I am unmoved but such things because such things have no need of moving me thus. It is after all, in the course of our walk with Messiah that one day we will soon meet with Him and mayhaps for some of us sooner than we think. Honestly, we've been thoroughly warned of all this time and time again so it ought no to come as such a surprise and yet it does. To me, it goes to show that what we've been hearing is nothing but superficial stuff, everything on the surface with no real depth to it and that in turn just turns me off.

Our friend Rachel has gone home to the Lord above. After having such a mighty uprooting of sorts in her life, both physically and spiritually she has moved on to the greatest glory: to be with Yeshua until eternity comes. How glorious and wonderful that is and yet many of us are taken aback but such events. How so? Such is our course of our walk as I've noted down, and surely it ought not come as such a surprise that even the young does the Lord calls home to be with Him. I've got this feeling that many of us think we are invincible, which I will not refute for the time being due to the fact that I will need to write even more to explain it but many of the young people think that we cannot go off until we are surely in our later years. And yet, such an even testifies to our faces that we do not really understand just how sudden the coming of the Lord Yeshua shall be, in like manner as such.

Honestly, having witnessed so many already I've grown quite accustomed to the passing of many of my brothers and more so sisters in Messiah unto Himself. This ministry that I am in gives me the opportunity to witness the last moments before they go and I can bear witness to how they go, whether up or down. Mostly up though, praise Yahweh for that. When I had heard of Rachel passing into the hands of the Lord there wasn't a need to shake and stir myself to mourn and sorrow because as I see it, she stood everything to gain more so than myself in the current time. She has at last entered the eternal rest promised by our Elohim to which we who are alive are given but a foretaste but those gone to Him forever and ever. So, I have this peace within me that keeps me. A peace that surpasses all understanding that garrisons my heart and mind in Messiah Yeshua.

I can't begin to reiterate that such things are common to men and as such there is no need to be surprised at the passing of some and the birth of many more to come. As Yahweh takes away we can be sure that He shall also give in perhaps the same and yet much more abundant measures. In all this, the need to press forward all the more is evident now more so than before. Our friend has been promoted to glory, now the race continued and we ought to not lag behind but show the same diligence as in the days of old. Praise Yahweh.

-Saturday, 27th January 2018, 2 years 4 months 20 days, 1735

Monday, 22 January 2018

Relinquish to Gain More

There really isn't that much to write in these past couple of days. As of now, perhaps the most frequent job that I've been dutifully attending to concerning the farm work at GP Mantin would be as the driver and coordinator of rubbish and whatnot. Whether it's heavy duty or messy slops and goops of it, concerning rubbish you needn't look further than me. The unofficial rubbish man of GP and enjoying every moment of it, mind you. It would seem like something has been dislodged from my cranium as to how or even why I can find enjoyment in wading through and getting my hands dirty with all the rubbish but I do. I thoroughly enjoy the work, but not always the smell. It's for the glory of Messiah anyways. My time spent in dirt and muck is more time remembering Yeshua and His fragrance upon me. It makes the work and time go by ever so quickly. Anyways, after a while your hands would become accustomed to the slimy texture and your nose to the pungency of it all. No different than any other work I'd reckon.

Before that though, I had been through quite an enlightening experience last week: spiritual warfare. From last Wednesday to Friday I was undergoing severe and intense oppression in the body and in the mind. In the body, in that I was entirely left weak and tired no matter how much I slept it didn't avail me anything at all whatsoever. I just felt drained like anything and in the mind, in the sense that my thoughts were running haywire throughout the time of my deliverance. Fluctuating from one high to an extreme long and back again with such frequency that it left my mentally drained as well keeping track and the reins of the thoughts of my mind. Not to mention that my body was painfully ached everywhere and every how. My deliverance came on the second night which was a Thursday, when Pastor Jean began to command that we exercise our authority in the name of Yeshua to exorcise the enemy out of ourselves. When it came turn for me to war on the mic, I did and halfway through my warring the tonne on my back lifted immediately off from me. The feeling was very similar to removing a heavy bag from your shoulder and the lightness that comes with it immediately afterwards. I no longer felt weak and tired, I was strengthened and completely refreshed and delivered in the presence of Yahweh. Praise Him for that.

And yet, despite the complete setting free a lingering pain in the neck still held onto me. It made it difficult for me to turn my head either to the left or the right. The more I turned the more the pain cranked up to different levels of intensity. It made driving quite the challenge and the full reliance on Yahweh to preserve me. As I was pondering on what exactly is the cause of this pain, during the Friday House Church at Glory Place PJ the Holy Spirit revealed to me a particular passage of Scripture as the remedy of my cause.

[Jas 4:13-16] Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil.

[Jas 4:7-8] Submit yourselves therefore to Elohim. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to Elohim, and He will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

[Jas 4:10] Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

In summary, the root cause is pride and arrogance which it was. And the remedy, humbling oneself and asking for repentance by the blood of Yeshua. Which I did during the time of Holy Communion and the exact moment I uttered the words 'I repent', I heard a pop in my neck and the next thing I knew I can then turn my head without any difficulties whatsoever. I've been set free and this has become yet another valuable lesson to me. I was holding onto something of the past year and cherished it so, even to the point that I'm unwilling to even surrender it to Yahweh even when He asked for it. And thus, I received my just dues but He remains constantly merciful to me in that though He chastises, it is for our betterment. And it has always been. I've let that something go now and I'm become ever free without it, perhaps in due time by the grace of the Lord Yeshua upon me I might receive it again if He so wills to give according to His will and purpose.

[Phm 1:15] For perhaps he therefore departed for a season, that thou shouldest receive him for ever;


-Tuesday, 23rd January 2018, 2 years 4 months 16 days, 0236

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Next Step

We are well into the year 2018 and now as I look back I can find that there's nothing left for me to hold onto. It feels as though everything of the past years that I've accumulated and acquired is slipping out of my hands like water and there's nothing left for me to hold onto except my foundation and cornerstone. Revelations, blessings, anointings, all these and more are becoming less and less relevant to me in the sight of what Elohim desires to do for this year. This year, I know what must be done and because of it there is a need to remain focused and always set our sights on Yeshua as the Author and Finisher of our faith.

New beginnings are upon us and thus the old must be washed away and never to resurface again in the light of greater things to come, to be done by Yahweh by the Holy Spirit through and in us. For me, as I ponder about what is to come I find that everything that I've known and come to know is slowly but surely slipping away and I can no longer put my trust in those things which I used to know. It's become as though a strange thing and a stranger to me, I put no confidence in such matters neither people I do not know. Everything that I've accumulated up till this point, though it might seem as many as one can possibly fathom; is so little and insignificant to what Yahweh desires to pour out not just to me but to all of us for this year. It feels as though I've only just begun my walk once more and perhaps so, but on a different plane and level higher than before.

I am reminded what a great man of Elohim once said that everyday there is a need to remind ourselves that we begin fresh with the Lord Yeshua. What He has done yesterday will not be the same as what He will do today and because of that there must come a mentality to lay down all one has attained to yesterday in the hope of richer things of today. I can't remember who it was that said that and I'm merely paraphrasing but that is all true to me. I found that this year I cannot hope to progress further unless I surrender all to the Holy Spirit. And because I do that then I will receive much more than my heart or mind can fathom which Messiah is just waiting to unleash upon me.

So I have and I found that my ties to the past have been severed. Not that it's gone forever but that I can no longer put my confidence in whatsoever I've learnt in the past years in light of the newer and greater things to come. The past is past and the present be a gift to me from Messiah Yeshua and not just for me but for all of us who are in Him. Life in Messiah, true resurrection life in Him has just begun and it is my privilege to be not just a witness but a partaker of it. I look forward to the infinitely greater things You have promised in Your Word towards me, my Lord Yeshua. You are my Elohim and I am Your son because of Yeshua. Hallelujah, praise Yeshua.

-Thursday, 18th January 2018, 2 years 4 months 11 days, 0104

Monday, 15 January 2018


It's been a while since I've published anything and I've just been ruminating and pondering over what exactly the Lord Yeshua has in store for me and for each of us in this season and time of the new year. And perhaps with the way things have been turning out so I truly do believe and agree that this year will be the breakout and the breakthrough for prayer and intercession to take place. After calling upon the name of Yahweh and of the Lord Yeshua Messiah for all these times I can practically sense that this year will be the year that no more shall His words be delayed but they all have their fulfilments in sight. I've heard before from one of my brothers during 1st service that we are living in the generation of the sixth seal where many signs in the heavens and the earth are and has been taking place but now I believe it's time for the seventh seal to be opened.

(Revelation 8:1-6. It's pretty long so I won't put it here but I'll give a summary of it.)

Revelation 8 talks about the seventh seal being broken and silence in heaven taking place for half an hour. The seven angels with seven trumpet judgements prepared themselves to sound and after that an angel of Yahweh came with a censer into the temple, took the incense of the golden bowls which came before Elohim which signifies the prayers of His saints. He took that incense into the censer and filled the censer with fire as well and threw it to the earth where a mighty earthquake took place. And right after that, the seven angels sounded. Isn't it powerful? Doesn't it stir you up to think about the significance of what this passage of Scripture actually means?

To what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me, often times when we pray we get no answer neither response nor fulfilment of any sorts of the things which we have prayed unto the Heavenly Father, hence the silence. But now is the time where all the prayers, which immediately ascends to Elohim by the way; is now being thrown down unto the earth together with the fire from heaven. Our prayers are and soon being answered and in such a way that the moment it touches earth a mighty earthquake will take place. Perhaps this passage speaks about a physical manifestation of a time to come but for me I see it as both literal and spiritual for we the people of Yahweh in Yeshua Messiah. This is the year and the time where everything will come to its fulfillment and our prayers will carry weight and fire and shall be answered mightily by Elohim with such an impact likened unto an earthquake.

I believe that this year we shall see things the likes of which has never before been seen nor heard before but only we who have been graciously given such a privilege to be alive in these final generations to bear witness to the reality and manifestation of the kingdom of heaven on earth. This will be the point where everything will begin to come full circle and where every prayer made unto Yahweh by the Holy Spirit by those who are Messiah Yeshua's shall culminate. For that, I'm excited and I'm ever so privilege to be around to see all this. Suppose I were still in the world, this would surely pass me by. But because of His great love and mercy upon me, the Lord Yeshua has separated me from the world unto Himself that I should cleave to Him and see the fulfillment of every Scripture concerning Himself.

[Luk 24:44] And He said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning Me.

And in these days surely all things are and shall be. Amen.

-Tuesday, 16th January 2018, 2 years 4 months 9 days, 0340

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

In Fastings Often

We have begun the 3 days of corporate fasting and praying for the staff and helpers for this year and yet for me, there is an added incentive. Pastor Jean has recently asked us to start a chain fast of 3 days per person as the rest of the other ministries are ongoing and so we have begun since last week and soon enough it'll be my turn for it. Thankfully, this is but once every three months supposedly since we'll have to cycle through each and every single helper and staff there at Glory Place Mantin so supposing that we have 30 people, there months have already been covered.

Hoh, things are really moving along into something new even at the beginning of this year. I'm not a fan of fasting but I am a fan of the breakthroughs that come as soon as the fasting is over, so I'm caught in betwixt two. But I find that the longer I stay on in this ministry, the more I learn how to cast aside mine own opinions for the will and purpose of my Heavenly Father to go through unobstructed. I'm really looking forward to my turn to fast for 3 days which is coming up quite fast. Looking forward to Yahweh taking over and completely turning my expectations on its own head. Something new and exciting is on the horizon and it is our privilege to bear witness to it.

Other than that there really is nothing much at the moment going on. Despite the workload given to me, it's not a problem because it's not a problem to begin with. Also, I've learnt how to easily get through each and every situation I'm in and come out on top, riding on the high hills and that is simply by transferring the yoke over to Yeshua. He did ask after for it after all.

[Mat 11:28-30] Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.

And how true are His promises which He makes good in their due times and seasons. Having learnt to allow Elohim to be the Elohim of all my situations, the situations become His and it becomes His solutions to problems so ultimately, He gets the glory. Messiah fills all in all. Hence, the work which I am currently involved in is not a burden so long as I remember that it's not my weight to bear though it is my responsibility. With that, I'll end today's writings. Until the time when there is breakthrough I suppose...

-Wednesday, 10th January 2018, 2 years 4 months 3 days, 2325

Friday, 5 January 2018

Psalm 138:8

It's about a week since the new year and now everything is rolling like never before. New things are happening left, right, and centre. Places to be, things to be done; everything and everyone is spinning like a top on overdrive and if I should stop and consider then my mind would melt with just the magnitude of how much we're handling at the moment. And yet I did, and I found the workload though is plenty in variance is not much work per se as we once believed. Yahweh is good, really in that He has allowed me to be involved in so many different areas for many things pertaining especially to next month's prayer advance to come. This is a steep learning curve but learning curve nonetheless and I am excited to learn. For in learning we will teach, and in teaching we will learn.

Firstly, there's the farm at Glory Place Mantin. The place needs to be spruced up in time for the upcoming prayer advance next month and with the progress we are making with the help of many hands and helpers we are right on track though it may seem otherwise. At least to me, we are on track and it will undoubtedly be beautiful by the time February rolls in. Also, the trees are bearing fruits once more and from the looks of it, all of their seasons so happen to coincide with the upcoming event either before or during it. Ciku, nangka, breadfruit, bananas, papayas, rambutans, and who knows what else. I've yet to scour entirely the place but it is already looking ever so bountiful in that regard.

Secondly, recording of the new album for the upcoming prayer advance. We had just begun this week and yet by the grace of Yeshua Messiah upon us we have managed to show that all it takes it simply the anointing to flow to craft not performances but songs of worship and praise. Comments are varied concerning this but I stand my ground on the sense that this is an album that emphasizes throne room worship and so it ought to be worshipfully crafted over professionalism although I do not completely disregard the latter, it plays a role in all these. I am hopeful and really excited to see just exactly what songs shall be chosen for this album, although having heard but a few from the short list I can tell that the anointing for this album will be something the likes of which might even eclipse Heavenly Jerusalem should it be done in right manner, which is of course Yeshua first, work second.

Thirdly, if there's even such a word; registration for the prayer advance. Not much is known really but this is the first time I'm waist deep involved with it. Not knowing what ought to be done is quite the conundrum but I know that just like the rest of my work, the Holy Spirit will indubitably take over all things.

Fourth, the upcoming Glory Place website. Though this was started much earlier, it's now entering its final phases and is expected to launch something soon I so hope. I am quite pleased with the way it turned out, honestly. I had expected it to be much more complicated than what I had gone through and though it was in some aspects, its complications were within my level of understanding so praise Yahweh for that. Seriously, I doubt that if Yahweh did not have a hand in it that it wouldn't have turned out as nicely as it did. Praise Yahweh as well for the team involved because they have been a great boon to me, especially since they knew what they were doing and I was the one who was learning the ropes from them all.

Fifth, compiling photos, videos, recordings and keeping track of them. Not a difficult task at all, frankly speaking. I quite enjoy doing just that. And everything is up to track and on schedule, although I have yet to give it another routine check for a while. Perhaps I should do that soon...

That about sums up whatsoever I have on my plate and it is delicious to the taste. What may seem unappealing we may never know unless we taste it first hand. Praise Yahweh, seriously. I am looking forward to the many breakthroughs and miracles which shall be wrought through each and every work which I have placed my hand into. It shall indeed become a pool of water and a spring.

[Psa 84:5-7] Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are the ways of them. Who passing through the valley of Baca (Weeping) make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools. They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before Elohim.

[Psa 84:8-9] O YAHWEH Elohim of hosts, hear my prayer: give ear, O Elohim of Jacob. Selah. Behold, O Elohim our shield, and look upon the face of thine anointed.

-Saturday, 6th January 2017, 2 years 3 months 30 days, 0349