Wednesday, 28 November 2018

November and more

We've reached the near end of November and let me tell you that this November was certainly something to remember. I remember that Yahweh has brought me very high, only to bring me very low before Him and once more to a greater height which was not perceived before. Gold unrefined is beautiful but once refined by the fire, it becomes pure and much more valuable before others and I reckon that this entire month the Holy Spirit has been leading me in such a way thus. And let me tell you reader that it is my privilege to undergo such things by Him because above all else I desire that I draw nearer to Him and what way nearer than through different trials of varying difficulties?

I am truly blessed because I am constantly watched over by the Lord Yeshua by His Spirit. Everywhere I go and do He sees and what He does not find pleasing He immediately corrects. Immediately. I mean when I see others committing faults and mistakes they go through it unpunished and under the radar again and again but when I do it merely once, the entire ministry knows about it. At first I had thought that I had the most unfortunate case because I am always under surveillance by my seniors, elders, pastors, and of course Elohim but now I realise I am the most fortunate of all. Before I can repeat a mistake Yahweh intervenes through those around me and ensures that it is not committed ever again. In this I see that the Lord Yeshua really loves me because He is constantly watching over me and ensures that when I am wrong, He corrects me for which I am truly grateful.

I've come to realise that there are some breakthroughs reserved only for those who are willing to go through different trials and tribulations, I'm not staying all but there are some that are well hidden. And I found that these breakthroughs are very profound and well blessed indeed. I mean, through my trials and situations I found that I have reached once again another step higher, further, deeper in the Lord Yeshua through it all. Peter would never know he could walk on the water had not the Lord Yeshua commanded him to do so and had not there been a storm all around. And so, in our deepest troubles lies our deepest breakthroughs and greatest victories through our Lord Yeshua Messiah. Overall, it's been a really good month and as it's coming to an end I'm truly thankful to Yahweh for giving me the blessing to go through all that I went through. Through it I am made more stronger and more whole in Him and that is always something to give thanks for.

Praise Yahweh for His mercy endures forever.

-Wednesday, 28th November 2018, 3 years 2 months 21 days, 2347

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Psalm 139:6

You know, things are beginning to turn once again for me. As I have experienced trials after trials and praise Yahweh that He has preserved me through it all, now it is once again time to reap the harvest.

[Psa 126:6] He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

Once more I have found that the Word of Yahweh is faithful and true to a tee. And because of that I can always believe and trust in Elohim that He will never fail me though doubtless I have many times done so. As the month is drawing to an end now, the season is turning and once more I see on the horizon a glorious breaking of the day.

There's not really much else to say except to praise the name of Messiah Yeshua because once more though He has brought me under the water and fire He has again brought me out to rich fulfilment in Him.

[Psa 66:12] Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but Thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.

This is now the time where the Holy Spirit is beginning to do a work so wondrous even I cannot begin to fathom it. Therefore I am joyous and glad because I personally see that He is doing such a work in my life now. Doors are beginning to open and some are closing. And yet, I see that this is the will of Yahweh for me and because of that I can walk forth confidently knowing that I stand in His will. If not He shall direct me unto it according to His promise:

[Pro 16:9] A man's heart deviseth his way: but YAHWEH directeth his steps.

[Pro 20:24] Man's goings are of YAHWEH; how can a man then understand his own way?

[Psa 139:2] Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.

I've come to a revelation recently, although I'm not sure whether it is as of yet sound or not but I have found that to be led by the Spirit is to go forth in whatever we are doing confident of the fact that our steps are ordered by YAHWEH. They say that as a man thinketh so is he so that would mean that as I believe I am led by His Holy Spirit so I am led thus.

I am confident not in myself but in the Messiah Yeshua that as I walk and continue to walk regardless of what may go on around me, I will be divinely led of Him unto Himself in the end. And praise Yahweh that I have seen that happening. For every action and word spoken He has sovereignly turned all things around to His glorification in me. Though I may be regarded as disqualified yet my heart condemn me not. Even in my mistakes and errors He has shown His mighty and timely hand to turn all things together for good.

As I said, this is but just what Yahweh has been revealing to me as of late but I continue to so walk and serve in the calling He has placed upon my life with the assurance that I truly am led by the Spirit. Not because I feel I am led, nor because I see things happening around me, but because I believe that I am led and so I receive such a peace and a trusting in Him as how a child would be cuddled in the hands of his father so am I with my Heavenly Father. And therefore, nothing in this world can shake me because I am in the hand of the Father Who is beyond the machinations of this world. Such knowledge truly is too wonderful for me. So high that I cannot attain it. Praise Him.

-Thursday, 22nd November 2018, 3 years 2 months 15 days, 0207

Friday, 16 November 2018

1 Corinthians 5:7

Sometimes I find it really surprising just how much as Yahweh had revealed to me He performs in the hereafter and sometimes immediately. This is not just a one off occurrence but almost every time He speaks to me concerning something or rather I am most often times seemingly caught off guard at the way He performs and fulfills His Word. I mean, yes He spoke to me thus but I guess my mind still has to be renewed yet more concerning the way and the speed that He does things.

Most recently, in fact you could say from the beginning of this month I've been receiving from the Holy Spirit the word that He will soon begin to mould and to break me once more. Now, this is something I truly welcome because inasmuch as He has blessed me bountifully and abundantly with so much He has now in turned caused me to go into the depths of His waterfall once more. We can never truly receive our blessings fully unless we embrace the valleys in our walk with the Messiah as much as the high hills. And now, He has shown to me that once more He shall shake me and break the power of my pride. And as I write this I testify to the fact that He has and has done so effectively.

Having made quite the many errors in my judgement as of recently I've been relieved of many duties in Glory Place in the hopes that I would seek Yahweh for His guidance and in truth He has done this and so I rejoice. Though these are my mistakes, in His mercy He turned it into something that I can embrace and go forth into. And praise Yahweh that in the midst of my own mistakes He has once again proven faithful and true to me even though I was not towards Him. He has granted me rest, even a rest from many of my duties and that was something that I was longing for for quite a while actually. Not to say that my responsibilities burdened me but that there was this feeling that it was time for something new though I didn't know what it was until now.

And now, even after taking a hiatus of sorts for a while there's something new that has come upon me. As I briefly glanced into the mirror one time I noticed that though I looked the same, it was as though there was something new blooming forth altogether in the spirit. And what's more I've noticed that now a greater anointing has been bestowed upon me. For what it is I do not know but there is once again this sense that as I once more enter into the quiet place and laying aside all my cares, duties, and responsibilities I found that there is a blessing awaiting me in Yeshua.

You know, through all this I've realised that I lost track of my own age. I've actually forgotten that I'm just 22. I mean, I've been taken in responsibilities, roles, and duties that are beyond my age and perhaps because of that I had unconsciously reckoned myself of older age. But when I stumbled then did I realise that I was just 22 years old and not just me I realise but some others as well. This was a needful awakening as once more Elohim causes me to see that of all that I have been blessed and graced to attain to in Messiah I have only touched the surface of a deep pool. There's a long journey awaiting me still and in that I take my comfort that of all that I've experienced, these are surely the foreshadowing of greater and fuller things made manifest in Messiah Yeshua by the Holy Spirit in and through me to others all around. Praise Yahweh.

-Saturday, 17th November 2018, 3 years 2 months 10 days, 1528

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Holy Matrimony

Everything's coming to a central focus point now. With the upcoming wedding of our dear brother Jeremy with sister Irene we have much to look forward to. After all, this will be my first real look at how a wedding ordained by Yahweh and conducted not in the fashion of the world but by the example given in the Word of Elohim plays out. I truly am stoked for the wedding day itself and really am glad for Jeremy and Irene. However even as the day draws near for the both of them I am reminded by Yahweh that the wedding doesn't count much before Him, it's what happens down the line soon after that will truly make or break a couple.

After all, the wedding day however glorious and awesome it may be is nothing to be compared to spending the rest of your life with a special someone. And if that someone is the person whom Yeshua has given to you well, but if not then I cannot begin to imagine. As far as things stand I indeed bless Jeremy and Irene for their future together not just as a couple but as two individuals become one to serve Yahweh together.

You know, with their wedding coming up I've realised that the Lord Yeshua has been speaking to me quite a bit recently as well. And as much as I've been hearing from Him He has called me to enter intimacy with Him and to take pleasure in Him as I would my family and loved ones. Thus far I am well contented to leave things as it is because now I take pleasure in serving the living Elohim. Not to say that I didn't prior to this, but that new depths and heights have been opened up to me and I desire to take my time first to establish my relationship with Yeshua first and then seek companionship of others.

I'm in no rush anymore. I've realised that when the time comes the time will come but until then I am not to hasten the coming of that day. It is already settled in the Heavenly Father's own good time and I will not ruin it with meddling where I ought not but however I am called to hasten His coming and that I will so do Elohim willing. I still have so much to learn, experience, bear witness to, and to be moulded into the image and likeness of Messiah and I've realised that such a precious work cannot be rushed by any means. After all, if one were to rush the Divine ordinance from above, then we would make it an ordinance of man and no longer of Elohim.

So, the crux of the matter is this: seeing as how Jeremy and Irene are getting married soon I myself have sensed as I believe the Holy Spirit is leading me that I should not be in a rush to get married myself. That time will come as so Elohim wills and desires it but until then I desire to be left to me and just the Lord Yeshua in intimacy. After all, when a man's way pleases Elohim he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. The way must be made straight and wide enough for two to walk side by side together first. If not, then the road will be full of toe stomping offences and mishaps which can be avoided proper. Praise Yeshua for that.

-Monday, 12th November 2018, 3 years 2 months 5 days, 0220

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Psalm 40:1-4

It's been quite the week actually. Throughout the tenure for this week it was as though Yahweh was really humbling me and causing me to see the weakness in trusting myself. Throughout the entirety of this week I am reminded as to why I rarely put my trust in my own strength and knowing of many things, simply because when the rubber meets the road all these things do not count for anything in the eyes of Yeshua. Salvation belongs to Him and can only come from Him and no other, not even in the gifts endowned by Him to us. Only the gift of salvation which He gives to us will save us from our situations and even our own selves. Thus far is what I've experienced this week.

I mean, it was as though I was going through a barrage of non stop predicaments and situations like never before. All that meant for me to do was to brace myself and walk through all that He has prepared for me to experience though it may be painful and humbling. And it was to an extent but I truly am glad that at the end of the day I am still able to praise the Lord Yeshua for being gracious enough to allow me to experience such things for my benefit and His mercy for delivering me through each and every cause and effect. And now as the dust settles it is yet another testament that Yahweh has preserved me and led me thus far through His Son by the Holy Spirit. Praise Yahweh.

Oddly, well not really that odd but rather I expected something as such during all this; Yahweh turned everything around on its head. From such a situation He delivered me and from my times of weakness He used it to resolve and complete yet another situation of mine. Through one situation came absolution for another and in that the Word of Yahweh comes to pass. I am not distraught nor shaken by what I've gone through. I know fully well that the Elohim Whom I serve has always delivered, is even now delivering and continues to deliver me. I know Whom I have believed in and trust that He is able to save me to the uttermost and keep me until the day where I meet Him face to face.

To this extent I praise Yeshua Messiah because no good thing which He has spoken has failed concerning His promises and word. I have been brought up once more from the miry clay and He has put a new song in my mouth, even the praise to my Elohim. For all that I've gone through I truly am glad and privileged to be humbled by Him and through others, Elohim knows I needed it. And what's more I believe that this is not the end. Even more and even greater times of blessings shall come and as well moments of trials and tribulations for our consideration as we continue to believe and walk in the Lord Yeshua. This is not the end, but merely a foretaste of greater things in store. Ought not then I should be glad and rejoice? Praise Yahweh then.

-Tuesday, 6th November 2018, 3 years 1 month 30 days, 2259

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Praise Yahweh

Very hilarious. As soon as I made that remark then as soon Yahweh had something else to speak to me. I crashed a car, and what's more the church's car onto some other car. Thankfully no one is injured but of course the cost is made to be borne. And praise Yahweh that He has been merciful to me in that it was not much at all. This is the day of much humbling for me but not a day to be regretted. I need this inasmuch as the rest of the other days of blessing and joy. After all, it is already written so it must come to pass.

[Ecc 3:1] To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

And of course for my time and purpose it is still to rejoice in the labour He has given to me. Nonetheless it is time to ponder and consider the work of Yahweh especially for me in this time.

[Ecc 7:14] In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: Elohim also hath set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him.

I'm glad this happened to me to the intent that I should learn and grow further in Him through this. I am indeed repented of what I've done but nonetheless it stands on me now to ensure it never happens again. I ought to learn, after all for this reason He has sent it to me even today.

Anyways, what's done is done and there's no taking it back now. All one can do is continue forward regardless of whatever comes my way. Truly grateful for such a humbling especially now when everything is getting ready and set for something truly great incoming. Praise the Lord Yeshua.

-Friday, 2nd November 2018, 3 years 1 month 26 days, 1430

Elohim Given

You know, the past few days the work has been really strenuous but praise Yahweh that my body has become accustomed to it now. In fact, there's no longer an ache even it's as though as has become the norm for me which it has.

I've been cutting the grass and sprucing up the boys dorm side for the past week and I must say that I enjoy it. Well, if you don't enjoy what you do why do it in the first place? True that it is out of obedience but then it becomes a duty rather than a pleasure and because of that we lose out on our reward prepared by Elohim for us.

[1Co 9:17-18a] For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward: but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me. What is my reward then?

Indeed, when one does so out of a free willing heart the reward is truly marvellous. You begin to take pleasure in the work you do and strive for excellence. You strive so that your work is not only fruitful but pleasant as well to the taste of others. But honestly speaking I have yet to attain to the level that I am comfortable and satisfied with. However I am getting there and am now beginning or see the change in the scenery especially around my room. Since it's only me up there at the boy's dorm the cleaning is entirely minimal because it's just one person. It really is such a wonderful and exhilarating feeling one gets when one completely cleans the entire compound of his living quarters.

But in this time and season I believe that Yahweh is working in me particularly to come and enjoy Himself. Particularly to be involved deeply in His works which He has prepared for me to walk into and in His abiding presence and Holy Spirit.

[Ecc 3:13] And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of Elohim.

Honestly speaking, life is good and pleasant right now and I'm thoroughly enjoying myself with the works Elohim has given me. There's this sense of eternity in my heart even as the Teacher described it. This sense like there's no need to push and to rush, in due time everything I really believe everything will fall into place like a perfect puzzle. So for my part all I am required to do is to enjoy the ride. Take pleasure in drawing near to Yeshua and He too shall find pleasure in accepting us. Praise Yahweh.

-Friday, 2nd November 2018, 3 years 1 month 26 days, 0045