Thursday, 29 December 2016

Bible Reading 2016 - Deep Scrub

We are nearing the end of the Gospel of John now and as we enter into the final day of the Bible Reading I had completely forgotten the significance and the severity of the continuous reading of the Word of Elohim day and night. Not to be mistaken but I have thoroughly enjoyed myself in this Bible Reading but it came at a cost that I am all too familiar with. Last year, as I joined the Bible Reading in Glory Place Mantin certain events took place in which my true character manifested itself and thus I was cleansed. An event that I am not too fond to recall actually but it was to my advantage because in that Bible Reading I was delivered from said manifestation and that made it worthwhile. The same thing is happening here to me in GPPJ.

Not the same issue but rather different issues altogether are surfacing up and manifesting itself in the midst of the people. Although it is quite subtle (I say subtle but I'm not sure whether the people around me noticed when I was acting a little off my rocker...), there is nonetheless a clear revealing of my innermost being here in the Bible Reading. Not to say that I don't enjoy that because I know that when all these issues manifest itself, they clear off in the presence of Yeshua Messiah and the continuous reading of His Word; but I don't really enjoy going through it per se. Hebrews 12:11 perfectly encompasses what I feel concerning all of this.

[Heb 12:11] Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

So it is good that all these issues come out especially during the Bible Reading but then again it is another blow to me to see that I still have much unresolved messes in my life. However at the same time it is comforting and humbling for me to see my faults because it causes my eyes to turn to Yeshua. Who else can cleanse me of all these with His blood? Who else can remove my imperfections and perfect me in Himself? Yeshua alone and through my faults it causes me to cleave all the more to Him and it makes me confront the constant need for the Saviour in my life.

There is an unimaginable power in proclaiming the Word of Elohim over ourselves, our families, churches, and nations. But there is an even greater outpouring of the power when it is declared day and night nonstop. One of the things that I have had the privilege of experiencing over the course of the two Bible Readings I have joined is the setting free of different yokes and burdens over me. Of course that means that said burdens must be exposed first before it can be ousted but in the end the latter end is definitely worth going through it. No one likes it when someone points out their faults, no one likes it further when they realise that they are right. Much more me but I know that it is to my advantage.

Overall, I am enjoying myself here in this Bible Reading. It came at a price to my hurt no doubt but as the Word says:

[Pro 20:30] The blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil: so do stripes the inward parts of the belly.

And indeed it does. What a way to close the year and I'm glad that it ended in such a way. I'd rather go into 2017 with no face but completely set free rather than to have my reputation intact and my bondages secured fastly onto me. Praise Yahweh for making me know my faults and thus relieving me off them.

-Friday, 30th December 2016, 1 year 3 months 23 days, 0057

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Bible Reading Day 1 - R&R

This is the second year that I have attended Bible Reading and it's beginning to grow on me. Last year, I was involved with the Bible reading going on in Glory Place Mantin but this year I am in Glory Place Petaling Jaya for the Bible reading. At first I had wanted to stay in Glory Place partly for two significant reasons: Firstly, the place grew on me. Last year I was on the midnight watch together with Joshua until sunrise every day and I really enjoyed that time. Everyone was asleep save a few alert ones and some crickets who were watching and reading with us throughout each night. It was quiet and serene, utterly tranquil and I really enjoyed the time where no one talked and just focused on reading the Word of Elohim forth. So it was for this same reason that I had my reservations concerning coming down to GPPJ instead of remaining at GP Mantin for this year's Bible Reading. The second reason did not really cultivate itself until this year when I realised something, something which cannot be mentioned at this particular moment in time. Who knows, Elohim willing He will be gracious to me and with my own eyes I will see the fulfillment of this particular. I hope in Yeshua, there's no one to hope in otherwise.

But the more I pondered as to why I ought to come down to GPPJ this year I realised that this is the right call in the end. In the end, what I desire may not always be right but what Yahweh has preordained for me though it may seem to my hurt is for my joy and peace in the end as it always have been and should be. This year, with the arrival of many different people with the intention of serving Yahweh at Glory Place Mantin the place had become lively. Not to say that there are no longer times of quietude in GP left but now in its current state I can enjoy the silence only in the wee hours of the morning alone. And that is only for a few hours. As I ponder back I found myself enjoying a different kind of quietude that can only be found here in Glory Place PJ. Here, it is still as still can be in the city. Even if the house of prayer is situated quite near the highway and yet once the clock strikes midnight, everything comes to a close and such a stillness sets in. Glory Place Mantin also has moments like this but I found that with different areas holds different anointings for different times and seasons and in this season it is right that I should be here at GPPJ for the Bible Reading.

This is also the place that I could just put some distance between what I desire and what I ought to be doing instead. I found that in GP Mantin I might have been caught up in recent matters so much so that I might have deterred from my walk with Yeshua Messiah for a time. These sort of things ought not to be so and with that in my mind it is good for me to come here to refocus myself and to just once again enter the rest of Yahweh here in this place. And even in the first day of the Bible Reading I found myself to be quite enjoying the silence prevalent in this place and that I could just gather myself together and abandon myself to the awesome working of the Holy Spirit in my life. What I desire can be waited upon in just upon Yahweh first. Everything becomes beautiful in their due seasons.

I cannot begin to describe just how relaxed and rested I feel right now. It is just so relaxed here spending time reading the Word of Elohim together with family and friends. One thing I have felt was that here there is such a natural connection with one another as we read the Bible nonstop. We know each other and we came for the same purpose: to see the Word of Elohim declared forth in the air to the principalities and powers. Perhaps that's why there's such a unity and oneness in this place among the people. We don't chitchat much with each other and perhaps that's why I'm enjoying it so much really. We just focus on receiving, resting, and reading; all in and through Yeshua by the Spirit. If it is like this for everyday then I wouldn't mind coming back here every year just to find time alone with Yahweh and not to be around friends, that is to say to occupy my time with Elohim in silence rather than to yak it up with friends. There's times when fellowship is good but for me, silence is better. I value the silence of the people around more than what they say with their mouths. Let their lives speak and not their lips, it shall be their testimony.

I am thoroughly enjoying myself right now and as I come to the end of my night watch and pass it on to the next, I find myself happy. Not that I'm smiling as I write this, much; but that there's such a satisfaction welling up from within me that encompasses me round about. I am satisfied and I am happy. A new day is here and with it it brings much more blessings and more that that what I desire the most: serenity. What a beautiful word with a beautiful meaning.

-Wednesday, 28th December 2016, 1 year 3 months 21 days, 0257

Monday, 26 December 2016

2016 and more - Much, much more

This is the last week of everything in the year of 2016. The last Sunday had past and now the last Monday of 2016 is already passing away. I am truly in awe at what Yahweh has wrought forth in and through me in this past year and now as we loom on the horizon of the new year I look back and truly I see the goodness of Yahweh upon my life. Honestly, of all the things that had occurred in this year I can't really recall most of it, only some of the ones that had the most significance and either were just recent. Weeks back, months back I don't really have a clue what happened. But this in itself is a blessing. I remember that I had once prayed to Elohim that inasmuch as all the good that He had wrought for me, the past is still past. I had no intention and desire to remember former things as the Bible had commanded because in Yeshua Messiah everyday and every moment is a new thing with and in Him. So I prayed that He would give me the gift to forget what has transpired and leave no recollection of it, whether they be good and bad memories I want neither. All I want is to look towards those things which are ahead and to look upwards. And by the grace of Elohim He answered my prayers.

Looking back in 2016, this year so much took place but in the end the real blessing was that I have known Yeshua and assuredly He knows me. Of all the gifts and blessings that I have received from Him this year, the greatest I suppose would be that I grew in not just the knowledge but the intimacy with Yeshua by the Holy Spirit. Above all, that is what is most important. Not the gifts to move in signs and wonders, the gifts of discerning of spirits, the gifts of wisdom and understanding of times; above all, the greatest of all is love and to know and love Him who first loved us. I am blessed, so very blessed. Sometimes we tend to focus so much on our problems and stumblings in our walk with Elohim to our own hurt but He has graciously directed my gaze and turned my eyes to look at Yeshua. In Him is perfection and as I continue to focus on Him I know and am being perfected. We have been cleansed and set free and sanctified of so much and yet we still desire even more cleansing to occur in our lives. Why do we not desire to be perfected? Inasmuch as it is the command of our Lord Yeshua Himself that we be perfect just as the Heavenly Father is perfect?

[Mat 5:48] Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

We settle so much for good when we should also accept the perfect gifts of Elohim which come from Him from above as well. Good is only second best to perfect and thus He has taught me to desire even more than what we ought to receive. He has taught me that because of Yeshua I can ask above what I ought to receive and I shall have it simply because of Yeshua Who lives in me that gives me complete entrance into the Holiest of All to see the Heavenly Father. I ask, I believe no matter what I may ask even if it seems impossible, I will receive it. And I have received so much because of that.

[Jas 1:17] Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

This year He taught me to claim what is rightfully mine, everything. Anything that I ask in the name of Yeshua Messiah He said He will make good of His promise to give and He has fulfilled His Word.

[Num 23:19] Elohim is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?

So He has given me plenty to rejoice over, not only to rejoice in the hope that I shall receive what I ask but to rejoice because He has given me the desires of my heart. That is two entirely different rejoicings altogether. We rejoice in what we have not yet receive but there is a fuller measure of joy and glory when we rejoice over what we have already been given.

[1Co 4:7-8] For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it? Now ye are full, now ye are rich, ye have reigned as kings without us: and I wished indeed ye did reign, that we also might reign with you.

There is so much to give thanks for this year of 2016 but one of the highlights should be the time when Yahweh had given me the opportunity to visit His Holy Land. The city of the great King, Jerusalem. I remember that before I went I had purposed in my heart to receive not just a general breakthrough but one that would completely change my walk with Elohim forever. I went thus with the heart to meet with the great King of the city rather than to see the city in itself though it be beautiful. And I did and I was so blessed because of it. I found that it was in that trip that the eyes and ears were opened and that now by His grace and the leading of His Holy Spirit I can see and hear things differently and to be able to discern in a greater scope than before. Discernment was something that I was zealously after before because I knew that without it I will just be taking in everything everyone says to my own hurt and disadvantage. Without the gift of discernment I will just be a fool and a blind man who does not know the way the Spirit is leading and directing us individually and corporately as the body of Messiah. I would just flow and if I just keep flowing with everything I would one day find myself being crushed to powder by the Rock on Whom I stand. So it was in Israel that the Holy Spirit gave me a full on course of discerning what is from Him, what is from the enemy, and what is from ourselves. Though it caused much offenses to say the least, it gave me the greatest joy to see and know for myself that my walk with Yeshua is actually going somewhere and not in circles.

So many things have transpired in this year, some are just so glorious and some I don't think I would be able to say. But nonetheless each and every circumstance that has happened has happened only for the glorying in the name of Yeshua and that I may learn from Him through said situations. The prayer ministry of Glory Place is most certainly taking a new turn because of the institution of the harps and we are seeing and experiencing life on earth as it is in heaven. The people are being drawn in and it is to the praise of the glory of Yeshua's name that everything that has happened did happened. Inasmuch as 2016 was glorious, the next year shall be even more so. In fact I believe that what we will experience next year will be so much that everything that has gone by in this year will just be forgotten due to the glory awaiting us in the year to come.

There is much, much more that I should write but right now the Bible Reading marathon is underway. I've had best concentrate. Praise Yahweh!

-Tuesday, 27th December 2016, 1 year 3 months 20 days, 1257

Friday, 23 December 2016

Good War

This is the season for war. And war is exactly what is coming our way. Though it may not be a physical fight, it is indeed a spiritual war that holds physical repercussions. Ever since the Young People's Camp began and even until now I have been experiencing nonstop warfare. It doesn't help that it intensifies almost everyday but what truly helps is the presence and the Word of Yahweh that brings life with Him. I am privileged that not only had I the opportunity to share my take on spiritual warfare during the camp but even now to experience it firsthand. I count myself even more privileged to know such a ministry as this: to be able to minister to Yahweh all day and night really keeps me up and sustains me through it all. If I were in the world and such a warfare comes, then where will I be left in its wake? Or even by the grace of Elohim I have been enlightened of this revelation beforehand, where can I turn to for my relief and shelter in my times of need? Elohim is not the Elohim of chance, but the Elohim of preordained destiny. I thank Yeshua that by His mercy and grace on my life that I have been brought to this very moment in time to experience this. Truly, there is no other place I'd rather be.

The bigger the breakthrough, the bigger the warfare and vice versa. I believe that now is the time when not just the new generation arising to serve Yahweh here in Glory Place will experience their breakthrough but also for those serving years already. The time for their long awaited breakthrough is on the horizon. But of course it does not come without cost to our own hurt. Every breakthrough requires a breaking of oneself, we need to come to a point in our waging the good warfare where we see that all that we are is nothing apart from Yeshua.

[Psa 16:2] O my soul, thou hast said unto יהוה, Thou art יהוה: my virtue is not without Thee;

The time must and will come that in every warfare we come to an end of our plans: what we think, how we do, what we say, all of it will just fall away and what will be made light is the life of Yeshua. There can be no life without first dying.

[2Co 4:10] Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Master Yeshua, that the life also of Yeshua might be made manifest in our body.

I am so amazed that the Bible just becomes more and more alive to me the longer I study and digest it. It becomes literal food to me. Sometimes there will be days I can just keep feasting on the Word always hungering for more, and yet there are days where even a simple passage is enough to satiate me the entire day. If I should try for more I would risk the feeling of nausea when one eats a bit too much than he ought to. It really is amazing to be able to experience such things just like what the Word of Elohim says. In this season I found myself drawn towards the book of the Kings and Chronicles. The thought really dawned on me that since we are made kings and priests unto our Elohim by the Lord Yeshua why do we not study the history and the lives of the kings? After all:

[2Ti 3:16-17] All scripture is given by inspiration of יהוה, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of יהוה may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

Why not study how they waged war on their enemies? True, theirs was flesh and blood but now we as the New Testament believes face the forces directing the flesh and blood: spiritual enemies. And through much searching and understanding graciously given by the Holy Spirit I found much revelation in the art of spiritual warfare. The way to overcome the enemy is by faith in Elohim and by prayer and worship. On this particular aspect of worship I will be emphasizing more.

The way the kings of old overcame their physical enemies were through warfare but much more through their worship unto Elohim. As they lifted up their eyes and voices and cried out to Yahweh He answered them and intervened in the battle. Victory through Elohim alone.

[2Ch 13:14-15] And when Judah looked back, behold, the battle was before and behind: and they cried unto יהוה, and the priests sounded with the trumpets. Then the men of Judah gave a shout: and as the men of Judah shouted, it came to pass, that Elohim smote Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah.

[2Ch 14:11-12] And Asa cried unto יהוה his Elohim, and said, יהוה, it is nothing with Thee to help, whether with many, or with them that have no power: help us, O יהוה our Elohim; for we rest on Thee, and in thy name we go against this multitude. O יהוה, Thou art our Elohim; let not man prevail against Thee. So יהוה smote the Ethiopians before Asa and before Judah; and the Ethiopians fled.

[2Ch 20:21-22] And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto יהוה, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise יהוה; for His mercy endureth for ever. And when they began to sing and to praise, יהוה set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten.

Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, among others not limited to just the book of the Kings were among those whose victory was just shouting and calling upon the name of Yahweh through worship. The key to victory in the time of waging warfare is to worship continually because in worship Yahweh takes over and wages war on our behalf. In fact, His method of warfare is by the word of His mouth and by the worship of His people.

[Isa 30:32] And in every place where the grounded staff shall pass, which יהוה shall lay upon him, it shall be with timbrels and harps: and in battles of shaking will He fight with it.

[Psa 149:6] Let the high praises of Elohim be in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand;

When we worship we exalt Yeshua and when Yeshua is lifted high He will draw all men unto Himself. When He is exalted in our lives then the darkness must flee away simply because the light has come and there is no more place for the darkness in our lives.

[Joh 1:4-5] In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

The key to the defeat of the enemy's schemes against us is simply to always be looking unto Yeshua and to just keep on worshipping Him. Such worship won't come just like that in our times of trouble but must be cultivated daily just like how a prayerful life is cultivated: daily. Take a look at Daniel, when he heard the decree that no petition should be made to any god save the king himself he went back to his room, opened the window and prayed three times as was his usual custom. In times of adversity, it is what has been drilled into us daily that will see us through. Daniel's life was one full of prayer.

[Dan 6:10] Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his Elohim, as he did aforetime.

Job also was a man of constant communion and worship. He regularly sanctified his children through the daily sacrifices and offerings unto Yahweh. Such a daily thing was inbred into him so much so that when his hour to be tested had come, he could still worship Yahweh even for all the adversities he was going through.

[Job 1:5] And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned and cursed Elohim in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.

[Job 1:20-21] Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped, And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: יהוה gave, and יהוה hath taken away; blessed be the name of יהוה.

Actually this can go on and on and on. But what I want to emphasize is that the key to overcoming is first the cultivation of taking pleasure in worship and prayer. If it becomes a chore, then we will find less pleasure in entering warfare. On a personal experience, I find it my great privilege to be able to go through warfare and oppression because I know that it will reap for me great rewards and benefits to the furtherance of my walk with Messiah. I take pleasure in the blessings of Elohim but I find greater pleasure in entering troubles in my life because I see a greater breakthrough there. After all a breakthrough only comes if there is actually something to break through, if you can understand my quip.

-Saturday, 24th December 2016, 1 year 3 months 17 days, 0309

Saturday, 17 December 2016

Young People's Camp: Sharpening

The Young People's Camp 'On Earth As It Is In Heaven' has just ended this afternoon and it was most certainly an intriguing camp for me to say the least. Of all the camps that I had already attended, this particular camp was quite the oddity. I don't know how to explain it but to me it was as though the reality of the warfare that we Christians face everyday became such a reality to me. Originally, I had wanted to just enjoy myself in this camp and yet I found myself entering a battle zone against the workings of the enemy not only coming against me but against the other young peoples as well. Both long time serving young people and new faces alike were not exempted from partaking of this battle whether they realized it or not. To me, this was the camp to sharpen the gift of discernment that Yahweh had graciously blessed me with through the Holy Spirit. This camp was the camp where I had the privilege to go through with a different perspective than I once did not have in previous camps. I went to battle.

There were many sorts of young people that come for this camp but this is a first for me that so many of them had unresolved issues and rebellious problems in their families. Many of them were so young and yet they were involved with so many vices. But the breakthrough was massive and impacting on each of them, so much so that they desire to give up their worldly pursuits to serve Elohim. Of course when the breakthrough was incredible, it had to be hard fought. Day after day Pastor Jean talked nonstop about spiritual warfare and the spiritual state of the young people. Day after day deliverance and repentance was taking place to oust the enemy and to be infilled with the Holy Spirit. Praise Yahweh that so many breakthroughs had occurred in the lives of the young people and that many of them were set free and that indeed is something to rejoice over in Messiah for His goodness towards His people. However, I saw a different war being waged amongst the staff and helpers of this ministry.

For those who are new to this ministry, the enemy was blatant and evident in their works but for each and everyone serving here the enemy was extremely subtle. I cannot even begin to describe just how subtle they were but unless someone was paying close attention then you wouldn't even notice them. I see in the majority of the staff and helpers: a desire for a breakthrough which they should have had a long while ago but now are only pursuing it. For me all of this began in Israel and most certainly vestiges of it still remain and it is surprising just what we took back with us from there. I haven't written it down yet but I believe that now is the time. It was in Jerusalem that I had received a breakthrough in the leading by the Spirit in my life. My eyes were opened and my ears made attentive to what the Spirit is saying to the church. Although there are times where I get it wrong, it is in times like these that I see Yahweh is refining the gift of discernment in me. What I say comes to pass, whether a proclamation, a passing remark, or even just a thought in the heart they all come to pass one way or another. Such authority I had not realised was in my mouth and I praise Yeshua for opening it to me.

In Jerusalem I was quite saddened by the fact that our team, although there was such wondrous testimonies from them did not fully receive what Yahweh had in store for them there. For many of us who were going there for the first time, it could be said that there should be some leeway but no such thing can be said for sons of Elohim. After the first harp worship session, we became really lax. So relaxed that we enjoyed our stay there instead of being on guard against the workings of the enemy even there. There was massive breakthrough there for each and every young people because I myself received of it but it really bums me that not many caught that breakthrough. In the city of the great King, we took joy in the city rather than the great King. Instead of visiting the King of the city, we just went around His city. No wonder there was no breakthrough and in this Young People's Camp I see that that came back to haunt them.

This Young People's Camp I see that our young people desire such a breakthrough and yet I can't help but feel that the breakthrough which they are now seeking should have been theirs months ago. I see a laxness in our watching against the enemy. All it takes is just a little fox to spoil the entire grapevine. I remember that in the first few days of the camp that there were three times that the people all danced, holding hands and going around in a circle. Jewish tradition. And one time where they performed a victory dance learnt from Jerusalem by the Africans. I have been told by so many people that it is of the Spirit, we ought not to judge and that I have become so hard hearted. But I must call it as it is, there was nothing of Elohim in there. All I see is flesh and emotion, nothing but a spur of the moment thing. I wasn't offended when I was called such a critic. But I however was saddened that our people could not tell what was blatantly screaming out 'flesh' when it was right under their noses. Sometimes we really do get caught up, but not in the Spirit. To me, it felt as though all the warfare that we waged against the enemy, all the ground we took from them was nullified with just that African dance. Seriously though. Because of that I was really oppressed in my mind and had no peace whatsoever for a while. But soon after as I just entered the sanctuary a bit earlier than usual, I heard David Huan worshipping on the harp Matthew 16:19:

[Mat 16:19] And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

That set me free. I had peace once again and I laid hold of the words in the verse. I bound the works of the flesh and just loosed the awesome presence of Elohim for the upcoming night session in a few minutes' time. Even though they had that dance again, what I saw soon after was astounding. As soon as the excitement and energy died down, as soon as the young people could not open their mouths to worship there came such an awesome presence of the Holy Spirit that came down on us. Those who could still worship on I felt broke through and had what they came for but even for those who could not worship they were soon recharged up and this time by the power of Elohim and not of themselves. There was a banner march and it was awesome. Pastor Jean said it was awesome and it truly was awesome. At first I did not understand how or why it could be so awesome but then I realised that this is what Pastor meant by a heavenly dance instead of an earthly one. What's more on the last day of the camp Yahweh just gave me the word that a banner march is indeed awesome and Biblical as well.

[Son 6:4] Thou art beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem, awesome as an army with banners.

Mind blowing really. That despite of what people say and think of me I am glad that I have received the correction of my discernment and that Yeshua continues to sharpen this gift in me. Long ago, I had asked of Yeshua for many things but what I really desired are four essentials: Discernment, Life, Rest, and Authority in Speech. And I am glad that Yahweh grants the desire of my heart in the Lord Yeshua Messiah by the Holy Spirit.

Overall, this camp for me was needed to continue honing what Yahweh had given me and to continue on in the way which He called me to walk, in the Spirit. Not to boast or anything like that but just to glorify the name of Yeshua because He is worthy to be praised. All that He had wrought in my life is slowly bearing fruition and I know that all I have to do is to just surrender and obey to the leading of His Holy Spirit working in me. As we draw to a close of 2016, 2017 looks unpredictable and yet I know it shall all work out for my favour in the end simply because I have the Hope of glory living in me. This truly is the acceptable year of Yahweh.

-Saturday, 17th December 2016, 1 year 3 months 10 days, 2329

Friday, 9 December 2016

Fasting and Breakthrough

This will probably be my last post for a while because the Young People's Camp is once again on the horizon and it brings a myriad of expectations with it. The theme is 'On Earth As It Is In Heaven' and so I have a feeling that we will be learning just what it means to live a life of Heaven while on earth. This is exciting.

I will hopefully keep this short because I would like to sleep soon. I have quite the day planned out Elohim willing and it requires a bit of down time just to rest in Him. We have just completed our monthly 3 days corporate fast and pray and for me there was breakthrough as usual. In fact, I find it quite peculiar that we don't experience breakthrough day after day. The life we live here should mirror that of Yeshua's in heaven and surely it is a life walking in constant victory against sin and opposition. To even remain stagnant for a day would mean that somewhere along the line the enemy have accomplished what they had set out to do on that day to hinder our growth in Yahweh. Anyways, this particular fast was hard on me because I realize that the breakthrough I would receive would not just be for me but for the corporate body of Messiah as well. Not to mention we fast for the breakthrough of the young peoples attending said camp. The second day was rough on me; everywhere I turned I saw temptation. Tired and weary I thought about ending it all by drinking that bottle of Pepsi I had in the fridge waiting for me. For a long time I waged this war in my mind about whether to cut short the fast or not. But praise Yahweh that He saw me through till the end. I remember making a passing remark that the blood of Yeshua was more than enough for me and He was faithful to confirm His word which I had somehow spoken. During the night session as I partook the blood of Yeshua in the symbolic form of a drink I did not drink liquid, what came to my mind was that I was partaking life.

I'm not too sure how to explain this but I felt like life just flowed into me at that moment and it wrought great effects on my body. I felt every tiredness and weariness immediately leave me, I experienced the joy of Yahweh come upon me and I found that I was deeply satisfied to the point I can continue on in the fast until the very last hour. It just goes to show that whatever we speak carries weight because as the sons of Elohim we have authority in the name of Yeshua. Whatsoever we may proclaim, it can be good or evil will surely come to pass because Yahweh has promised to confirm the words of His servants and perform the counsel of His messengers. Praise Yahweh for that. Looks like it's time now. I will see you soon, Elohim willing.

-Saturday, 10th December 2016, 1 year 3 months 3 days, 0513

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Season of Younger People

I am happy. So very happy right now because Yahweh has indeed confirmed not my words but His words which He has spoken concerning myself and others as well. This is indeed the season that the Holy Spirit had properly revealed to me and it truly is the time for the young people. I am glad for the revealing of the sons of Elohim here in this ministry and thought they are few I believe that many more shall arise out of this. Right now of all that I can observe and see, I have only found four among the young people that truly understands what it means to be sons of Elohim and not trying to be. They understand that it is not within their capabilities or understanding of the Word of Elohim even but because of the life giving Spirit, Yeshua Messiah that is in them that gives them the life of a son of Elohim. They understand that change of life can only come in and through Yeshua Messiah, both the Word of Elohim and the life giving Spirit. They just be rather than try to be and that is their greatest asset in knowing Elohim. Jeremy, Joey, Jefrin, and Danti. And I am so pleased to be able to observe their lives and see their growth in Messiah. Praise Yahweh for them but that does not mean there is no potential whatsoever in the rest of them. They have it, but only in the head knowledge department. The words have not yet taken root and have not yet been made flesh in their lives just yet. They speak what they know rather than speak from what they have experienced drawing from the Word of Elohim. Wisdom is the practical application of knowledge and the knowledge that we have we have yet to put into practice.

This is the season for the younger people. Meaning for those who are younger than me age wise. This is their time and their season that the Holy Spirit had revealed to me. Inasmuch as Yeshua has led me through all these seasons to continue to mould me, break me, humble me and to bring me out into my rich fulfillment in Himself; now is the time that He will be doing the same for the younger generation in this particular season. But where there is a greater breakthrough incoming there will be a greater opposition to the will of Elohim being accomplished by the principalities and powers. And I can clearly see that if the young people are able to overcome what the enemy will bring towards them then they shall receive much more than we all have already from Yahweh.

I believe in Haggai 2:9:

[Hag 2:9] The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith יהוה of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith יהוה of hosts.

Not just that the church and the body of Messiah shall be greater in glory and manifestation of power and the kingdom of Elohim but in another regard altogether. I believe that as we are the house of Elohim and the residing place of His Spirit, that with each successive generation their glory in Yeshua Messiah shall be greater than the former generation. In other words, those younger than me have the great privilege to experience more than I have experienced. The power, the kingdom, the riches, everything in Messiah inasmuch as I have received aplenty they have the opportunity to receive double, triple, as much as they want just because of Haggai 2:9.

Therefore this season is crucial for them. From what has been revealed to me by the grace of Elohim this season encapsulates Matthew Gabriel, James, Daniel Chai, Sebastian, Darryl, Samson, Anderias, Ishak, Deon Phillip, Philo Matthew, and of course Megan. Something is coming for them and it is nothing like what they have experienced so far. The enemy comes in subtly like never before and will indeed pose to them a challenge like none before it. Relationships. Whether it be mutual friendship or even romantic, this season the enemy will come in through relationships to them. And this all won't be negative relationships in any case but rather uplifting, good ones. Ones that will build them up in the faith of the Lord Yeshua Messiah and cause them to grow and mature in Him. However it will be here that their loyalty will be tested: whether they treasure the time spent more around godly friends rather than with Elohim Himself. It is here that they will and must find out: what exactly did they come here for? For friendship? Romance? Even a company of like minded believers? Or for Yeshua? Are their hearts tuned to fellowship with godly men or with Elohim?

This is it for them. If they cannot overcome then they will be severely sidetracked for a long while in this particular season but if they can overcome than we shall see the beginnings of many Samuels, Davids, Pauls, Peters, but much more Yeshua Messiah. His life made manifest in them. And they will begin to move and flow in the Spirit and through them we shall see massive breakthroughs taking place not just limiting it to Glory Place but spreading forth to nations. And it is my privilege to be able to be given the honor to observe their journey in this by the Holy Spirit. Now is the time for me to discern and to pray and to wait and see. Now I take a backseat and see what Yahweh wants and desires to do in the lives of these young people. Surely exciting things are ahead for us all. Praise Yahweh.

-Sunday, 4th December 2016, 1 year 2 months 27 days, 0404

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Yeshua, the Focal Point

Over the course of my stay here in Glory Place Mantin I had the privilege of witnessing up close the lives of the young people and the journey each of them take in Yeshua as they continue to walk onto perfection in Him and I find that many of us have yet to understand just what it means to be children of Elohim. Only a few people I have seen that have the substance of it and not just in theory. They live out the life that Yeshua died to give unto them and that is truly a blessing to see them continue on in breakthrough after breakthrough.

Two from Semarak that I see have that life of Yeshua actively taking over time is Jeremy and Joey. Of course they are one of the longest young people to have been in this ministry and thus they have had years and years of refining and cleansing to be able to enjoy the life of the Son of Elohim and to live as sons and not as paupers. I believe that as they continue on for a bit longer soon enough the fullness that they seek for their lives will be made manifest and then they will truly begin to see what it means to live as a son of Elohim. In Semarak they are the closest in my personal perspective and in Glory Place it is none other than the man of valour himself: Jefrin.

I have had the privilege of working under and with Jefrin in many aspect as our duties require of us to perform. And through it all I see that he has the life of Yeshua in him. True that sometimes he does struggle in the fleshy matters weighing him down but he understands that it the change he desires is not of him but of Yeshua Who lives in him. As he continues on he knows and I know that it will all dissipate in the end and he will be set free. Despite his offset background I find that he truly understands what it is to be a son of Yahweh through faith. He just believes and speaks what he believes and it is done. How simple and how effective that is! I find that of all the people that blesses me, the blessings Jefrin gives and pronounces over someone is the more effective because he understands the nature of just being and not trying to be a son. I commend Jefrin, despite his faults he is a true son of Elohim and though he has ways to go just like the rest of us; he is one step ahead. He will go much further than any of us can even believe and by the grace of Elohim may what he has received be imparted to the rest of us. Yahweh knows that we really need it.

It's more than trying now, in fact it's not about trying at all. I remember yesterday's worship session together with Caleb and I just found that he was trying to worship rather than just allowing the Holy Spirit to glorify Himself through us. When we come to worship what do we bring? We most certainly do not bring ourselves because if there is anything of ourselves then Yeshua cannot be fully glorified. There will always be something of us there if we bring it into our worship. I understand that sometimes we become tired and weary because of the tasks given to us carry on throughout the day but it is in His presence that I learned the essential thing we all need. Just like how you leave your shoes at the door of the sanctuary and come in bare feet the same is that we ought to leave ourselves at the gate of the house of Yahweh and entire only and solely by and through Yeshua Messiah.

When we bring our tiredness and our weights in with us to worship I find that we also project the same weariness to others as well. Not so. What we should give is the Lord Yeshua Messiah and His life ought to flow through each and every one of us. His life makes us sons. His blood gives us legitimacy as sons to be loved and disciplined as sons and not as mere strangers. I find that the more we focus on our errors, our sins and where we fall we tend to extol it higher up. Because whatsoever a man thinketh so is he. And if we keep thinking upon our sins and where we fall short are we not in some way exalting that error in our lives and putting it on the pedestal for all to behold? It's like when you are drawn to someone. Their face, features and characteristics flood your thoughts. You desire to speak only about them and nothing else. You lift them high up in your regards to them. In another sense, you've put them on a pedestal in your life and isn't this sometimes what we tend to do with our sins? Our faults, our temptations, our strugglings; all of them cloud our thoughts daily. We tend to disclose more of the errors in our ways rather than speaking and remembering He who died to remove these errors once and for all from us. We put them on a pedestal. Seriously not so.

Yes, the need to address the sin is there and is needed sometimes but to confront them is not within ourselves because we were born into their territory. Our mortal bodies is their playground and if we think that we can rid ourselves entirely of their influences for good then it's better that we seek for an early martyrdom for the cause of the Gospel of Messiah. As long as we remain in this body and this is my belief that you need not share with, sin can never truly be removed until Yeshua returns bringing with Him true salvation to the corruption of our mortal bodies. We may be crucified, dead, and buried but until the prophetic act becomes a physical reality we will only have a foretaste of what is waiting for us when Yeshua returns: a complete doing away of sin and the sinful body. The key to overcome is simple and that is Yeshua. Speak Yeshua, think of Yeshua, love Yeshua, have your thoughts focused more on Him and what He has done rather than what you have done. Because with what you occupy your thoughts with, that you extol and as for me I want to extol the Lord Yeshua in my life. Let everything just be about Yeshua, stop caring about your sin. The more you strive against the sinful nature the more you rile it up against yourself and the easier you will fall. Have your focus shifted to Yeshua and soon enough the sins troubling you and the notions of it will and must leave in the name of Yeshua. When a runner falls on the ground he doesn't bemoan that he fell and he doesn't shed tears over it. He gets up and continues on, there's a race to finish. And we having stepped on dung do not cry about our dirtied shoes or lift up our voice in anger and outrage. We find some water and clean it off and then go about our day. Life's much more than sin, life is Yeshua and Yeshua is our life. Focus on that and you will see life manifest sooner than you hope for.

-Friday, 2nd December 2016, 1 year 2 months 25 days, 0154