Friday 29 April 2016

April and more - Choppy waters

Well, we've come to the end of yet another month and the dawn of another. April has surely been choppy waters but now it is calm seas once again. Praise Yahweh for His divine ordinance and dealings. I could wish for no better (now that the shaking is over and done with). And as with the dealings of Yahweh comes blessing in disguise. Once it was over, looking back it is most definitely a blessing in disguise.

I am a man who enjoys good food; especially supper ever since I came here to Mantin. But in this shaking my supper was taken from me and thinned down and yet looking back it appears that whether there was any supper or not didn't really matter in the end. I didn't even realise that I went out so few times in the night now that I tally together. This month of April has sure been a month of fleshly splurging to say the least. Everything skyrocketed leaving my wallet in tears. But now it's a new month, what has been done is done and now a new start in Messiah Yeshua is here. I understand now when the Word of Elohim says that all things work together for good to them that love Him; the called according to His purpose. It really is so.

Summary: A great shaking occurred in April. In the end, I came out freed from the bondages coiling about me. I went in wound up and came out loose and free. Amen! Praise the Lord Yeshua!

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Psalm 45:1-6

My heart is overflowing with a good theme. I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer:

"Thou art fairer than the children of men: favour is poured into Thy lips: therefore Elohim hath blessed Thee for ever.

Gird Thy sword upon thy thigh, O Most Mighty, with Thy glory and Thy majesty.

And in Thy majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness; and Thy right hand shall teach Thee terrible things.

Thine arrows are sharp in the heart of the King's enemies; whereby the people fall under Thee.

Thy throne, O Elohim, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of Thy kingdom is a right sceptre."

Everything is so easy now. No struggle whatsoever. I wonder why I never stopped trying sooner, I would then have entered into such a peaceful state of rest much sooner. It feels great not worrying over everything and needlessly stressing oneself out, so nice to kick back and let Elohim take over. So, so nice. Praise Yeshua for His timeless, abundant rest which I have the privilege of now experiencing. The blessing now mine to enjoy to much riches and extent.

Friday 22 April 2016

Living the Life

As I write this I find myself blessed indeed by Elohim. Here I am; 20 years old and serving Yahweh. Set free from the norm of the world, from the daily bustle of the rat race, from whatsoever chains a normal 20 year old college attendee would have. I see the world beyond this beyond and it is looking all too good. Only one problem, my flesh just can't seem to fit into this new lifestyle.

The flesh wants what it wants and my goodness how strong it is. After all my flesh is technically 11 years ahead of its spiritual counterpart*. But He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. I have to say that. So here I am, as I write this I am awake at 4.30am in the morning, getting ready to hunker down in church on the stage. Just me and my church deacon: Brother Koh here in this place of total quietness and serenity. Seriously, life is so much more exciting inasmuch as it is challenging ever since I have decided to follow Yeshua, no turning back.

The Holy Spirit is doing a proper purging of my being this time and boy, is it purging all right! Things I never knew I had began manifesting itself one after another this week and the old sins began cropping up once again but this time; and praise Yahweh that now I know how to exercise the God given authority (somewhat) to drive out the enemy and what I once found delighted to indulge in lost its savour to me. Of course that doesn't mean I should test the waters again, that would be testing Elohim and we don't want that.

This week is fine! Fine and ultra dandy, give thanks to Yahweh! Looking expectantly for unexpected blessings in tight situations in the days to come...

*(Here's where math comes in. I began to count the growth of my flesh life from the age of 5 when I began attending kindergarten. I am 20 years old this year and my spirit man began cultivating himself 2 years ago. 20-5=15 years of development; 15-2=13 years of fleshly living and 2 years of spiritual renewal. )

Wednesday 20 April 2016


Looking back this blog of mine, it seems pretty mundane and dull. All words, words, words only. No pictures, no anything. Just words and now I doubt that half of what I had written were even true. (Raspberry sounds)

However, there is a life beyond the phone. Praise Yahweh for that! I mean it might not seem as much but just eating a three layered peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich at 3 in the morning with my roommate James, 15; is it. This is it. The abundant life I had been searching for all this time. Just that few moments of me speaking half gibberish and half Mandarin to the guy leaves me with a massive sense of contentment and satisfaction equivalent to the hours on the phone watching videos. Needless to say the former is more efficient and more euphoric.

I am coming to terms now. I don't need much to be happy. People need so much from themselves and from others to be happy but hey, hang with me. You walk the same path I do? Then come let us walk together; though not all company is beneficial.

That being said, the Hiding Place (the sanctuary within the sanctuary of Elohim. Also happens to be my tenancy.) could use a bit of sprucing up. So much to do with so much time. How to begin?

A new season is here and it is one of the Holy Spirit purifying us as His own special people, redeemed from every lawless dead; zealous for the good works in which He prepared beforehand causes us to walk in. Now this is speaking my mind (partially).

Sunday 17 April 2016

Hosea 6:1

What am I to write? Hmmm. Don't know yet but I do know it's time to stop with the pretending. This is a blog about a boy's journey in Yahweh; not some sermon articles. I'll be somewhat more honest in my writings though not fully honest as that privilege only belongs to Yeshua and myself. You readers have been notified.

A new season of change in the Holy Spirit is here now. Looks like this season will be the most exciting and yet most costing season I will have gone through yet. The first few days and already I have received quite the smack down. Ah well, each day brings new beatings and new healings. As He has torn, He will heal us. As He has stricken He will bind us up. No worries. Just waiting for that second and third day now, Yahweh...

Friday 15 April 2016

New Beginnings

There is much cleansing and purging to be done in me; I understand. So be it. Let Your will not mine be done, o my Elohim.

It's time to start...

Monday 11 April 2016

Like a River

This is it. This is it. This is it. What is it? I have found peace. And the peace from above is good indeed. In the face of others I might have flunked out but yet what is this peace? I am neither troubled at what I have done for I have done no wrong, Elohim is my witness in this. Nor am I at last wavering betwixt two opinions, I finally know where I stand in particular matters. Whether I get it tomorrow or not doesn't matter anymore, I am at peace and that peace supercede any and all worries that I may have. The day itself have its own troubles and my worrying will in by no way change that.

However I put my trust in the Elohim that is able to see the beginning from the end considering that He Himself is the Beginning and the End. Now, it really begins to stir. The waters are about to be churned and tested and whether the peace of Messiah Yeshua is able to keep me is about to be proven faithful and true. I now am without any cares whatsoever. Come what may, what people may say but in the end it is the Word of Elohim as my standard. The benchmark of all things is of Him, through Him and to Him. Lord Yeshua has been gracious to me and now we enter into the monthly fasting and prayer. I now enter that I may find real rest for my soul in the Messiah. I enter this fast with the sole purpose to come out burden less and yoke free. Go to

-Tuesday, 12th April 2016, 7 months 5 days, 0318

Psalm 30:5b

It's been a while. One full week to be exact and what a week it has been. Thus far, I don't think I have ever experienced this much in such a long while and not in a positive sense. This week was a train wreck for me. Flesh dominated week is what this week will be called because it was precisely that: flesh dominated. What I did not want to do I did and what I wanted to I did not. It became increasingly taxing on my spirit, soul and body this week for me as I was tried in every sense and seemingly failed each and every single time. Even now there are still smudges here and there as I can plainly see and they are deep stains. My spirit was heavily deprived of the Word of Elohim and thus I lost the drive to continue for that moment. My soul was vexed within me as what was contrary to me has been accomplished and death spouted high like an unclosed tap. And just how many deaths have I experienced just this week accumulates more than the previous months by far. My body was given over to bear the fruits of death so much so that sin reigned in my mortal body spurred on in the moment.

Honestly, it was a real bummer of a week. But I thank Yeshua that through this I am taught the harsh lesson that there is absolutely nothing I can do, nothing within me is able to resist the carnal urging a of the flesh. No strength of myself can save me. In the end, it's all Yahweh. It has always been Yahweh and this much was made clear to me this previous week. Looking back truly all things worked together for good to them that love Him. Now a new week is dawning upon us and surely the help from Elohim comes at the crack of dawn. A new week equals new and fresh anointing and where Yahweh's anointing oil is it breaks every time.

Thus, I am glad that not only is this week at last over but also for the lesson learnt. He had broken me down and all my high walls are as rubble before Him. He breaks the yoke off my back so that I may carry His York, the yoke of Messiah. A new beginning is here. Let us continue to go and pray before Yahweh and seek Yahweh of hosts. I myself will go also...

-Monday, 11th April 2016, 7 months 4 days, 1852

Monday 4 April 2016

My Station of Serenity

I am reminded of the loving kindness of Yahweh daily. His mercies fail not, everytime I fall He restores me. There is no one like Him and no one else Whom I give my life to.

Today has been a series of fluctuations. The everyday life is veering towards an unusual turn, though I reckon it is just for today. It has been no way bad but neither has it been good. This has just been one of those days. Ah, well. Yahweh gives and Yahweh takes, blessed be His glorious name. The skies are clear and a mighty gust of wind blows through the skies clearing the heavens for viewing.

I am yet reminded that we are living in the last times of last times. The end of the age is so upon us right now. And the need to truly get right with Elohim before Yeshua returns is electrifying the air itself. The call to die to self and join yourselves with the Lord is not at hand. It is here, now. Even as I write this post the atmosphere around me surges with excitement. Yeshua is coming again soon. Indeed come, o Lord!

Sometimes I yearn for my friends that they too may come to experience firsthand the joy to be freed from all the deceptions and lies of the systems of this world and to serve the living Elohim who had chosen them all. I yearn for those who are still swimming the world's currents, more so for those who call upon the name of the Lord Yeshua Messiah. And yet, there is a sense of deep serenity within me. There is no cause to fear nor to worry. The same Elohim who parted the Red Sea is more than capable of transforming the Sauls into Pauls. I hope in the Hope of glory.

A new day dawns and the floodgates of heaven surges. Rain falls and everything is alright in Yeshua.

-Monday, 4th April 2016, 6 months 28 days, 2352

Sunday 3 April 2016

March and more

Reviewing what has transpired this past month of March, all I can say now is praise Yahweh. Though I may have my ups and downs, in the end all things have indeed worked together for good to them that love Elohim. The ups and downs all became stepping stones to further my upward calling.

Though not all times were beneficially used and redeemed, there is nothing to be ashamed of anymore. Everyday brings a new beginning and Yahweh has been utterly favourable towards me because not of myself in any way whatsoever but because of Yeshua Messiah in me; the hope of glory, my Hope.

Yahweh says in Isaiah 65:17-18: "For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy." Therefore indeed He has made me joy in all He has created. I am and will be glad in the Lord.

-Sunday, 3rd April 2016, 6 months 27 days, 2127