Sunday, 31 January 2016

January and more

Looking back at January, it has been a wonderful first month of this new year. Already we can all plainly see now the awesome moving of the Holy Spirit in the midst of us. He is doing the work and surely as He begun the good work He shall finish it. What He is doing is calling for a more distinct separation of the people of Elohim. As if we are already set apart enough, the Holy Spirit calls for even more greater separations to be made and if we do not comply He will bring us to the end of ourselves whether we want it or not. Now is the time, the beginning of the end times and Yeshua is nearer than He ever was. His return is imminent and He is only coming for His true church.

Thus, everything is timely. Yahweh makes it beautiful in its own time and surely everything is falling into place like an intricate puzzle set. With this new album from Glory Place Prayer Centre of Malaysia, Mantin just finished and soon to be released I have had the privilege of listening to it firsthand and I must say; the anointing is already so different even from Pastor Jean's opening prayer until her closing prayer. Time is hastening and the Spirit of Yahweh is hastening His work along with it. Every song in this album is anointed with a different anointing each and I can already tell that this is going to be a standout album from the rest.

The heart of Yahweh is made known: He wants a special and peculiar people for Himself. He wants the people He has formed for His good pleasure to declare His praises, to walk in His blessings, to live in the abundant covenant life which He promised to Abraham and his seed. And most assuredly if we are Messiah's then we are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. Sons of the Most High, Elohim is in the midst of us. We shall not be moved. How marvellous to see the full counsel of the Word being fulfilled before our very own eyes and the counsel of men brought to nothing. Surely now is the time to make right while it is still yet day. While we still have the light, let us walk in it lest we are overtaken by the darkness. The longsuffering of Yahweh is wisdom for He desires that not one soul should perish but that all should come to the full grace and knowledge of the Lord Yeshua Messiah. Arise to our calling! Arise as sons of Elohim to destroy the works of the devil.

-Sunday, 31st January 2016, 4 months 24 days, 2304

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

2 Corinthians 10:4

The winds of change are blowing mightily right now. It has always been blowing but this year; 2016 the winds have stirred into a gale of shifting seasons. Times are changing, laws are changing, people are changing but it is so wonderful to know that Yeshua Messiah is the same yesterday, today and forever. Truly privileged we all are, as the people of Yahweh called personally by Him we have the blessedness of seeing His Word coming to pass in our lives. And right now we have the privilege of seeing one of the many works of the devil being smashed and utterly disposed off once and for all. The spirit of Asclepius; Greek god of medicine. The same spirit that has been holding a choke hold over the church of Messiah, its power is at last shattered.

Recent news states that in the next decade or so antibiotics will finally run out of its relevancy in combating bacteria. The bacteria are just adapting to the antibiotics and if doctors were to use more potent ones, it would lead to the demise of many. As such cancer treatments such as radio-therapy and chemo-therapy are coming to its last curtain call and will have no more usage once antibiotics are done away with. Without antibiotics the writer though a secular Christian fears that this could spell the imminent end of humanity. According to him we won't even be able to build up a strong enough natural resistance due to the dependancy of antibiotics to cure us to combat something like the common cold. Doctors will soon be put out of use because no matter how skilled they are, without proper equipment and tools they will be rendered useless. Praise Yahweh!

Now whether the churchgoers like it or not we are returning to divine healing Elohim's way which is the only way. Hallelujah! For surely as we see the fall of medicine and its god at last the church can fulfil its proper role to bring healing to the nations. For those who have all their lives depended on such things it will be arduous times but for the people of Elohim who walk in the light of the life of Yeshua Messiah, we are the most joyous of all. And just as one fall of the principalities of the enemy has been established, all of them will fall. And now we come against the Greek god of music, Pan and the head honcho Zeus, which is none other than satan himself. Surely the gates of Hades shall not prevail against the church built on the rock of Messiah. Hold fast the winds are blowing mightily this year.

-Thursday, 28th January 2016, 4 months 21 days, 0105

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

His Work

I feel like I belong here in Glory Place, Mantin. Everything just speaks to me like: "This is the place where you were meant to be. This is the place where it's at." Whether the community of the work or the atmosphere in this place and out I feel a certain belonging to the town of Mantin. Specifically for Elohim's house of prayer for all nations. Everything feels right. Just so right. The only thing at fault lies indefinitely within me; the flesh.

The flesh desires comfort and pleasures, not hardship and sufferings for the sake and name of Messiah. However when I am here in GP I have a deep certainty that the flesh will die. Might not be today, might not be tomorrow but the flesh will have to die. Simply because the Word of Elohim says so therefore it must come to pass. Though heaven and earth may pass away, not one jot or tittle of the Word will pass without being fulfilled. Therefore it is imperative that I remain constantly in the house of Yahweh to soak in His presence. Just like how long soaking in water will easily remove all clinging clods of dirt with but a simply scrub, simply being in Yahweh's presence will cleanse and deliver me from all the filthiness of both the flesh and the spirit, and will perfect holiness in the fear of Elohim. Thus I am not worried, why should I be? I have everything I could ever want or need, food, a roof over my head, constant exposure to the Word of Elohim and the wondrous works of Elohim which He has prepared beforehand for me. I am satisfied with said marrow and fatness. Hallelujah!

The work is no longer work but a deep pleasure. It is satisfying and the days are hastening with each passing moment. Just as how Yahweh has promised He will shorten and finish the work which He began in us Himself, so too does the time reflect the ever hastening work of Elohim unto Yeshua's imminent return. And surely as He called me He is faithful to carry out whatsoever He had spoken of in His work and will do it. He will restore the tabernacle of David;  the tabernacle of praise and worship, prayer and intercession.. He will sanctify and cleanse us with the washing of water by the Word. He will present us unto Himself a glorious church without spot and wrinkle. He will sanctify us completely and preserve us unto the coming of our Lord Yeshua Messiah. He will crush satan under our feet. He will do it all and it gives me great joy to be able to just rest and receive from Him everything. Though there may be times when I have to confirm the Word spoken through activating faith yet surely it is Elohim who works in me both to will and to do His good pleasure. And now to enjoy the off day given to me. Praise Yahweh!

-Wednesday, 27th January 2016, 4 months 20 days, 0426

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Art of Prayer & Intercession

Prayer is a battlefield. I can't go about agreeing to peoples' prayers anymore willy nilly at every moment. I need the discernment of the Holy Spirit and His guidance to traverse this minefield of fleshly prayers and parroting sentences. Just because someone is anointed with many a blessings and gifts from Elohim does not necessarily make all his prayers automatically correct, neither does someone whose walk in Yahweh is taking its baby steps immediately make him a 'novice' prayer warrior. Discernment is key.

There can never be too much prayer. One can never truly say for certain that "I have prayed enough." Prayer is everything for without prayer there is no ministry. To be clear, prayer connects man with Elohim by the Holy Spirit Who makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered according to the will of Elohim should we not know what to pray for as we ought. And as we are joined together as one Spirit with Yahweh we receive from Him everything that is needed. Whether unction, power, grace, etc. all things received is received through the effective fervent prayers of righteous men. Of course, it is not our own righteousness for we cannot come to our awesome and holy Elohim with our own righteousness likened to filthy rags; rather it is the righteousness of Yeshua Messiah that comes upon us that we are able to make effective and fervent prayers. Many Christians, myself included as were all of us tend to lead rather prayerless lives until we were awakened to the truth that without prayer there can be nothing done or said with the full backing of the Godhead. Thus, prayer connects us and one another to Elohim.

One another? Suppose we each come from different backgrounds. Cultures, upbringing, education, ethics, and the like. The thing that connects us is Yeshua and His life is our pattern. He ever lives to make intercession for us and as such our lives are lived made for prayer and intercession. It is also another important factor found in the tabernacle of David which Yahweh is raising up besides praise and worship. It does not matter where we come from, we both can pray and prayer connects the body of Messiah together like joints in the body.

Prayer cannot be taken lightly, because whatsoever two people agree concerning anything touching heaven and earth it shall be done. Anything, that means whether for better or for worse. Agreeing simply is inviting trouble on yourself and others. As such I found the need to keep silent most of the time until the Holy Spirit prompts me to agree, which is not often nowadays. Besides that the Holy Spirit also gave me an interesting trivia: Pastor Jean rarely agrees with anyone's prayers as well. Huh. Just because we use smooth words does not mean it will go down smoothly. Sometimes a few words trumps a thousand. Although the topic of prayer is important as well, it is as the Spirit leads in the end so there can be no restrictions put on Him. Parroting one another will get us nowhere unless it is by the Spirit, when that happens it is a confirmation rather than a repetition.

Prayer is a large topic and I am barely skimming the top of this vast sea. Thus far has the Holy Spirit put in my mind to write and until then.

-Friday, 22nd January 2016, 4 months 15 days, 0328

Wednesday, 20 January 2016


It feels like time is speeding up immensely nowadays. Day after day flies by so quickly and work doesn't feel like work now. Whether it is something time consuming or something strenuous everything is becoming like a pleasure unto me to perform because I am beginning to see the Benefactor behind the people issuing me the work. When one sees Yeshua everything seems so trivial and insignificant. The days are speeding by and by, hours become minutes and minutes what more. I found the deep pleasure to do the work of Yahweh, to walk in His works which He has prepared for me. And as speedily as the days are going, I see the need now to fully immerse myself in the presence of Elohim. Finding time to do what I want is being weighed against the time needed to fully connect with Yahweh in the Spirit. And the time for Yahweh is outweighing my own needs now.

Time is hastening. The works of the Holy Spirit in His people are coming to its full dispensation in the body of Messiah. It no longer becomes an obligation but the time together with Elohim must become a necessity and a deep desire; indispensable. Just recently Pastor Jean led us into a time of repentance from the spirit of worldliness and worldly music; soulish worship. As we repented individually and corporately, we renounced, rejected and crushed the works of the devil in this matter and now we are free, and free indeed. This time is that time. The right timing of Yahweh in all His works. And now it is high time to fully immerse myself in the Word and presence of Elohim daily. Whether through work or through worship or through alone time, what was once monotonous and tedious becomes fresh because times of refreshing comes in the presence of Yahweh.

Now is the time to truly forsake everything of the world for only he who does the will of Elohim abides forever. And in this 21 days fast I truly thank Yahweh for the thorough cleansing in me and in my friends and family. The winds of change are blowing mightily. A revival draws near...

-Thursday, 21st January 2015, 4 months 14 days, 0037

Friday, 15 January 2016

Psalm 84:4

What is there to consider? I find my stay here in Glory Place Mantin to be quite the meaningful experience. To me, staying here in Yahweh's house is more of an auspicious holiday than it is a working experience. Everyday I find myself enjoying the little and large things that comes with the blessing of serving Yahweh. It is wonderful to truly experience the life outside of the world's standards and precepts. To not be burdened with any such yoke save the light and easy yoke of our Lord Yeshua Messiah really is wonderful. All in all I have found myself to be enjoying each day here in this house of the great King of kings. Everyday has become a pleasure despite the physical demand of each day because everyday as I exhaust the strength of not mine own but from Elohim I also have been given the wee early hours of almost each morning to replenish said strength. To just be saturated in the awesome presence of Yahweh is like just standing underneath a warm shower on a cold evening. Absolutely marvellous really.

I am really thankful that Yahweh has called me into His service in His house of prayer for all nations. It truly is a different world here. Even the very atmosphere here is so tranquil and serene. Though GP's tenants vary from young to old, whether physically or spiritually we are all one family; one body of the Lord Yeshua Messiah. Everyday is like a holy holiday here and every journey, every step taken is not taxing but rather invigorating. I am excited because though I may seemingly be doing the same thing day in and day out, with the Holy Spirit working in and through me He makes everyday different. The most monotonous of things become like a first time again because times of refreshing comes in the presence of Yahweh.

How magnificent that Yahweh has chosen me to come serve Him. How wonderful that I am free of the world because Yeshua has taken all my chains away and have cleansed me by His Word. How awesome to know that Yahweh El Shaddai is living in me and is working a deep, perfect work in me. And that the full dispensation of that work will soon come full circle. Hallelujah! What a joy to continuously be in the house of Yahweh. As the psalmist says: "Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee."

-Saturday, 16th January 2016, 4 months 9 days, 0526

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

John 8:32

Yahweh has answered. How exciting even though I wasn't really looking for the answer to come during the first day itself, I had expected it on the last day but with this I praise Yahweh that He has indeed made me free with just this verse: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32) After receiving that verse it was as if an entire block of weight just lifted off my back. I feel immensely lighter and much more freer now than I did days or even moments before.

I was battling over the issue of the addiction to the phone and I was asking Yahweh for some reprieve from it. Time and time again I have tried to free myself from this stronghold but therein lies the problem. I tried to free myself, as a man of the dust I am inferior to the spiritual principalities and powers hovering in the second heaven. It was the only logical conclusion that me being in this fallen tent of a body should not be able to overcome this lingering evil with the strength which draws itself from same said evil. Instead I should have overcome evil with good and Who is good except the heavenly Father? His Word is good, His Word us truth and it is a truth which makes us free and free indeed.

Thus, by the grace of my Lord Yeshua Messiah I have come to the revelation that what He says is the truth so why am I believing the lie? His Word says that He has made me free, I say I am still stuck addicted to phone. Who is right? Who is truth? Until just now I could not see it but now it is so clear I do not need to put up with this lie or any lie for that matter because only Elohim is the truth, all men are liars. Thus, I have decided to firmly place my beliefs in His truth which makes me free from my strongholds. There is no need to struggle or travail anymore, Yeshua has made me free. Hallelujah! The Way, the Truth, and the Life says that in Him all the old things; the former things have passed away and now all things have become new. So it is, simply because He is the very said Truth. As for all the lies in my life, give it not a second thought.

-Thursday, 14th January 2016, 4 months 7 days, 0331

Breaking of Strongholds

The fasting ordained by Yahweh is on. The first day has officially finished and now we enter the next two days. Praise Yahweh for this fast. Because more oftentimes than it should have been I have allowed the flesh to take the driver's seat and it is only through fasts like these that I can truly crucify the flesh with its passions and desires. What's more it is every month so I truly thank Yeshua that now through fasting and prayer I can effectively whack the devil out of my life and destroy his works in me.

As this fast continues on I am expectant of many breakthroughs this time around because straight after the three days absolute fast is the 21 day fast leading up to the Prayer Advance Seminar in February this year. The seminar lasts 10 days and as we are a prophetic people we can expect prophetic things to take place. So this time around I have great hope in Yahweh that as I fast not with my own strength or comprehension but with the manifold wisdom and strength found in Yeshua Messiah, I know that many strongholds remaining in my life will at last be shattered. For surely as Isaiah 58:6 says: "Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?" So surely the bands of wickedness over me will be broken, the oppression will be loosed from me, every heavy burden will be undone and every yoke broken of me. Praise Yahweh! On with it.

-Wednesday, 13th January 2016, 4 months 6 days, 1735

Sunday, 10 January 2016


Perhaps it is time to change lenses. I may have become quite bias towards people, things and whatnot. So much so before someone says something I have already adopted a mindset to that particular person. Don't get me wrong, there are people and things to whom I do that though I can't seem to recall anything now; but over these past few days Yahweh has been indicating to me about 'neutrality'.

Acid and alkali neutralises each other to become tasteless water. Same thing applies to the Christian walk of faith in the Messiah. Too much of a good thing and the indulgence of fleshly vices, which is bad becomes too heavy of a burden to bear sometimes. In the sense of what is good, for me I sometimes find myself puffing up more than necessary. To think that I have the audacity to claim to have mastered something when at the next moment I spin out of control of it. Thus, it was necessary and needful for me that Yahweh laid on me some afflictions and chastisement due to me, not because I am a wretched sinner; though I was and should be without Yeshua but because He loves me and He chastises those whom He calls His own children. If we cannot accept the adversity as well as the good from Yahweh we become illegitimate and cut off from the power of the Holy Spirit. After all if one walks alone and falls who will pick him up? In this I see the mercy of Yahweh of His continuing to remind me that it is not what I can do or know, it is purely grace through faith that I am saved.

The same applies to the flesh. When we too often focus on our problems we tend to forget our Problem Solver. When we pay to mind our sicknesses and griefs we soon forget about He Who had borne all for us that we might become the righteousness of Elohim in Him. As we desire those which are outside the will of Elohim for us, sin is given birth. And as we pursue, sin grows and sin full grown brings death. Thus it becomes a necessity for our survival to stop looking at the seen and start looking at Him who is unseen and living inside of us. Focus on the Giver rather than His gifts though they are wondrous, they are surely not as wondrous as He Himself.

Talking about a neutral zone, I think it will be good for me to take a step back and don't be so quick to judge people based on what they had done before. For surely as Joseph was able to forgive his brothers for selling him into slavery, as Yeshua forgave Simon Peter for his 3 time denial, surely as Messiah that same Forgiver should compel me to stop judging and start loving. Love covers a multitude of sins in the first place and as knowledge puffs up, love edifies. Love brings joy, followed by peace. And as sons of Elohim we are peacemakers by default and not judge, jury and executioner. Leave the vengeance to Yahweh, loving one another fulfills all the Law and the Prophets exponentially. The kingdom of heaven personifies righteousness, joy and peace. To keep in memory of people's past mistakes means to unknowingly carry a grudge, a deep root of offense and unforgiveness towards they themselves. And if we cannot forgive them our heavenly Father will not pardon us either. In this I pray may the Elohim of all grace perfect, establish, strengthen and settle me in this matter. For if He has forgiven that brother or sister and has forgotten their past errors should they have repented, should not I His son and their sibling in Messiah as well?

-Sunday, 10th January 2016, 4 months 3 days, 2103

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Looking Back & Facing Forward

It is officially four months now. Looking back I can really see the sovereign hand of Elohim working deeply and mightily in my life, leading me up until this very point. Truly it is a great blessing to be in the hands of Yahweh. Though sometimes the dealings of Yahweh in and through me are anything but pleasant, I have seen time and time again Romans 8:28 come to life in my very own life. Surely all things, whether for initial good or bad shall work together for good to them that love Elohim; to them who are the called according to His purpose. And praise Yeshua that not only am I called, I am chosen. Out of billions of people more capable than I, He chose me the least of all to abide in His house to serve Him before the throne night and day.

This year is truly that of change, first and foremost. It has only been 7 days and yet great changes are occurring in GP, Mantin as well as in Semarak. One major change is that one of the full time staff of Semarak had left for Sandakan. What to make of this though? On one hand it is on the pretext of setting up a prayer house in Sandakan, on the other he has no sense of spiritual authority. Even when Pastor Jean adamantly asked him to stay at least until the end of the upcoming seminar, he went and up off just like that. Sigh, well in the end Yahweh's great dealings tend to sift and divide between the tares and the wheats, the sheep and the goat. In the end, we must come to the realisation that we ourselves will not be able to remain steadfast until the end save by coming to Yeshua. We cannot hope to continue standing against the forces of darkness presiding in the world and those around us unless we have He who has overcome the world in us. Thus, no man is able to glory before Yahweh simply because they can't. No man relying on man can do the works only Elohim can do, we are called to rest in Him and He Himself will do it, period.

The second major change, well the full picture has yet to be revealed but in due time perhaps I will share when the issue irons itself out. Truly, praise Yahweh for what He is doing. As He gives, He takes away. What right have we to hold on to something that does not belong to us? All things come from Elohim through Messiah Yeshua. It is only right that all things should return to its Owner. As Job says, "What? shall we receive good at the hand of Elohim, and shall we not receive evil?" (Job 2:10b) Yet in all things, He does it for our own good whether we like it or not. Blessed be the name of Yahweh!

-Thursday, 7th January 2016, 4 months, 0047

Friday, 1 January 2016

2016: Year of the Spirit

Blessed new year! It is 2016, and I'm now 20. How fast time flies in the presence of Yahweh. It's been 3 glorious months and even though it has sometimes been up and down in the end, the sky is the limit. The upward call beckons me upwards and nothing will drag me down this year. No resolutions necessary, Yeshua has done all on the cross and it is the finished work that I have the privilege to rest in. This year if anything I desire to experience the full rest of Yahweh which He has prepared for me. Yes, rest is important. In the end without rest one cannot hope to continue. In fact, unless one rests in Yahweh then nothing can be done outside of Him. Take two people doing the same job for example, one is inferior to the other. The inferior one pushes his desire to work on the superior one and takes both their loads. He fizzles out. Same thing in the Christian walk, we take sometimes too much upon ourselves including what Elohim wants to do in and through us. The burden Yeshua has given us is not the entire world but His own which is light and easy, the cross; the way of self denial.

Truthfully, I am a man who delights in resting, whether physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. Rest is pleasant, after all in returning and rest I shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be my strength. In 2016 I know that this year is Yahweh's year, the year of the Holy Spirit. Thus, this year I desire to enter the full rest of Elohim, for He that enters into His rest has ceased from all their works. And when we stop, the Holy Spirit begins. When the self dies, the Spirit gives new life. So in the rest of Elohim is everything simply because Yeshua has done it all. "It is finished! It is done!" So if a work is completed, what does one do? Rest and receive.

Hallelujah! This is why I desire His rest, I see my brothers and sisters in Messiah struggling with straggling sins, I myself am not excluded yet. However the life in the Spirit is a natural life, no need to strain oneself to connect with Yahweh. Because why do you want to connect with your left hand; to move your fingers on it when it is already connected in the first place? Same thing, with Yahweh. As sons of Elohim we are joined in one Spirit together with Him. So in this year, I will be receiving my breakthroughs, and I look forward to them. Praise Yahweh! A natural Spirit life, a spiritual rest, living in the Spirit as though it is as natural as breathing. Yes.

-Saturday, 2nd January 2016, 3 months 26 days, 0444