Monday, 30 December 2019
Tuesday, 17 December 2019
Revival Camp and Night Reading
Friday, 6 December 2019
Wednesday, 27 November 2019
To Pursue Purity
Friday, 22 November 2019
The Word Revealed
Friday, 15 November 2019
Tuesday, 5 November 2019
High Mark
Monday, 28 October 2019
Unveiled Face
Friday, 6 September 2019
4 years
Well, it's officially 4 years now that I've been here serving Yahweh at Glory Place Prayer Centre of Malaysia. How fast the time just flies. I was just remembering and glanced through the very first post that I made when I came in to serve the Lord Yeshua here in this place and I realise that not only had I grown much, but perhaps a little bit more I have matured than who I was when I first arrived. For that I truly am glad.
Everything that has happened during these 4 years here have been of various reactions and responses from me. I've experienced climbing so high with Yahweh and at the same time plunging to the depths of my humiliation and weaknesses. But all in all I do not regret ever serving Yahweh, it was and will always be the best choice that I could have and have made in my lifetime. Because the rest of the world pursue the things that only the world can give, I thank the Lord Yeshua Whom I serve that I can pursue Him and lay hold of the very thing He too has laid hold of me: life.
2Pe 1:3-4 According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
Had I remained in the world surely by now I would have received monetary blessings and mayhaps a stable job offer but I thank Elohim that He separated not just me but my family as well to pursue Him and to be about our Heavenly Father's business instead. Now what I have the world yearns for because they cannot have it: life, joy, peace, satisfaction, and spiritual authority in the name of Yeshua etc. I truly am glad that not only I could serve Yahweh but He has wondrously chosen and prepared this place for me. Truly in this place I see signs and wonders happening all day, I see nations coming in to the house of Yahweh to learn of Him and to worship Him, I bear witness that the glory of Yahweh truly is in this place and He has greatly changed my life and turned things around in my favour. Not because I was an obedient son Elohim knows that many times I was simply doing what I was required to do, but because He loves me so much that He has given me freely all things.
Rom 8:32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?
4 years have passed by in the blink of an eye and now new things have begun to open up. Things which was promised to me from the beginning I am now experiencing and now the fulfilment of every Word of Elohim is at hand. All the more reason now to continue to run this race with endurance and to see it through to the very end. I truly praise You, o Lord Yeshua because in Your great love, mercy, and grace towards someone like me You have chosen me from billions to serve You and to minister to You always in Your house. Such a privilege as this I will not surrender, You have given me Your life, Your blessing, Your Holy Spirit, Your power and authority, and Your fullness. But all these things pale in comparison to knowing that You are alive in me and that You are always with me, leading me, guiding me, teaching me all things, and revealing things to come even. To know You is the greatest gift I have been given and I thank You Lord Yeshua that You too know me as I have known You, perhaps in the greater, immeasurable way than mine. Praise Yahweh, in Yeshua's name. Amen!
-Saturday, 7th September 2019, 4 years, 0404
Friday, 30 August 2019
Life-Changing Experience
This prayer advance I would reckon would be the most enjoyable one thus far. Maybe because of how the Lord Yeshua has brought me thus far and the things which He has taught me have slowly added on slowly but surely so that now I can enjoy His presence even more than before.
Isa 28:10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
The foundation has been layered with the Word and with experiencing the Word come to live through daily walks, struggles, and pathways. It is my great privilege to always be so taught by the greatest Teacher, the Holy Spirit. So as I was saying this prayer advance has been the most experiential for me because every night I'm always on worship and every night I can always sense the revival in the midst of us. Whenever we worshipped we always go into high praise again and again, not because we were aiming to but while we worshipped in the Spirit it just comes flowing out of us like rushing waters. Every time I felt tired, weak, or exhausted and when I would worship I would always receive a breakthrough. I would get immediately refreshed or strengthened. In fact, I had a particularly unique healing while I was worshipping on the harp.
I had a somewhat large blister form on the tip of my right thumb and whenever it rubbed against something it would be quite painful. So what more when you want to pluck the strings of the harp. But praise Yahweh that the harder I plucked the harp the blister went down and flattened itself out. So my healing came when I did the exact opposite, praise Yahweh for that.
With everything that has transpired and I have experienced or learnt in these past 4 years being caught up together on this day I found that truly the Lord Yeshua has brought me through a great deal but this is merely the beginning. I see the road ahead that there are still many more things I have yet to experience and to learn of and to enjoy as well. I am glad, truly glad that I am able to serve Yahweh while I am young. To give my life and the best of my time and my strength and my youth to my Lord and King. And surely He does not turn away.
Psa 37:23-24 The steps of a good man are ordered by YAHWEH: and He delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for YAHWEH upholdeth him with His hand.
Truly this is by far the milestone to remember. Praise Yahweh for that. To be surrounded by family and friends, to be found in the house of Yahweh so early in the morning worshipping Him, and to just enjoy the good things He pours out to those found waiting for Him.
Psa 84:4 Blessed are they that dwell in Thy house: they will be still praising Thee. Selah.
-Saturday, 31st August 2019, 3 years 11 months 24 days, 0024
Friday, 23 August 2019
Yes Lord
The prayer advance "Life-Changing Experience" is under way and already the beginning day is a different experience altogether. Firstly of course would be the worship, normally it would take a few days before the people will be able to warm up and enter into really high worship but on the offset we were able to breakthrough and enter really high worship. So much so that every time we can always worship for up to more than two hours. Well, I'm saying this at the beginning of the advance so there's not much weight behind it but when the nations begin to flow into the house of Yahweh then the worship begins to escalate really, really high. I really enjoyed those times when I'm on worship.
Although perhaps that due to the influx of so many people from so many different nations at once, the oppression and the bearing of the burden is even more prominent as well. It's not as subtle as it usually is but whenever I worshipped I would suddenly sense a pain on my legs or my joints that wasn't there until the moment I started to worship. But this is good, that at the beginning of the advance all the rubbish is exposed and disposed of so that in the days to come the greater anointing and outpouring can be received by cleansed vessels. Without a doubt this is a different experience altogether from the previous prayer advances and truly this shall be a life changing one to boot.
It's only been one day but I'm really enjoying myself in this prayer advance. In fact, you could say that majority of the duties and responsibility I used to have during the advances, for this one I don't have that many besides to worship and because of that I can always be in the sanctuary and soak myself in the presence of Yahweh and enjoy His ministering not just to me but to all of us.
-Saturday, 24th August 2019, 3 years 11 months 17 days, 0058
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Life-Changing is Here, Now
As the advance "Life-Changing Experience" draws nearer and nearer there is a growing sense of expectation that this prayer advance will be different than the rest that I've had the privilege of attending. Over 20 nations will be in attendance and perhaps more so the 10 nations of the ASEAN community will be fully represented as well. Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam. That's 10 I think. And that just makes the half of it. Africa, Korea, United Kingdom are expected as well besides the mainstay of China, Hong Kong and India of course. The others I can't really remember but what I do know now is that in the air there is this sense of great excitement. Not just myself but everyone is feeling it as well, well at least I hope so. But it pays to note that just as the breakthrough shall be great, the warfare that comes with it will be great as well.
Over the past recent days we've been busy preparing the place to receive nations and as such we've been going up and down everywhere to ensure that Glory Place is not just beautifully set and ready, but immersed in prayer and worship as well. Needless to say that things are bound to crop up as well since the work is extensive and we are needed everywhere. The spiritual warfare is very great and very subtle at the same time, so much so that if not for the grace of Yahweh upon me I myself would have become prey to it as well. Just today, I very nearly had quite the quarrel with brother Jefrin whom I've been serving with while we were both working. Suddenly there came a misunderstanding and very nearly we both were on the edge to strain our friendship but when that was almost the case I had been helped by the Holy Spirit. Inasmuch as I wanted to raise my voice, the Holy Spirit quickly came in and prompted me that this is spiritual warfare in progress and that I had to shut my mouth, and so I did. Halfway speaking a sentence I immediately stoppered myself and just continued working together with Jefrin. In the end, the misunderstanding by itself vanished away as though it was never there in the first place. Kudos to him because I had thought that such a thing like this would linger on but he brushed it aside as quickly as it came. It was not just that day alone, everyday for no apparent reason I would be frustrated or confused, even angry. The simplest of tasks baffled me and I found that the Word of Elohim was becoming harder and harder to digest and comprehend than before. But today, there was a breakthrough and I found once again the presence of Yahweh open to me not just in the sanctuary during worship but while I work.
And it is not just myself, as I continued working for the past few days I've noticed that there were fights, breakdowns, petty issues becoming monstrous problems, and more so but by the mercy of our Messiah Yeshua it was all settled. The warfare was being felt by everyone everywhere but because of the Lord Yeshua I found strength to continue in His presence always. Because of Him even while working I found that I could draw strength and power and the anointing from the greater pool of power from above and I was able not just to sustain through the arduous working hours and all (which by the way was everyday), I was able to enjoy it as well! That is something I will always give thanks for.
The prayer advance is almost here and I can sense within myself that this will be the catalyst for something very great, very marvellous to come. Elohim knows what is to come but I can already tell that whatever it is, it shall be to my advantage and my delight. Yes, if I was not outside having supper right now I would be walking about Glory Place or in my room praising and thanking the Lord Yeshua for what He is about to do. It is that good. I know not what it is though, but like I said I know that He works all things for good even to such a person as myself. Praise Yeshua for that.
-Thursday, 15th August 2019, 3 years 11 months 8 days, 0115
Thursday, 8 August 2019
Great Change Ahead
We are now already in the month of August. How fast the time is flying by and rightly it should because as it says we are looking forward to and hastening the coming of the Lord Yeshua's return. And even as it has already been almost 4 years here serving Yahweh in Glory Place Prayer Centre of Malaysia I look back and I remember all the wonderful things which Elohim had done for me throughout my time here thus far. I remember His grace, His mercy, His compassion towards someone like me, how He has loaded me with so much even though many a times I have often returned to Him so little. Even when I was going astray in my walk with Him He has led me back and dare I say even fuller than when we first began. How great and awesome He is to the children of men.
I also duly noted how He is doing such a great transformation work in my life. I find that my life and my lifestyle are slowly changing for the better bit by bit. For example, I mentioned prior to this that I had begun to enjoy vegetables. Such a thing truly would have never crossed my mind in all my years but Yahweh is wonderful. More so I find that now even during my day offs I would rather be in Glory Place more than other places because the presence of Yahweh is prevalent here. In fact, I have become drawn to attend the night worship sessions every Tuesday as well even though it is my day off, I would still rather worship together and minister to Yahweh. And perhaps even more would be that now I am frequently joining my brothers and sisters here for dinner almost everyday. Usually what I would do would be to rest during dinnertime to prepare for the night sessions and have my dinner/supper right after the meeting was over. But now I am again drawn to just spend dinner here in this place with the people and still I am able to find the rest that I need for the night ahead. In fact, Glory Place has become even more homely and comfortable to me than even my own home! Go figure. Truly, Elohim gives what is good indeed.
This is nothing but the work of the Lord Yeshua in my life. As I believe He is drawing me nearer and nearer to Himself as the days go by and I truly am thankful for that. Because I know that no matter how much good I do, how much I am able to do and be, it pales in comparison to simply being with Him where He is. To have His desire fulfilled in my life and to see that He is the One accomplishing it in and through me is humbling indeed. To know that it is nothing of me but everything of Yeshua Messiah in me that I am able to enjoy the life of serving Him and the blessings upon blessings that comes with it. But that is not the end of it all, now is the time that judgement is beginning in the house of Yahweh. Things are beginning to shake like never before and those things which are not holding fast unto the Head of all things which is Messiah will be shaken clean and clear off. But in His mercy, He will recall those whose hearts are still loyal to Him at the end of it all.
Now is the time that heaven and earth will not be exempt from the shakings. Now is the time that Yahweh is beginning to move mightily across the nations and the lives of her people. Now is the time inasmuch as we have received so much from Yahweh that we must continue to persevere and continue to press forward not for greater things per se but to attain to the high calling He has placed in all our lives. Now is the time where He will now make known His ways to His sons and daughters and a clear distinction between those who serve Him and those who don't or merely pretense from the heart. Praise Yahweh.
-Friday, 9th August 2019, 3 years 11 months 2 days, 1117
Thursday, 1 August 2019
Serving in the Spirit
There's nothing really much to note about as of lately. I'm enjoying myself serving Yahweh here and everything is peachy keen over here as well. True that recently there have been a few bumps along the road but ultimately it affects us none the wiser.
I don't plan to write much tonight but perhaps what I can say is that once again and I believe it bears repeating that everything that has been spoken by from the Word of Elohim is coming to pass one way or another. And this is the time where if we are not found in the will of our Lord Yeshua then we will be caught unaware when everything begins to take place. However when we truly are in the will of Elohim I myself testify to the fact that the Holy Spirit will tell us of things to come. Things concerning oneself, others, even often times the affairs of nations. But what He so reveals to us is not that we can do something about it other than pray, but He reveals them to us so that when the time comes we may believe that truly He is Elohim and that He is alive and that we are to bear witness that He is alive.
Frankly speaking every time the word the Holy Spirit speaks to me comes to pass I'd stand in awe that truly the Lord Yeshua has spoken to me and revealed to me what He is doing. It's not that He doesn't want to, He wants to but we are unable to receive it because we are not capable of understanding Him in His entirety using our own carnal mind and ways of thinking. It is only the mind of Messiah Who knows the mind of Yahweh. I mentioned this in a prior post but I believe that now is high time to renew our minds daily so that everyday our minds are transformed from the core values and teachings of the world to the core values and teachings that come from above, revealed to us through the Word of Elohim.
To serve Yahweh means to surrender all of oneself, willing to die. It means that at the offset I have died and now it is Messiah Who lives, works, and is in me doing all things for His own good pleasure according to the Word. I cannot carry anything in and it is certain I cannot carry anything out save for the presence of Yahweh and that I believe trumps all that the world has to offer. They may have everything, even what may seem necessary and needful but I have eternity. I have forever and ever, world without end and at the end of it all, only the Messiah in me will be left. And because He reigns I will also reign with Him. What a joy, what a privilege, what a blessing it is to serve the living Elohim and it is to my immense gratitude that every time I strayed He has brought me back unto Himself. Praise Yahweh for that.
-Thursday, 1st August 2019, 3 years 10 months 25 days, 2257
Wednesday, 24 July 2019
Spiritual Tether
For the past few days I've had the privilege of being able to tap into the presence and the power of Elohim freely. Everyday at every given moment I am conscious of the fact that I am of one spirit with the Lord Yeshua and because of that I can draw strength and grace to help from a higher source of power besides myself. Everyday looking back I remember that it is no longer I who works but the Holy Spirit working in and through me abundantly and exceedingly. To this I have to give thanks to Yahweh for all matters. Truly it is a true report of what He has spoken of in His Word unto us who believe:
2Pe 1:3-4 According as His Divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the Divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
The blessings of Yahweh makes one rich and He adds no sorrow therewith but more so the blessings of Yahweh are more than material things. They are immaterial given manifestation through us for the world to see and know the goodness of our Elohim. All that He has given to us through our Lord Yeshua Messiah pertains firstly to life and godliness, everything else that comes after are merely the small matters. But the greatest blessing He has given us is life and godliness that not only are we to have His life and enjoy it to the fullest measure but also that we have His Divine nature within us.
I remember Megan once told me that in the Bible there was a verse that spoke thus:
Rom 11:33-34 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of Elohim! how unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out!
For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been His counsellor?
Isa 40:13 Who hath directed the Spirit of YAHWEH, or being His counsellor hath taught Him?
1Co 2:16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Messiah.
The wisdom and ways of Yahweh are unsearchable to mere men but even to us at one point but not any longer. We have the mind of Messiah, we partake of His Divine nature and thus the unsearchable depths of His Spirit and wisdom, knowledge, power and so on and so forth become known to us. The Spirit searches the deep things of Elohim for us and His anointing teaches us all things, including the things of Elohim known only to Elohim. This was what Megan mentioned to me offhandedly and I completely agree with it. The purpose of Yahweh sending His Son to die for us is so that we can be with Him where He is now and to reinstate us to what we were once supposed to be not just in spirit but in the body as well: sons of Elohim through and through.
So it should be no wonder that I am able to everyday sense the mighty move of the Holy Spirit and to continuously draw strength from Him and guidance and teachings from Him at any given time and point. Such is our privilege now as sons of Elohim through faith in Messiah Yeshua. Everything is once more moving as the Holy Spirit has revealed to me and now I believe that He will begin to do something new. The things which He has done today were good but now is the time where He will reveal His glory and pour out His Spirit once again on all flesh. It's time for the latter house's glory to be greater than the former and all this is by the Spirit of Yahweh alone, through His working through us and as we yield to it we shall see the glory of Elohim revealed. Praise Yahweh.
-Thursday, 25th July 2019, 3 years 10 months 18 days, 0056
Thursday, 18 July 2019
Holy Spirit Liberty
This is the time where Yahweh is once more beginning to shake things up. Actually now that I think about it that's what He's always been doing but as I believe more so now than ever. In this time no one is exempted and He is going to truly shake all of us up, those who profess to know Him but more so those who are serving Him. He is going to ensure that those who are serving Him are serving Him only by the Spirit and no other means, not even a little of oneself in it. Yahweh will thoroughly begin to sift through every nook and cranny in our lives to ensure that only what remains is birthed forth from the Holy Spirit alone and no other. All other means however good and noble it may be He will chuck it one side and no longer allow us to rely on such matters anymore.
So now is the time, now is that point in time where we must ensure that all that we have and are now is truly taught and nourished and brought up by the Spirit of our Lord Yeshua and from no other means. Because if it is of other means then He will expel it in such a way that will cause us to keel over in intensity. Now is the time where one must learn to live and to walk in the Spirit. And I truly praise Yahweh that it is not of me, but of Himself that I can truly see the Holy Spirit working mightily in me especially these past few days and weeks. Since the time where I storied the falling of the tree in Glory Place I found that everything around and about me is slowly changing albeit not physically but spiritually. What used to hinder and bother me no longer is a problem but I find that there is finally a breakthrough through it all. And more so I find that now the presence of Yahweh is always with me and that I can tap into His fountain and into His stream to draw strength and help in times of need. The work which I found laborious prior to this no longer fazes me but instead I have begun to enjoy it and to relish the time I can spend with the Lord Yeshua and the Holy Spirit. The hours fly by and the by the time the day is spent my strength which would usually be spent by the night has still pools of it remaining.
I find also in me a liberty unlike what I've experienced before as well. The liberty which comes knowing that all things that I have and am is simply because of the grace and mercy of my Lord Yeshua upon me. Thus I am liberated to live free and to enjoy all things that He has prepared for me. Now I have found it to have become even deeper though I find it hard to describe it myself. I find that I am more set free and that I can freely enjoy the things which He has given as well as a seriousness to take matters at hand pertaining to the things of Yahweh. I know that I am protected and that whatsoever may come my way, at the end of it all I will be left standing in Yeshua's name.
How awesome and how marvellous is the work which the Lord is doing now in this time and season. Although for those struggling this will be a time most challenging but for those who can understand and who can begin to serve in the Spirit then they will find that revival is already here. Praise Yahweh for that.
-Thursday, 18th July 2019, 3 years 10 months 11 days, 2238
Thursday, 11 July 2019
Thoughts and Meditation
You know it takes growing up to truly appreciate something more and more which we once turned a blind eye towards. I found for the past few days that I was contemplating quite a lot on myself and how the Lord Yeshua has caused me to grow both spiritually and physically. My preferences change, my taste changes, even my outlook on previous matters may have shifted when I look at it once more. All in all this week in particular I was in deep thought about many things.
One of the major events they happened this week was that we had cut down a tree that has been here for a long while. Recently we found out that this tree had holes in it at its peak which means it would have cracked in half at some point in time down the road had we not taken action first. Not to mention that this tree was smack right in the middle of the new cabins site which we are already beginning to excavate and to make ready for the August seminar hopefully. So we cut the tree down and when it came down the first thought that came to me was, "I never knew the sky was that broad". It was at this moment that the Holy Spirit began to speak with me telling me that there is a breakthrough in the spiritual realm, what it is I do not know but one thing I do is that I realised that this tree had been in my way of looking upwards all this time. Sure this tree is wide and full of girth but in the end I never really knew how much I was missing out seeing unless the tree came down. When it did come down, I found that my field of vision particularly around the boys dorm area broadened up and I could see the expanse of the sky unhindered by anything now. It really is beautiful, something to praise Yahweh for. Even now whenever I pass by I take a quick glance upwards and I'm always in awe at the blueish hue of the sky and the many stars lingering in it during the night. It takes a moment to admire the handicraft of Yahweh. Much more it puts my life into perspective that the Lord Yeshua has prepared even greater things for me and not to mention all of us where the sky is the limit, but we are hampered by the tall trees obscuring our views. But one day when it does come down then we'll see the full extent the Lord has had in our lives.
Another thing that occurred this week was that I realised my tastes have changed exponentially. What I used to find enjoyable to eat no longer do I eat it with gusto. Instead it has become far too much for me now. What a shocking surprise this is for me because I had always thought I would never grow tired of this particular food: nasi goreng kampung with telur dadar. Now I find that it's a bit too much for me now, what an unbelievable turnaround! And even more shocking than that is now I've come to appreciate vegetables! Truly, the Lord Yeshua is coming soon (I'm joking)! I found that as I continued to eat I not only grew more accustomed to eating them but also have begun to enjoy them in its entirety. Not to say that all veggies appeal to me now but only a select few and that short list has further been developed. Praise Yahweh I suppose. With this I come to realise that eventually everything that we suppose we have or hold onto will have to be released in the end one way or another. Through this I come to really be thankful to the Lord Yeshua because He is the One changing and transforming me in ways I do not know.
Jer 33:3 Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
Psa 50:15 And call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.
It really just goes to show that everything that we are or have now pales in comparison to the things which Elohim has prepared for those who love Him and are for Him. What we have is but a small droplet in the expanse of the greatness that is the Lord Yeshua. All that we are now is simply but a small piece to the glory which He shall reveal in us. So with such great hope before me how could I not give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name?
Psa 30:4 Sing unto YAHWEH, O ye saints of His, and give thanks at the remembrance of His holiness.
Praise Yahweh. I am full, I am satisfied, and I am glad to serve and to be in the house of Yahweh all the days of my life.
-Friday, 12th July 2019, 3 years 10 months 5 days, 0052
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
The Time of Shaking
Things are once again beginning to heat up in the house of Yahweh. The things the Lord Yeshua is putting us through is great and awesome and surely for our good but the price to pay may to have to begin once more from the foundations upwards in building. Not to worry anyone but I'm not talking about myself, I personally am doing perfectly well and fine in the house of Yahweh serving Him in the Spirit and rejoicing in the things He is doing amongst us. I however do have this concern for my peers and juniors, my brothers and sisters in Messiah Yeshua who are serving together with me. The Lord is once again shaking and this time doing a thorough job with it so much so that only that which cannot be shaken will remain.
I truly am concerned now because during this time fasting and prayer the layers are slowly but surely being peeled off one by one and once everything is laid bare before the Lord Yeshua and others there can be nothing left except Him. No excuses to be made in that day and no salvation save through fire.
1Co 3:13-15 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.
The work of the Spirit is hastening at such a quick and brisk pace that those who cannot keep up in the Spirit will find themselves lagging behind and ultimately being dropped off, not because Elohim no longer loves them and is no longer merciful but because now even as we are quickening the pace and the work of the Lord Yeshua in these days the enemies which we face and have to face are also quickening their own pace to attempt to match ours.
Isa 30:15-16 For thus saith the Lord YAHWEH, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not. But ye said, No; for we will flee upon horses; therefore shall ye flee: and, We will ride upon the swift; therefore shall they that pursue you be swift.
Now is the time to truly move into the Spirit and purposefully not by might, nor by power but by His Spirit as well. Like I said in the beginning, we need to learn to serve Yahweh not using our own strength or even by what we know but only by the same Spirit which He has given to us through His Son Yeshua Messiah.
Rom 1:9 For Elohim is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers;
Rom 7:6 But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.
2Co 3:3 Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Messiah ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living Elohim; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.
2Co 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.
This is it, this is the time as I believe I too have the Spirit of the living Elohim within me that He is shaking the foundations of all for all to see who or what they stand upon. This is now the time where He shall thoroughly winnow through His threshing floors and only the wheat will remain. But even if we should be shaken it is only to be shaken out of what we once believed in to truly move into the true faith which is in Messiah Yeshua and the effective working of His Spirit in, through and to us.
2Co 3:11-12 For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious. Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech:
It's certainly going to be interesting this season is. Praise Yahweh.
-Thursday, 4th July 2019, 3 years 9 months 27 days, 0234
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
Durians Aplenty
There isn't really much to write about at this time of the season so I'll keep it short, simple, but sweet. The durian season is here once again and we have the likes of uncle Sam who is once more serving Yahweh with us here in Glory Place helping out so the work load is immensely alleviated and distributed. The durian trees which were not bearing fruit last season are now doing so both in quantity and quality. We have absolute massive durians this time around, by massive I do mean that one to two durians is enough for a table of 7 to 8 people to share evenly. Praise Yahweh for once again Him blessing us with bountiful crops and fields.
That's basically the gist of what is happening now and will continue to happen as I believe for the next few weeks. Right now is the peak of the season so there will be an abundance of durians, in fact almost every single dinner we've been having many of them in one way or another and by that I mean either as a fruit, as a sweet, or even a savoury meal. We are just overflowing durians here and will continue to do so until the season ends in 2 or 3 weeks. Praise Yahweh for that.
I really am enjoying myself here, in case some may seem to wonder. After all, why continue if there is no enjoyment or pleasure in it? From the rising of the morning until the sleeping in the night I enjoy every moment and portion given to me as it is in my hand from the hand of Yeshua Messiah to me.
Ecc 3:12-13 I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life. And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of Elohim.
And surely such things are with me. This is the time as I believe I've already mentioned that Yahweh is bringing about a fulfilment of the things promised to us and I'm not just talking about nations. The word which He has spoken to us He is bringing them into manifestation and fulfilment and we shall see in this time and season the glory of Yahweh revealed and all flesh shall bless His holy name. Praise the Lord Yeshua.
-Thursday, 27th June 2019, 3 years 9 months 20 days, 0141
Thursday, 20 June 2019
Two Matters
I've been pondering recently and most recently Yahweh has been speaking to me concerning two matters which I will share briefly. The first being that there will always be somebody somewhere in every generation that will hear His voice and move according to His Spirit. In every generation and time the Lord Yeshua will raise up a remnant it not then a man or woman or child who will be all out for Him and will heed His call for whatever purpose He has prepared for that time and season. Likewise I find that many times people may say that without so and so this place will not be able to run smoothly but that is not true, never. This is Glory Place, the house of the Lord Yeshua and as such He will take care of it and provide means necessary to see it well kept and maintained always. Because recently as I've recalled many people have left the ministry to pursue other interests such as the Lord leads them I believe and so arises voices that say that now there is no one who will keep the place running. The testimony is that because this is the house of Yahweh He has promised thus:
Jer 33:20-22 Thus saith YAHWEH; If ye can break My covenant of the day, and My covenant of the night, and that there should not be day and night in their season; Then may also My covenant be broken with David My servant, that he should not have a son to reign upon his throne; and with the Levites the priests, My ministers. As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured: so will I multiply the seed of David My servant, and the Levites that minister unto Me.
With the passing of one generation another shall always be raised up in its place to take over by the power of the Holy Spirit. What I mean is that since the old guard has gone, a new guard has been established. When the old ones left for other means, Elohim brought more who heard the call of Yahweh and answered to serve Him. And it is amazing that as I reminisce I found out that the same number of people who came to serve balanced equally out those who left. Huh.
Rom 11:19-23 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in. Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: For if Elohim spared not the natural branches, take heed lest He also spare not thee. Behold therefore the goodness and severity of Elohim: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in His goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for Elohim is able to graff them in again.
The second thing which the Lord Yeshua had been speaking to me about recently was about sustaining power. Recently during the Wednesday prayer meeting the Holy Spirit began to speak with me and directed me to observe and see. What I found was that sometimes the worship team would exert all of their strength in the first few songs and nearing the end run out of gas to properly finish it. There was a high point but no sustaining power to keep it there but because all the strength was used there was nothing any longer to sustain the flow of worship. Likewise the Holy Spirit spoke to me that it is better that one is able to finish the race with no recognition or tooting of the trumpet rather than to be a trumpet or a blast of sound and fizzle out in the end, never making it to the Promised Land. As a young person I can testify that sometimes I think of grandeur and splendour and glory in the Lord Yeshua and the great things He will use me for in due time, season, and place. But what if there never comes such a time as these? Will I still be found faithful regardless of that? The Lord really questioned me then, Who is it that sustains you? Him or ourselves? Because if Him then we shall never be in want, what others may seem to have or even the higher steps they take than us is of no consequence to us because we serve the Lord and not ourselves. There is no need for fame when we have the Lord with us. But if we sustain ourselves we will find that eventually, maybe not now but mayhaps in a few weeks, months, years, decades even we will wake up from our haze dream and find out we have not progressed with the Lord Yeshua because we laboured ourselves to pursue something or Someone that cannot be attained through the labouring of one's hands. We will find that down the road it will become harder and harder for us because we have never learnt to trust in Yahweh for all things, we've only learnt how to trust in ourselves.
Ultimately, only the Lord Yeshua can sustain us to the very end. After all the thing which we hope to attain to which is Yeshua's life manifest in us, He has already laid hold of our lives that we may have His.
Phi 3:12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Messiah Yeshua.
-Friday, 21st June 2019, 3 years 9 months 14 days, 0102
Friday, 14 June 2019
Psalm 61:1-4
It's been yet another week that has passed now and we've just finished our monthly corporate staff and helpers' fast and prayer together. Recently there's been plenty on my mind which I will not make known because I believe in Yahweh Who works all things for the one who waits for Him.
[Isa 30:18] And therefore will YAHWEH wait, that He may be gracious unto you, and therefore will He be exalted, that He may have mercy upon you: for YAHWEH is an Elohim of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for Him.
I am a firm believer that when someone has a problem the first and only person they ought to consult is the Elohim Who sees and knows all things and able to deliver and rescue, to turn the tide even in the most preposterous situations. We being as Christians have the privilege to be able to turn to our Maker for our help in our times of need but we do not simply because we have never done so before and thus it becomes a foreign thing to rely and put our trust in the living Elohim. But when we begin to turn to Him not just for our health but for our daily needs and provision and much more even for the state and affairs of our lives then we shall begin to see miracles like never before. There are many things going on in my life at this moment which I must take pause and consider but I do not need to meditate so much so as to surrender it all to Yeshua Messiah because having done so many times I can attest that He has never failed me even once before. The reason that I can serve Him here and now in His house with His people is simply because He has brought me here and He is the One Who roots me downwards and to bear fruit upwards.
[Isa 37:31] And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward:
[Isa 27:6] He shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit.
So I know within myself that everything, everything shall resolve itself in its due time but of course facing the reality of it one can only continually come before the Lord Yeshua again and again and allow Him to administer peace and rest in Him to people such as us.
[Psa 71:3] Be Thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: Thou hast given commandment to save me; for Thou art my rock and my fortress.
[Psa 71:5-6] For Thou art my hope, O Lord YAHWEH: Thou art my trust from my youth. By Thee have I been holden up from the womb: Thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of Thee.
One thing that not many people understand is that there is a need to continuously hold onto the Head Who is Yeshua Messiah. Many people presume that once they have spoken with the Lord and received His peace once that it is enough but it is not enough. Even the Lord Yeshua in His most dire time before He had to go to the cross had to continuously cast Himself before the Heavenly Father again and again so that the Father's will above His own will would be accomplished.
[Mat 26:38-39] Then saith He unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with Me. And He went a little further, and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me: nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou wilt.
[Mat 26:42] He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O My Father, if this cup may not pass away from Me, except I drink it, Thy will be done.
[Mat 26:44] And He left them, and went away again, and prayed the third time, saying the same words.
There will be situations in one's life that will seem too large and broad for one to cross over safely make no mistake about that. In times like these we need to learn to continually look and cling to our Elohim like never before, not just once or twice but again and again until these things at last pass us by.
[Psa 57:1] To the chief Musician, Altaschith, Michtam of David, when he fled from Saul in the cave. Be merciful unto me, O Elohim, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in Thee: yea, in the shadow of Thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast.
There will come a time when everything will rock and shake, nothing will be left unturned and in such a time we need to learn to direct our cries and prayers and our help to our Maker. If we do not learn to do so now in our times of peace then what shall happen when things come suddenly and without notice like a flood? We will be swept away, us and our works together because we have not learned to trust in Yahweh for all matters and things pertaining to this life. So that is also one of the reasons why I do not make my problems known to anyone save my Lord Yeshua because if others hear what can they do to help? But when He hears me I know that salvation is guaranteed and I am already saved from it all, praise Yahweh. It is also why I do not write down my situations, not to cover them up but I make no remembrance of them because in the end they all have passed away. Not a single one of them remained I can testify but only the Lord Yeshua remained. For that I turn to Him and I am glad I turn to Him, He shall hear me and He shall turn things around! Praise Yeshua.
-Friday, 14th June 2019, 3 years 9 months 7 days, 2359
Thursday, 6 June 2019
Birthday in Life and Death
My birthday was eventful to say the least. So many things have happened in the last few days that I had to take time to collect my thoughts and to ruminate on what exactly the Lord Yeshua is showing me in these last few days. One of the aunties whom I know, her husband passed away right after he told his family and church elders that he wants to seek Yahweh for healing and not turn back to man for help. I wasn't there when it happened but from what I hear from eyewitness accounts there was a lot of crying and a lot of chaos involved. Due to the lack of personnel in the Glory Place everyone was called together to worship and to pray for resurrection but it was a big mess. From what I've heard the harpists were each playing their own songs, one of them was even singing such a joyous song in times like these whereas the immediate family was crying and wailing like nobody's business. Everyone who entered the old sanctuary also begin to cry as they didn't know what to do and needless to say it was controlled chaos at its finest. I however during that time was in my room soundly asleep as though there was nothing that could wake me. I didn't wake up until the commotion was nearly at its end. But when I went near I immediately knew what it was all about.
This all happened on the day of my birthday but praise Yahweh that just before the day came as I was celebrating with my family back at home I suddenly felt that the Holy Spirit was prompting me something. It was just a few more minutes before midnight but I suddenly felt as though I had to fast and prepare myself for what is going to happen tomorrow. I suddenly felt the love and immense favour of the Lord upon my life so much so that I had to just give thanks to Him for bringing me all the way to this point in time safe and sound together with my family. I even teared up a little as I was praying but thankfully no one noticed except the Lord of course. Never had I known what He was preparing me for until just recently.
So even now the wake service has been undertaken and is on its way. But even the things leading up to it were all messy and such. I who am not involved with the scheduling of the transport (I didn't even know what time the van was leaving to go to the wake) was continuously called and barraged with messages from people asking me to help them schedule to go to the wake together. People were messaging me telling me one thing but the next moment they changed their minds, and again they changed their minds. I was infuriated, nearly on the verge of giving my mind to whoever would call or message me next but praises to Elohim that no one did call after that to the salvation of both they and myself, praise Yahweh. But even then I was still sore the whole day.
After having just been put onto worship I found my release in ministering to the Lord Yeshua as always. For that I truly am grateful that because I am serving Him day and night I will always have the chance to worship Him whenever, wherever and find my breakthrough from Him. All glory to Elohim for the things He has done. You know, I was actually a bit peeved that almost everyone had gone for the wake service and left so few of us back to man the fort but I see that the Holy Spirit really took us over we who remained here. The work though varying and many were done efficiently and without much effort on our part and everything was able to be done mayhaps at an even more brisk pace than usual. But more so I am concerned now for the people who all went for the wake service, they left at 4.00pm in the evening and even at the stroke of midnight they have yet to return. If anything, and though this is merely speculation on my part they have the more arduous tasks to fulfil. Oof. Anyways all I can say for myself is that the Lord Yeshua has truly been favourable towards someone like me. In all things He has caused it to work together for good to them who love Him, to them who are the called according to His purpose. You know, I once asked myself what does it mean to walk in the Spirit and I've found that the answer is simple. The walk in the Spirit is the walk of faith in the Lord Yeshua that He will work everything together for His good and His purpose to be done, on our part we just have to walk believing and thus it has been so with my life thus far. He has sustained, provided, healed, delivered, saved, set apart, called, and even blessed someone such as I to the extent that I know I truly am most blessed forever. Made exceedingly glad in His presence. Praise Yahweh.
-Friday, 7th June 2019, 3 years 9 months, 0025
Saturday, 1 June 2019
Halfway Point
We've officially reached the halfway point of this year 2019 and I am truly grateful to the Lord Yeshua for bringing and sustaining me through all things even until this point thus far. Truly, even now as I remember all His wonderful works which He has done I am in awe at the things which He had brought me through. I remember the times when I had thought that the very situation itself would overwhelm me but time and time again the Lord Yeshua has never failed. Even now I recall the things which He has spoken to me and everything which He has said is and surely will come to pass. Everything which He has spoken to me I have borne witness to the fulfilment of each and every word spoken by Him whereas I see that other words spoken by men have failed.
Honestly speaking there's not much to note about nor is there much to write about at this time other than the fact that Yahweh is moving amongst the nations and surely among us as well. The things which He has revealed to me causes me all the more to cling to Him especially when the coming of the Lord Yeshua is so close. In all honesty I believe that the end is nearer than when we first believed, we make plans and prepare for the years to come but as I believe we shall see first and foremost the second coming of the Lord Yeshua. I know that every generation has said thus and have thus gone but in our generation we are seeing things which those in times past desired to look into.
[1Pe 1:12] Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.
Things which no one would have believed if it were told them during their time, all the more now there is this sense that at last the fulfilment of every word of Elohim is coming to past and surely only those who are looking and waiting for Him shall see His coming once again.
[Act 13:41] Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.
I cannot explain to you how now the Holy Spirit is revealing His glory to me and all the more He causes me to desire Him more than even my necessary food.
[Job 23:12] Neither have I gone back from the commandment of His lips; I have esteemed the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.
I found that there is a need to cling to Him in these last days because everyone everywhere is abroad and doing as they please. I however want to be doing what He is pleased with and to spend my days in His presence. Truly that is the greatest gift that anyone could give me, to be able to minister to Him and to serve Him.
[Luk 1:74-75] That He would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve Him without fear, In holiness and righteousness before Him, all the days of our life.
In these last days I find there is a need once more to truly ascertain and make my call and election sure. Because Yahweh has begun to shake the heavens and the earth as He had spoken of and those things which can be shaken shall be shaken and dropped off. But we shall receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken and thus we should hold fast to Messiah Yeshua Who is the Head of all principalities and powers, all the more reason now to not grow weary but to be further empowered for the greater works which He shall perform and we to bear witness of it.
-Saturday, 1st June 2019, 3 years 8 months 25 days, 2150
Saturday, 25 May 2019
Blessed of the Most High
I think myself truly blessed once again because I find that whatsoever word and promise which Yahweh has spoken to me He is surely bringing them all to pass in my life. Giving me confirmations from different people and different situations once again I found it in my heart to meditate and to pray before Yahweh for all the good that He has wrought for me through His Son Yeshua Messiah Whom I believe.
[2Sa 7:18-20] Then went king David in, and sat before YAHWEH, and he said, Who am I, O Lord YAHWEH? and what is my house, that Thou hast brought me hitherto? And this was yet a small thing in thy sight, O Lord YAHWEH; but Thou hast spoken also of thy servant's house for a great while to come. And is this the manner of man, O Lord YAHWEH? And what can David say more unto thee? for thou, Lord YAHWEH, knowest Thy servant.
Everything around and within is slowly conforming to the image of the Son of Elohim though it may not seem so but as I believe I know that it is being done. For that I truly am joyous and glad. Because as I've said everything is coming together for good even unto someone like me who though have many flaws and errors, stumbling often here and there and yet it pleased the Lord Yeshua to look upon someone such as I to be so merciful and gracious as He is. This is truly humbling for someone like me who sees the hand of Yahweh in my own life and how He has never forsaken me. So I found it in my heart that in this moment as we come into the halfway point of the year 2019 to give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name.
[2Sa 7:25] And now, O YAHWEH Elohim, the word that Thou hast spoken concerning Thy servant, and concerning his house, establish it for ever, and do as Thou hast said.
[2Sa 7:27-29] For Thou, O YAHWEH of hosts, Elohim of Israel, hast revealed to Thy servant, saying, I will build thee an house: therefore hath Thy servant found in his heart to pray this prayer unto Thee. And now, O Lord YAHWEH, Thou art that Elohim, and Thy words be true, and Thou hast promised this goodness unto Thy servant: Therefore now let it please thee to bless the house of Thy servant, that it may continue for ever before Thee: for Thou, O Lord YAHWEH, hast spoken it: and with Thy blessing let the house of Thy servant be blessed for ever.
I find that David's life in the Bible was one full of worship unto his Elohim not only in deed but in life. Every situation that He was in he made it into a song to praise Yahweh, so fascinating to read and to see the journey of his life. It was not an easy one considering that he was left alone to his own devices since young but yet Yahweh had been with him and because of that he became who he is even though there were many trials and situations which he had to overcome although there were some he could not. Paul also is another one whose life is full of worship not of making his life's story into song but that his life itself becomes a savour and a pleasing aroma before the Lord Yeshua. The way he conducted himself was in such a way that everyone who knew him testified to the regards that Messiah was truly in him, the hope of glory. He lived his life serving Yahweh, loving each and every moment and therefore he experienced in the greatest measure the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And because of which he has been blessed with so much that he can also readily bless others both physically but more so spiritually. And yet, there is still so much more than that that we can yet experience in this age and time. I believe that in every season that comes and goes the presence and outpouring of the Holy Spirit and power grows ever stronger so much so that every generation raised following will experience much more than the generations prior. Such is the awesome Elohim we serve. Praise Yahweh, look forward to those things which are ahead whatever they may be. Surely it shall turn altogether for our good in and for Him.
-Sunday, 26th May 2019, 3 years 8 months 19 days, 1401
Monday, 20 May 2019
Soaking in the Downpour
Now the Cleansing the Temple seminar is over and we move into the Harp & Bowl sessions for the next 3 days. I must say I really enjoyed the time spent during this seminar because I was just able to continually soak myself in the presence of Yahweh and to allow the Holy Spirit to do a deep work in me. Even as I see I found that there have been many great breakthroughs not just for me but for others as well, particularly those from Hong Kong.
Perhaps the greatest thing during this seminar for me was that I was able to be cleansed yet again. You will never really know how dirty and polluted you are until you come into the presence of Yahweh and you'll find that everything you've done and said cannot compare to the glorious splendour of His majesty. I found myself to be thoroughly enjoying this seminar even though I had few hours of sleep per day. Yet time and time again in His presence the Lord Yeshua refreshed me and strengthened me for the day's tasks ahead of me and for such I am grateful. The duties entrusted to me were aplenty and challenging in its many forms and ways and yet I enjoyed them all. Everything that has happened during this seminar I really enjoyed it all. I found that being able to cast aside my exhaustion allowed me to fully immerse myself in His presence and to be changed. At the end of it I really do feel clean, cleansed, and purified once again. Such is the marvellous work of the Holy Spirit.
Now as we enter the Harp & Bowl sessions I can already see that I will once again enjoy them to my heart's content. After all, such things are the gifts of Elohim towards us men.
[Ecc 2:24] There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of Elohim.
[Ecc 5:19-20] Every man also to whom Elohim hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of Elohim. For he shall not much remember the days of his life; because Elohim answereth him in the joy of his heart.
The days flew by quickly and we are already nearing the halfway point of this year 2019 in the blink of an eye. Surely the nations are coming into alignment into the sovereign will of Yahweh, surely a remnant and a generation is being birthed who will be a holy temple fit to offer sacrifices of righteousness acceptable to Elohim, surely Yeshua is coming quickly for His bride and she must make herself ready. All the pieces of the puzzle are at last falling into place and sooner than we think the end will come. But our ending is beautiful in Him, if we continue to hold fast to the hope in which we were called to walk in holiness with. Praise Yahweh.
-Monday, 20th May 2019, 3 years 8 months 13 days, 2202
Thursday, 16 May 2019
Cleaning the Temple
The "Cleansing the Temple" seminar is now under way and praise Yahweh that even on the first full day itself there is already a great move of the Holy Spirit here in this place. Every moment that we engaged in the worship we, not to mention myself as well were able to be refreshed and strengthened for the days and times ahead. For me the worship was powerful and I realise why, it is because I would need the strength for the road I'm taking ahead. I am reminded of the story of how Elijah himself was also fed by the angel so that he may prepare himself for the long journey ahead him.
[1Ki 19:5-8] And as he lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat. And he looked, and, behold, there was a cake baken on the coals, and a cruse of water at his head. And he did eat and drink, and laid him down again. And the angel of YAHWEH came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee. And he arose, and did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights unto Horeb the mount of Elohim.
Apparently almost every time I'm involved with the transport details of the participants I would somehow be delegated to drive and bring around the participants that would have situations and unforeseen circumstances arise. What I mean by that, it is better that I give an example:
Earlier today I was once again chosen because I availed myself to the task, it is after all for the glory of the Messiah I do this. Not to mention that I take pleasure in it as well, if you don't love what you do then why do it, no? So it was supposed to be a simple trip to send someone to the airport and pick up another but Yahweh is sovereign, that was not the case yet again. Problems and situations began to arise one after another: the luggage was overweight, not able to pass through customs, not enough cash on hand, I even got lost on the way back from the airport because I wasn't paying attention. Normally I would be at my wits' end and I would cry out to Yeshua for His help and taking over of me, although this time I did call upon the name of the Lord Yeshua there was no dissonance. I wasn't disturbed or troubled in the slightest, in fact the more the problems were added upon each other like a delicious layered cake, the more I found myself at peace with what is happening because I knew that the Holy Spirit shall and has taken over. He loves the people as much as He does me so with that confidence I know all things concerning them will work out to the benefit of both the driver and the drove.
Worship really is powerful, it is just a matter of perspective. Where is your gaze upon or rather Whom is your gaze upon? Many times we would credit other factors that would dissuade us from worshipping Yahweh. That guy is not right with Yahweh, I myself don't feel worthy to worship since I just fell into sin, everything and everyone around me is not in the mood for worship, I can't even sense the presence of Yahweh in this place but then is that really it? Are we saying that just because someone or something affects us that makes the worship unto Yahweh no longer worth the effort nor the joy to do? Just because someone we do not like or we see something we find disturbing, should that affect our worship in the least? Then it is a matter of perspective. The Holy Spirit has taught me that it no longer matters who leads worship or how others carry themselves around me, nor even should the atmosphere affect me. Every time, no matter who, what, when, where, why, or how we gather together, even if it is just two people whose hearts are not right before Elohim the Lord Yeshua will be there in the midst of them. And when He Himself gave that promise aright to us, then there is nothing to see nor say except to sing the song of the Lord.
[Mat 18:20] For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.
Yeshua declared Himself to be the One Who walks in the midst of the seven lamp stands in the book of Revelation. And to take note that out of all of them, only two out of seven of those lamp stands which symbolises the church of Messiah were right before Him. And yet He still walks and is there in the midst of them all.
[Rev 2:1] Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith Je that holdeth the seven stars in His right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;
Like I said, it is merely now a matter of perspective concerning how we worship Elohim. His presence will always be here when two or three gather together no matter what can be said. Thus we should reverence Him as we should no matter what as well. Praise Him gloriously.
-Thursday, 16th May 2019, 3 years 8 months 9 days, 2323
Thursday, 9 May 2019
The Anointing to Wait
It's the season of waiting. I didn't realise it at first but now as the week has progressed I found that everything has been pointing to waiting upon Yahweh to take over all things and as well to enjoy the time spent just receiving in His presence. Almost every conversation and action that I've had and taken over the past week either had a connection to waiting for Him or just about receiving and being still before Him until the moment is right to act and move. Actually it was when Pastor Jean mentioned last night during the Wednesday prayer meeting how this is the time for breakthrough and all we have to do now is to wait and receive it. That was when it clicked for me that this is what Yahweh wanted to be done during this time.
Over the course of my time spent here serving Yahweh I've begun to cultivate not only how to worship and pray but also to wait upon Yahweh. Because I find that inasmuch as it is good to worship the Lord and to pray to Him it is also good I find that one takes time to be still and receive from Him. Frankly speaking this is a privilege that though is given many people but is taken lightly and as a result becomes a regret down the line of weeks, months, years because they simply did not use the time to wait for Him as He waits for us.
[Isa 30:18] And therefore will YAHWEH wait, that He may be gracious unto you, and therefore will He be exalted, that He may have mercy upon you: for YAHWEH is an Elohim of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for Him.
So now even in my time for my slot to worship on the harp and pray I also use set time to wait because I find that that is something though given to everything is hardly done and because of that their journey is proving difficult arduous. In fact, sometimes I find that waiting is not something for everyone but it is a must for everyone. Although sometimes it is good to sing the song of the Lord and to pray to Him, sometimes it is not called for. What is called for many times is for us to be still so that He can lead us to the right song and the right prayer, even practically so the right action and the right words.
So now I make it my aim, even when I am still young as this to cultivate the presence of Yahweh and the leading of His Holy Spirit. Not only for the anointing to worship and minister, pray and intercede, but also to wait and receive because ultimately the first two are tied together and strengthened by the latter. And so I might not write much this month simply because I am waiting and waiting. For what? For His will to be done in all things and for the continuation of His taking over until perfection takes place. Come Lord Yeshua!
-Thursday, 9th May 2019, 3 years 8 months 2 days, 1835