Monday, 31 December 2018


It's 2019 now. Honestly, the year 2018 passed us by ever so quickly and we have now come to the start of a brand new year in Messiah Yeshua.

Perhaps it's best to begin with remembering all the great and marvellous things which He has wrought in my life throughout the year of 2018. But where would I begin? Time would fail if I should recount each and every single good and perfect thing which Yahweh has done in and through my life throughout this past year. And of course the fact that I can't remember some of it also factors into the equation as well. Honestly speaking, 2018 was a most excellent year for in it I can see the hand of Yahweh working mightily throughout the entirety of the year right until the very last second of it and into the new year. I am glad that throughout this year He has taught me how to rejoice in Him. He brought many of my plans to nothing but in bringing them to futility He has caused His own plans to manifest and be fulfilled in my own life. So through it I've been taught to rejoice not in the fact that my plans are spoiled but that in the spoiling of my plans, His greater purposes are brought to light and ultimately fulfilled. And thus I rejoice that not only am I a witness to the fulfilment of the will of Elohim in my life but also a partaker of it. For such I truly am glad.

2018 was a year where many things were set into motion, many firsts for me. And in those times I found myself either rising really high or falling really low. But in the end, it all served one purpose which was to bring me to a closer walk and intimacy with the Lord Yeshua. Have I attained to what I've desired for the past year in my relationship with Him? I cannot say for sure but I hold onto a greater hope that 2019 will be another year where not only shall I deepen my walk with Messiah but also come to such a level of intimacy with Him that I will not be shaken. I find that throughout the year 2018 there were many things that had to be done and should be done even now but above all else, our intimacy with the Lord Yeshua comes first. When we set out focus and attention right on Him then everything else will be made beautiful in its time of its own accord. For example, the ministry and care needed at Glory Place is far too vast for just a few boys to manage them all. We need the Holy Spirit to take over and when He does take over then the place truly becomes beautiful. And not only that but for every single thing we have to first build our relationship with Him. Then He will fulfil the desires of those who seek Him.

Undergoing this discipline of mine, what is there to say except that truly I've been most blessed by what Yahweh wants to do in and through me during it. Whether it was rightly called for or not no longer matters to me, for it is only a trivial matter in the end. Throughout this time as one who's been relieved of major duties I have the privilege to seek Yahweh and learn many great things from Him through Him speaking by His Word or even by others as well. And even as the tenure of this discipline is continuing on until the next few months I've realised that Yahweh has begun to cleanse me thoroughly. I can feel as though my sins and darkness in me are made manifest for all to see and that brings no shame to me because it is merely the Word of Yahweh that is coming to pass.

[Eph 5:13] But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

[Joh 3:20-21] For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in Elohim.

That's exactly how I feel. Every time the presence of Yahweh begins to flow I can feel as though something dark is being flushed out from my body and I'm made all the more cleaner. Praise Yahweh for that, so thus I come into the light. And not everything that is done is beautiful to behold, sometimes it is gritty and uncomely but nonetheless to walk in the light and have the blood of Yeshua cleanse me is more desirable now than to conceal and allow the wound to fester. When it does manifest and makes itself known then it is done away with forever and I am set free. Praise Yahweh.

2019 is going to be a year of great change for many of us. It's going to be a time where if we're not careful we'll be easily shaken by what we hear and see and do. This is the time where He really is beginning to shake the heavens and the earth and only the kingdom which cannot be shaken will remain and left standing. Changes are coming, although I don't know what sort of changes they are but they will affect the community and will cause many to be shaken if we're not careful. It may be subtle or it may be completely evident changes but above all else, these all come from the Lord Yeshua to us so we must now shun them but embrace them with opened arms. Then we'll begin to see the shift in the spiritual realms brought to the natural. Praise Yahweh.

-Tuesday, 1st January 2019, 3 years 3 months 25 days, 1407

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Bible Reading

The Bible Reading is going on and I am thoroughly enjoying myself in it. Just sitting in the sanctuary for almost 24/7 for the past two days has truly allowed me not just to catch up with the reading of the Word of Elohim but also to continuously devour and chew the Word to its fullest capabilities.

I don't plan to make this a long post but I just want to say that the spiritual atmosphere here really allows for so much reading and digesting of the living Word of Elohim. Time just passes by like it was nothing and as soon as I knew it we are already encroaching upon the third day already of this Bible Reading marathon. I really am just enjoying myself during this time. I can really just soak in the atmosphere all day and be in no want. In fact I would hardly feel hungry unless approaching the midnight hour for the entire day, I'm being fed from the spiritual food of the Word. Praise Elohim.

Spiritually speaking this is truly a significant thing which I sore needed once again. To just soak myself in the presence of Yahweh and allow Him to build up for His next manifestation in and through me. For that once more I am thankful that everything truly does work together for good to them that love Him, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

By the way, we're in Ezra now...

-Wednesday, 26th December 2018, 3 years 3 months 19 days, 2209

Sunday, 23 December 2018

Reaching Forward

Praise Yahweh for the Young People's Camp. I really enjoyed myself during this camp, having almost nothing to do during it I was able to just soak in the presence of Yahweh and immerse myself in His Word. Because of that I believe that I have received yet again another confirmation for a new anointing but more so I've realised that during my three month long discipline that the anointing is building up. I've come to realise that these three months though people may say what and what not but I personally have come to see the good that Yahweh shall perform upon me during this time and season.

During this camp I have received plenty, even from the onset. But I would like to share what good the Lord Yeshua has done for me during this camp. Throughout the entirety of this camp I've received confirmation after confirmation that there is a new anointing coming upon me and that when it is fully manifested it shall indeed bear fruits to glorify the Lord Yeshua. But during this time I am to let the anointing simmer and to ripen unto maturity and only when He reveals it during His timing then He shall be glorified through all. And throughout this camp I can sense that Yahweh truly is pouring out His anointing day after day. For example there was one such time during worship of the verses of Ephesians 3 that Yahweh told me that He had something to pour out and as I lifted up my hands I felt hot oil running down my hands to my head until my feet. And so on throughout this camp.

What I've learnt during this camp also benefited me much and more so that as Pastor Jean continued to share about faith in Elohim I felt that my faith was slowly being built up. And Yahweh Himself has shown me that He is very very merciful towards me. During this camp I've had my share of trials and challenges but always before each and every challenge arrives Elohim will speak to me through someone or something. And He would always speak through unlikeliest of circumstances and when He does speak my spirit would always let me know that Elohim Himself is speaking to you now. And when the situation does arise, though I may crack my head on how it is going to be resolved Yahweh does it in such a way that I never would have imagined.

Yes, everything is indeed moving and going just as how Yahweh has envisioned it of this I am confident and therefore rest my hope in Him that I shall not be put to shame. Even as I write this I am quite under the weather and yet there is spiritual and physical strength given to me not only to finish today's work which was strenuous but also time consuming under the sun, but to also be able to do all things through Messiah Who strengthens me. I am glad, simply because now I have the opportunity given to me to seek Yahweh for what He wants to be done in the year to come and as we draw near the end of 2018 I remember that truly every word spoken by Him concerning me He has brought to accomplishment and is bringing forth even now. I am so glad that I can serve this living Elohim, steadfast forever.

[Gen 28:15] And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.

[Eze 12:28] Therefore say unto them, Thus saith the Lord YAHWEH; There shall none of My words be prolonged any more, but the word which I have spoken shall be done, saith the Lord YAHWEH.

Now, I am in the comfort of the Holy Spirit in the sense that it is no longer a struggle to worship and to pray especially so early in the morning anymore. The Holy Spirit has taken over and He is the One doing it and not I, therefore I rest in Him ceasing from all of my works. All I do now is to receive, be blessed, and to bless with the same measure He has given me. Praise Yahweh.

-Monday, 24th December 2018, 3 years 3 months 17 days, 1742

Saturday, 15 December 2018

Brightness of the Rising

It's like a clarity has come to light in my eyes. Like a haze whose fog has been lifted up from before me. Like a dark road finally illuminated before my eyes and now I can see and not just see but understand path I am to undertake. Let me explain.

Up until recently I've said that I have received a new anointing and have also received the confirmation of it while I was in Ca Mau, Vietnam. But it was not until last Friday overnight where I received a full and complete illumination of what it is and what it entails to.

This new anointing is being poured out on me and even now is overflowing. And to what it entails to is as I've said more than just worship but every aspect of my life. It was good that I had undergone this discipline as of late because now I realise that it is time for new wine to enter new wineskin. I used to be part of the old guard which would always say that the old was better, more savoury but now I see that what the Word of Elohim says is true because it has happened to me.

[Luk 5:39] No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he saith, The old is better.

I never understood it until now. When Yahweh is pouring out His Spirit upon me it is the same but a fresher anointing, the likes of which I have yet to experience because I still clung to the old wine. But now I realise that as I let go of all that I've held dear and true I have received it once again but now mayhaps forever.

[Phm 1:15] For perhaps he therefore departed for a season, that thou shouldest receive him for ever;

This new anointing is the same as the one prior to it but in a new and living way. All that I have is increased exponentially and as I believe will abound much more further than I could have believed. I realised that through it all, it was as though the story of Jacob became a reality in my life.

Jacob when about to confront his brother Esau wrestled with Elohim and prevailed. Thus he was given the new name Israel which means "Elohim prevails". When he wrestled with Elohim He touched his hip and as result it dislocated and was out of joint. The aftermath was that Jacob turned Israel had to limp and could no longer run. When he was planning to meet his brother Esau he separated his company to two in the case that he indeed did attack Jacob, he would have a chance to run away. But with his hip now dislocated and he limping he could no longer run from what was presumably to come.

In the eyes of Jacob, as I personally believe; it must be some sort of disadvantage Yahweh has given to him. True, he now had the new name Israel but now all his plans and desires have been thwarted and has come to nothing. He had nothing to gain and everything to lose but in the end, he gained his brother Esau's love and trust back as well as the complete safety of his entire family. He was finally at peace with his brother after many long years because he lost what he held onto for something substantially greater beyond the eyes of man. Yahweh truly blessed him. Where Jacob could not prevail "Elohim prevails", Israel.

And I realise that that same story is now happening to me as revealed by the Holy Spirit. I presume to think that I had lost something when in fact I had gained a greater and better portion of it. This new anointing that is being poured out and revealed to me is indeed a great and awesome blessing. Even just recently I've noticed that my worship has changed, no longer do I try and choose songs but by His grace and mercy He always comes and His presence always abides now.

Everything has worked out far better than I could have imagined and for that praise Yeshua for the great things He has done. Now I know that as we come to a close of this year 2018, we also come to a close of who I once have been. 2019 holds the hope and the glory pertaining to the son of Elohim and so shall I lay hold of that of which Messiah Yeshua has laid hold of me already.

Another thing which I've realised during my time off duties is that I'm not just a son of Elohim. I had thought that there was all to it but now I realise that Yeshua had two names by which He was called: the Son of Elohim and the Son of Man. I truly am a son of Elohim but now I realise that I am also a son of Man. Not just to relate to things pertaining to the things of Yahweh but also able to relate to the limitations and travailing of man. I have come to realise the need to not just be able to know the heart of Yahweh but to also know the heart of man. This is making me soft, I mean the things which used to bother me no longer do because once I had set the bar so high and lofty that even I could not reach it and yet expected others to. But now I've removed all expectations that I've placed upon myself and others. Let my expectation be from Him alone.

[Psa 62:5] My soul, wait thou only upon Elohim; for my expectation is from Him.

In other words, what I want to expect from myself and others must and shall come from Him. He dictates what I ought to expect and thereby nothing is lost but all glory is gained when what He speaks is fulfilled. I can laugh right now because I've finally been set free and now my only concern is to see the will of Yahweh fulfilled in my life first beyond any others. Praise Him

-Saturday, 15th December 2018, 3 years 3 months 8 days, 2126

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Next Day; Continuation

Pastor Brent led the sharing for the morning session and he talked about the move of Yahweh and what is needed to stir a move of Yahweh anywhere any time: faith, giftings, and anointing. When you begin with either one of the three the other two will follow suit as you continue. He gave his example how he moved in the gift of prophecy in a church and as he prophesied accurately, the faith of many began to rise up and the anointing became even greater. In 20 minutes, there was a move of Elohim in the church he visited. The move of Yahweh is supposed to be normalcy for everyday church life. And so he shared and demonstrated as he did the day before and soon began to minister to the people once more. The session soon ended with the salvation of many souls which is always a good thing as I believe. Praise Yahweh

-Wednesday, 12th December 2018, 3 years 3 months 5 days, 1114

We went to Pastor Bao's church to minister and to pray for the complete renovation of it which will be due next year Elohim willing. The testimony surrounding this place is quite amazing, from such a small lot now it has grown into a large compound with room enough for families to stay and live together as well as to serve Yahweh together in a community. The renovation work here is vast and improving upon many things as well as to increase the number of families that can stay here together. A group of young people are now serving full time here at Pastor Bao's church as well. Praise Yahweh.

When we began to worship on the harp here the presence of Yahweh came down strong and mighty upon the place and drew other Vietnamese here to worship with us as well. We really had such a stellar time here just praying and worshipping for a long while. Soon after Pastor Phaik Kiang prayed and ministered to the Vietnamese present and we have heard mighty testimonies as a result from some of them.

Brother Duk (pronounced Dook) was a former drug addict of 4 years but was mightily set free and chose to serve Yahweh at Pastor Bao's church. As Pastor Phaik Kiang was ministering to him he saw a bright light and a dove coming down upon him. He also saw a key that was given to him to unlock something.

Brother Ven is also a former drug addict of one year who when he was delivered also chose to serve Yahweh full time as well. Praise Yeshua for them all, what marvellous things Yahweh is doing and has done in Vietnam thus far.

And I also forgot to mention that we rode on motorcycles to and from the church, but that's just a side note to what Yahweh is doing in Pastor Bao's church.


The moment I entered into the hall they started dancing like Korean style. I think they even had a Korean sounding song up and running. Whether it was Vietnamese or what I do not know but I had to high tail it out of there. In my defence, they had everything on; the flashing lights, the disco ball, oh my Elohim I pray.


I'm four floors down and yet I can still hear the music banging from above me clearly. Wow. Now it's something like funky jazz music.


We didn't really join back the session after that, we just spent our time to pack and prepare to depart for another overnight trip back to Ho Chi Minh city before our soon departure early the next day. It's been an enjoyable trip, Ca Mau. Perhaps the greatest breakthrough was that I've realised that I've received a new anointing. I've felt that I've mentioned that before but it gives regard to mention again I suppose. We barely worshipped during our trip and yet when we did worship the presence of Yahweh came down strong and mighty upon us, upon the place, upon the peoples. And yet I can tell that this anointing carries something more than just for worship although I am yet uncertain for what that implies. The warfare was great but the breakthrough greater. There's a really subtle anointing about me now but what that implies perhaps I will have to see in the near future Elohim willing...

So now, we prepare to head home. See you soon.


Monday, 10 December 2018

How to Pronounce?; Continuation

The hotel where we're staying at is the same venue for the seminar which will host over 1000 pastors, leaders, and elders from all across Ca Mau and Vietnam together. And praise Yahweh that He has opened the way for us to have harp worship with all of them this day and the next. But of course that time is to come, first breakfast.

Before breakfast I would like to say that the hotel is extravagantly decorated. I mean the lobby itself is full of bombastic chandeliers and chairs the kind you would see a recently married couple would be sitting on during their dinner reception. For one I think it's pretty interesting to see chairs fit for kings all over the place and then again for such a small hotel is this sort of furniture really all that needed? I feel like there's a hit and miss somewhere or other.

The food is good, well as expected of hotel food but the Vietnamese really do know their coffees. It's really packed and good. Kaw kaw as my brother Jefrin would call it. Soon enough it's time to meet up with Pastor Phaik Kiang and the girls to pray, worship for a bit, and prepare for our main session worship in the seminar during the afternoon.

-Tuesday, 11th December 2018, 3 years 3 months 4 days, 0835

We started late and ended early but nonetheless we had a powerful half and hour of harp worship together with the Vietnamese pastors and leaders. The place is crowded and very very hot here. Humid would be the right word since there's not a fan in sight but there's over a thousand people crammed into a small hall. And the way to walk through is very narrow so much so I had quite the obstacle in front of me to transport the harp back to the room. As soon as our worship is over then an American pastor took over to minister and share the Word. Houston (whether that is where he is from or his name I do not know, I don't read Vietnamese) is sharing about the demonstration of the Spirit and of power and he began to minister, to release power and to prophesy.

He began to share to the pastors and leaders here that your congregation wants to hear the Word of Yahweh from the mouth of His servants the prophets and he is teaching on how to hear and know what voice and what prompting is the voice of Yahweh. He also shared that the power of Elohim is always present and always moving everywhere but it is that we people do not move together with Elohim when He moves. He taught how to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel for the move, voice, and prompting of Yahweh and demonstrated it with a few of the Vietnamese in the presence of us all. Hmmm, interesting. Quite interesting.

I just found out that his name is Brent Douglas. Never heard of him before until now.


My ice is a fish, my drink has ice and it's the shape of a freaking fish. Amazinggggg!

Also, we took a stroll around in the even time to the shops and stalls surrounding the hotel since in the night we have no worship schedule or whatsoever and the other fact that we can't understand Vietnamese. We went to a nearby stall to have some fried cakes and Vietnamese coffee. I've said it before I'll say it again, the Vietnamese really do know their coffees. But I think the roadside coffees trump those brewing in hotels. They are just that good. Really kaw.


This hotel small it may be but it is like a labyrinth. Corners which go here and there until I myself have gotten lost trying to find the lift upwards. And when I do arrive up at the floor where the seminar is being held, the first sound that greeted me was really really loud music in Vietnamese. We weren't as loud as this when we worshipped but this is ear splitting loud and I'm standing all the way at the back here with Pastor Phaik Kiang and the girls Joey and Melissa. Really, the sound travels.


We took our leave as the worship ends since the sharing will be in Vietnamese and instead went to our room and worshipped together on the harp. Not surprisingly, Pastor Phaik Kiang came in a while later and thus declared that the sharing was over (we began to worship at 8.00pm and she came in at 8.45pm). We really want to praise Yahweh for the work He is doing here in Vietnam. Though we had merely worshipped for less than half an hour or so many people especially the pastors and leaders could immediately sense the presence of Yahweh move from the first song onwards and the whole hall was filled with the sound of Vietnamese worshipping together with us. Over a thousand strong choir to sing together with us despite them hearing the songs for the first time, many experienced breakthroughs. One such person said that he had returned to his room to rest because he was tired but as soon as he heard the harp worship (they really amped us up quite loud) he felt the presence of Yahweh enter his room and pulled him to the hall to worship and immediately he was refreshed.

We also met many old friends and new ones, particularly those who have either attended our seminars before or even served in Semarak for a while back before many of us arrived; the first generation. Praise Yahweh that the great testimony was that everyone who had attended Semarak before when they came to Malaysia went back to Vietnam on fire and fervent for the Lord Yeshua until this day and many have become pastors of churches and leaders of prayer houses. Praise Yahweh for that.


Saturday, 8 December 2018

Nothing Short

You know there really isn't much to write about at this moment in time. Perhaps all that has been going on in my life so far is that I have been given a sabbatical leave from the majority of my duties and I am thoroughly enjoying the rest Elohim has prepared for me for the entirety of this month of December. This month, I've hardly any duties and because of that I can rest more and enjoy more so the presence of Yahweh at each and every service and meeting here in the ministry. Honestly speaking, it's as though I've become once again a seeker here in Glory Place and that is something I enjoy.

You know, this was something that I had asked Yahweh once before: that He would indeed give me rest in the duties and ministries that I have. Once again not to say that I'm overburdened by what I do because I would not be doing what I am doing if I do not enjoy doing it in the first place. I enjoy what I do but there came a point in time that I realised that I needed to step back from my duties for a bit and seek Yahweh and through the incidents prior to this Elohim has granted me the desires of my heart in ways unexpected. And though it has just begun my tenure of complete rest from all my works I am already enjoying it to the fullest.

I am glad because I am in the hands of the Messiah Yeshua, and that all things which He has spoken to me through His Holy Spirit has indeed come true. He told me He would shake me good and He has shaken me well, He told me that despite that He would have a blessing for me in the midst of it, and indeed He has prepared one for such as myself. He also told me that no matter what anyone may say or do, this will last until the final day of this year and that through this experience a greater depth of knowledge, understanding and intimacy will be broken through to. For such a reward for such as person as myself who has timelessly fallen short of His glory He truly is gracious and merciful, longsuffering and compassionate to those who love Him. Nothing has fallen to the ground of what He has spoken to me and surely nothing ever will. Praise the name of the Lord Yeshua Messiah. Amen.

-Saturday, 8th December 2018, 3 years 4 months 1 day, 2059

Monday, 3 December 2018

Season to Remember

It really is quite baffling how fast the time is flying right now. One moment ago it was just the beginning of 2018 and now here we are at the last 4 weeks of this year 2018. Truly Yahweh is hastening His work on earth and cutting it short in righteousness and to usher the second coming of our Lord Yeshua Messiah.

This year has been a great year, having had many highs and lows but nonetheless I see that I am still on the journey upward and having the upward call I am made all the more sure of my calling to serve Him. This is the time as I believe now to remember the marvellous things which the Lord Yeshua has wrought in each and every one of us. That as we end this year, I personally would want to have something to give thanks to Yahweh for and most assuredly He has blessed me so much that I am left with innumerable blessings and gifts from Him.

And not only that but throughout this year He has made His Word become even more manifest and real to me in my walk with Him. Every word, every sentence, every phrase and promise spoken in the Word has one way or another been made flesh in my life and for such a reason as this would I not give thanks? Many people search the Scriptures thinking that they have life within but the Word testifies of the true life which came into the world through the manifesting of the Word. The Lord Yeshua is the Living Word of Elohim and the Scriptures testify of Him and that in Him is spirit and life and praise Him that that was what I have found and am living in even now by His grace and mercy.

I came to realise that to live in the Spirit is simple because it only requires faith for Elohim to truly begin to lead, mould, direct our lives into His will. Faith is to give complete trust in Him leaving no backup plan or second choice. And He honours such faith. With the same faith we are assured of our salvation, with which we believe in Him that He heals us, the same faith it is needed to live in and walk in the Spirit. Not because of what we can do, else that would not be faith but because He is sovereign and that He is able to do all things.

And so, I have seen that my life, my road though sometimes filled with potholes have all led to the will and purpose of Yahweh once again. Not because I charted the course but because He has led me. Praise Yahweh for His Holy Spirit Who teaches all things and brings unto our remembrance all things that the Messiah has spoken to us. And I am glad that what He has told me of long ago and promised to me He is bringing and has brought to pass. But all these blessings are merely secondary to the greatest blessing of all of drawing even nearer, deeper and more intimate together with my Lord. He is my Elohim and I am His son. Truly, when one walks closely with Yahweh He makes even my enemies or in my case, my situations to be at peace and working together for my good according to His purpose. Such is His great love for me to which I am truly humbled to experience time and time again.

It has never crossed my mind even once and I do not believe that it shall ever that I even ponder of returning back from whence I came; it is the single greatest decision of my life to give my life to serve the living Elohim. He never failed and remains faithful to this day. I am greatly satisfied with the fullness of His house and of His holy temple.

-Monday, 3rd December 2018, 3 years 2 months 26 days, 2245

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

November and more

We've reached the near end of November and let me tell you that this November was certainly something to remember. I remember that Yahweh has brought me very high, only to bring me very low before Him and once more to a greater height which was not perceived before. Gold unrefined is beautiful but once refined by the fire, it becomes pure and much more valuable before others and I reckon that this entire month the Holy Spirit has been leading me in such a way thus. And let me tell you reader that it is my privilege to undergo such things by Him because above all else I desire that I draw nearer to Him and what way nearer than through different trials of varying difficulties?

I am truly blessed because I am constantly watched over by the Lord Yeshua by His Spirit. Everywhere I go and do He sees and what He does not find pleasing He immediately corrects. Immediately. I mean when I see others committing faults and mistakes they go through it unpunished and under the radar again and again but when I do it merely once, the entire ministry knows about it. At first I had thought that I had the most unfortunate case because I am always under surveillance by my seniors, elders, pastors, and of course Elohim but now I realise I am the most fortunate of all. Before I can repeat a mistake Yahweh intervenes through those around me and ensures that it is not committed ever again. In this I see that the Lord Yeshua really loves me because He is constantly watching over me and ensures that when I am wrong, He corrects me for which I am truly grateful.

I've come to realise that there are some breakthroughs reserved only for those who are willing to go through different trials and tribulations, I'm not staying all but there are some that are well hidden. And I found that these breakthroughs are very profound and well blessed indeed. I mean, through my trials and situations I found that I have reached once again another step higher, further, deeper in the Lord Yeshua through it all. Peter would never know he could walk on the water had not the Lord Yeshua commanded him to do so and had not there been a storm all around. And so, in our deepest troubles lies our deepest breakthroughs and greatest victories through our Lord Yeshua Messiah. Overall, it's been a really good month and as it's coming to an end I'm truly thankful to Yahweh for giving me the blessing to go through all that I went through. Through it I am made more stronger and more whole in Him and that is always something to give thanks for.

Praise Yahweh for His mercy endures forever.

-Wednesday, 28th November 2018, 3 years 2 months 21 days, 2347

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Psalm 139:6

You know, things are beginning to turn once again for me. As I have experienced trials after trials and praise Yahweh that He has preserved me through it all, now it is once again time to reap the harvest.

[Psa 126:6] He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

Once more I have found that the Word of Yahweh is faithful and true to a tee. And because of that I can always believe and trust in Elohim that He will never fail me though doubtless I have many times done so. As the month is drawing to an end now, the season is turning and once more I see on the horizon a glorious breaking of the day.

There's not really much else to say except to praise the name of Messiah Yeshua because once more though He has brought me under the water and fire He has again brought me out to rich fulfilment in Him.

[Psa 66:12] Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but Thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.

This is now the time where the Holy Spirit is beginning to do a work so wondrous even I cannot begin to fathom it. Therefore I am joyous and glad because I personally see that He is doing such a work in my life now. Doors are beginning to open and some are closing. And yet, I see that this is the will of Yahweh for me and because of that I can walk forth confidently knowing that I stand in His will. If not He shall direct me unto it according to His promise:

[Pro 16:9] A man's heart deviseth his way: but YAHWEH directeth his steps.

[Pro 20:24] Man's goings are of YAHWEH; how can a man then understand his own way?

[Psa 139:2] Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.

I've come to a revelation recently, although I'm not sure whether it is as of yet sound or not but I have found that to be led by the Spirit is to go forth in whatever we are doing confident of the fact that our steps are ordered by YAHWEH. They say that as a man thinketh so is he so that would mean that as I believe I am led by His Holy Spirit so I am led thus.

I am confident not in myself but in the Messiah Yeshua that as I walk and continue to walk regardless of what may go on around me, I will be divinely led of Him unto Himself in the end. And praise Yahweh that I have seen that happening. For every action and word spoken He has sovereignly turned all things around to His glorification in me. Though I may be regarded as disqualified yet my heart condemn me not. Even in my mistakes and errors He has shown His mighty and timely hand to turn all things together for good.

As I said, this is but just what Yahweh has been revealing to me as of late but I continue to so walk and serve in the calling He has placed upon my life with the assurance that I truly am led by the Spirit. Not because I feel I am led, nor because I see things happening around me, but because I believe that I am led and so I receive such a peace and a trusting in Him as how a child would be cuddled in the hands of his father so am I with my Heavenly Father. And therefore, nothing in this world can shake me because I am in the hand of the Father Who is beyond the machinations of this world. Such knowledge truly is too wonderful for me. So high that I cannot attain it. Praise Him.

-Thursday, 22nd November 2018, 3 years 2 months 15 days, 0207

Friday, 16 November 2018

1 Corinthians 5:7

Sometimes I find it really surprising just how much as Yahweh had revealed to me He performs in the hereafter and sometimes immediately. This is not just a one off occurrence but almost every time He speaks to me concerning something or rather I am most often times seemingly caught off guard at the way He performs and fulfills His Word. I mean, yes He spoke to me thus but I guess my mind still has to be renewed yet more concerning the way and the speed that He does things.

Most recently, in fact you could say from the beginning of this month I've been receiving from the Holy Spirit the word that He will soon begin to mould and to break me once more. Now, this is something I truly welcome because inasmuch as He has blessed me bountifully and abundantly with so much He has now in turned caused me to go into the depths of His waterfall once more. We can never truly receive our blessings fully unless we embrace the valleys in our walk with the Messiah as much as the high hills. And now, He has shown to me that once more He shall shake me and break the power of my pride. And as I write this I testify to the fact that He has and has done so effectively.

Having made quite the many errors in my judgement as of recently I've been relieved of many duties in Glory Place in the hopes that I would seek Yahweh for His guidance and in truth He has done this and so I rejoice. Though these are my mistakes, in His mercy He turned it into something that I can embrace and go forth into. And praise Yahweh that in the midst of my own mistakes He has once again proven faithful and true to me even though I was not towards Him. He has granted me rest, even a rest from many of my duties and that was something that I was longing for for quite a while actually. Not to say that my responsibilities burdened me but that there was this feeling that it was time for something new though I didn't know what it was until now.

And now, even after taking a hiatus of sorts for a while there's something new that has come upon me. As I briefly glanced into the mirror one time I noticed that though I looked the same, it was as though there was something new blooming forth altogether in the spirit. And what's more I've noticed that now a greater anointing has been bestowed upon me. For what it is I do not know but there is once again this sense that as I once more enter into the quiet place and laying aside all my cares, duties, and responsibilities I found that there is a blessing awaiting me in Yeshua.

You know, through all this I've realised that I lost track of my own age. I've actually forgotten that I'm just 22. I mean, I've been taken in responsibilities, roles, and duties that are beyond my age and perhaps because of that I had unconsciously reckoned myself of older age. But when I stumbled then did I realise that I was just 22 years old and not just me I realise but some others as well. This was a needful awakening as once more Elohim causes me to see that of all that I have been blessed and graced to attain to in Messiah I have only touched the surface of a deep pool. There's a long journey awaiting me still and in that I take my comfort that of all that I've experienced, these are surely the foreshadowing of greater and fuller things made manifest in Messiah Yeshua by the Holy Spirit in and through me to others all around. Praise Yahweh.

-Saturday, 17th November 2018, 3 years 2 months 10 days, 1528

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Holy Matrimony

Everything's coming to a central focus point now. With the upcoming wedding of our dear brother Jeremy with sister Irene we have much to look forward to. After all, this will be my first real look at how a wedding ordained by Yahweh and conducted not in the fashion of the world but by the example given in the Word of Elohim plays out. I truly am stoked for the wedding day itself and really am glad for Jeremy and Irene. However even as the day draws near for the both of them I am reminded by Yahweh that the wedding doesn't count much before Him, it's what happens down the line soon after that will truly make or break a couple.

After all, the wedding day however glorious and awesome it may be is nothing to be compared to spending the rest of your life with a special someone. And if that someone is the person whom Yeshua has given to you well, but if not then I cannot begin to imagine. As far as things stand I indeed bless Jeremy and Irene for their future together not just as a couple but as two individuals become one to serve Yahweh together.

You know, with their wedding coming up I've realised that the Lord Yeshua has been speaking to me quite a bit recently as well. And as much as I've been hearing from Him He has called me to enter intimacy with Him and to take pleasure in Him as I would my family and loved ones. Thus far I am well contented to leave things as it is because now I take pleasure in serving the living Elohim. Not to say that I didn't prior to this, but that new depths and heights have been opened up to me and I desire to take my time first to establish my relationship with Yeshua first and then seek companionship of others.

I'm in no rush anymore. I've realised that when the time comes the time will come but until then I am not to hasten the coming of that day. It is already settled in the Heavenly Father's own good time and I will not ruin it with meddling where I ought not but however I am called to hasten His coming and that I will so do Elohim willing. I still have so much to learn, experience, bear witness to, and to be moulded into the image and likeness of Messiah and I've realised that such a precious work cannot be rushed by any means. After all, if one were to rush the Divine ordinance from above, then we would make it an ordinance of man and no longer of Elohim.

So, the crux of the matter is this: seeing as how Jeremy and Irene are getting married soon I myself have sensed as I believe the Holy Spirit is leading me that I should not be in a rush to get married myself. That time will come as so Elohim wills and desires it but until then I desire to be left to me and just the Lord Yeshua in intimacy. After all, when a man's way pleases Elohim he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. The way must be made straight and wide enough for two to walk side by side together first. If not, then the road will be full of toe stomping offences and mishaps which can be avoided proper. Praise Yeshua for that.

-Monday, 12th November 2018, 3 years 2 months 5 days, 0220

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Psalm 40:1-4

It's been quite the week actually. Throughout the tenure for this week it was as though Yahweh was really humbling me and causing me to see the weakness in trusting myself. Throughout the entirety of this week I am reminded as to why I rarely put my trust in my own strength and knowing of many things, simply because when the rubber meets the road all these things do not count for anything in the eyes of Yeshua. Salvation belongs to Him and can only come from Him and no other, not even in the gifts endowned by Him to us. Only the gift of salvation which He gives to us will save us from our situations and even our own selves. Thus far is what I've experienced this week.

I mean, it was as though I was going through a barrage of non stop predicaments and situations like never before. All that meant for me to do was to brace myself and walk through all that He has prepared for me to experience though it may be painful and humbling. And it was to an extent but I truly am glad that at the end of the day I am still able to praise the Lord Yeshua for being gracious enough to allow me to experience such things for my benefit and His mercy for delivering me through each and every cause and effect. And now as the dust settles it is yet another testament that Yahweh has preserved me and led me thus far through His Son by the Holy Spirit. Praise Yahweh.

Oddly, well not really that odd but rather I expected something as such during all this; Yahweh turned everything around on its head. From such a situation He delivered me and from my times of weakness He used it to resolve and complete yet another situation of mine. Through one situation came absolution for another and in that the Word of Yahweh comes to pass. I am not distraught nor shaken by what I've gone through. I know fully well that the Elohim Whom I serve has always delivered, is even now delivering and continues to deliver me. I know Whom I have believed in and trust that He is able to save me to the uttermost and keep me until the day where I meet Him face to face.

To this extent I praise Yeshua Messiah because no good thing which He has spoken has failed concerning His promises and word. I have been brought up once more from the miry clay and He has put a new song in my mouth, even the praise to my Elohim. For all that I've gone through I truly am glad and privileged to be humbled by Him and through others, Elohim knows I needed it. And what's more I believe that this is not the end. Even more and even greater times of blessings shall come and as well moments of trials and tribulations for our consideration as we continue to believe and walk in the Lord Yeshua. This is not the end, but merely a foretaste of greater things in store. Ought not then I should be glad and rejoice? Praise Yahweh then.

-Tuesday, 6th November 2018, 3 years 1 month 30 days, 2259

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Praise Yahweh

Very hilarious. As soon as I made that remark then as soon Yahweh had something else to speak to me. I crashed a car, and what's more the church's car onto some other car. Thankfully no one is injured but of course the cost is made to be borne. And praise Yahweh that He has been merciful to me in that it was not much at all. This is the day of much humbling for me but not a day to be regretted. I need this inasmuch as the rest of the other days of blessing and joy. After all, it is already written so it must come to pass.

[Ecc 3:1] To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

And of course for my time and purpose it is still to rejoice in the labour He has given to me. Nonetheless it is time to ponder and consider the work of Yahweh especially for me in this time.

[Ecc 7:14] In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: Elohim also hath set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him.

I'm glad this happened to me to the intent that I should learn and grow further in Him through this. I am indeed repented of what I've done but nonetheless it stands on me now to ensure it never happens again. I ought to learn, after all for this reason He has sent it to me even today.

Anyways, what's done is done and there's no taking it back now. All one can do is continue forward regardless of whatever comes my way. Truly grateful for such a humbling especially now when everything is getting ready and set for something truly great incoming. Praise the Lord Yeshua.

-Friday, 2nd November 2018, 3 years 1 month 26 days, 1430

Elohim Given

You know, the past few days the work has been really strenuous but praise Yahweh that my body has become accustomed to it now. In fact, there's no longer an ache even it's as though as has become the norm for me which it has.

I've been cutting the grass and sprucing up the boys dorm side for the past week and I must say that I enjoy it. Well, if you don't enjoy what you do why do it in the first place? True that it is out of obedience but then it becomes a duty rather than a pleasure and because of that we lose out on our reward prepared by Elohim for us.

[1Co 9:17-18a] For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward: but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me. What is my reward then?

Indeed, when one does so out of a free willing heart the reward is truly marvellous. You begin to take pleasure in the work you do and strive for excellence. You strive so that your work is not only fruitful but pleasant as well to the taste of others. But honestly speaking I have yet to attain to the level that I am comfortable and satisfied with. However I am getting there and am now beginning or see the change in the scenery especially around my room. Since it's only me up there at the boy's dorm the cleaning is entirely minimal because it's just one person. It really is such a wonderful and exhilarating feeling one gets when one completely cleans the entire compound of his living quarters.

But in this time and season I believe that Yahweh is working in me particularly to come and enjoy Himself. Particularly to be involved deeply in His works which He has prepared for me to walk into and in His abiding presence and Holy Spirit.

[Ecc 3:13] And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of Elohim.

Honestly speaking, life is good and pleasant right now and I'm thoroughly enjoying myself with the works Elohim has given me. There's this sense of eternity in my heart even as the Teacher described it. This sense like there's no need to push and to rush, in due time everything I really believe everything will fall into place like a perfect puzzle. So for my part all I am required to do is to enjoy the ride. Take pleasure in drawing near to Yeshua and He too shall find pleasure in accepting us. Praise Yahweh.

-Friday, 2nd November 2018, 3 years 1 month 26 days, 0045

Friday, 26 October 2018

Rigorous Movement

There isn't much to report at this moment other than the fact that everything is shaking and shifting like never before. People are getting shaken left, right, and centre and it takes a solid foundation of Yeshua Messiah to stand and not just to stand but to remain standing when the dust settles. The time where one's loyalty and foundation has come to be tested and tried. This is the time I find that one must first experience Yeshua before anything else can be done. Without Him then we might as well count our journey lost and a waste of time. Without Yeshua the days ahead will indefinitely become tougher and tougher still but with Him the circumstances change. Though the days may still be unchangingly tough we have He Who has overcome the world and all its tough days so no issue there.

Anyways, there really isn't much to say right now. I find that the time to speak is not now at this moment but the time to manifest the life of Yeshua has come. The breaking of the vessel has come so that the treasure within may shine like precious jewels. In that case, we had best be prepared before the silver cord be loosed and broken. Now is the time to dig deep and get to know Yeshua Messiah as our Strength and Helper before the time comes when where we really need Him most, we find Him distant and unapproachable instead of close and intimate. Hallelujah, I've learnt through much moulding that this is the time for the sons of Elohim to manifest the Son's life through and through. I thrive on such situations knowing that the end result far exceeds all the trials and testings hurled my way. As it should be for all of us, praise Yahweh.

-Saturday, 27th October 2018, 3 years 1 month 20 days, 0023

Sunday, 21 October 2018


I think today is by far the longest I've been out for CRC. We had just finished having our dinner here at KL due to the need to worship at someone's wake service. Someone who is not a part of our ministry but knows one of the CRC members, albeit as a very distant relative of sorts. Anyways, we had just finished dinner and as I write this are now making our way back to Semarak and then to Glory Place.

How wonderful, I had plans to do some sprucing up of my room because I had thought we would have been back much earlier but I guess Yahweh had something better in store for me. You know, today was quite the interesting day. I didn't know why but I felt I had to bring my black slacks with me when I went to CRC today and true enough the attire of worship for the wake service included black slacks. I also had this urge to eat something in particular but due to time constraints and other more needful things and duties I could not. However after the wake service, in the mercy of Elohim He has granted to me the desire of my heart or in this case my tummy.

Actually, such things as this have become natural occurrences to me as it ought to be for everyone who names the name of Yeshua Messiah. The supernatural is our natural, the extraordinary our ordinary. The days ahead are truly adventurous and exciting indeed. More so when I consider that Yahweh is fulfilling what He has spoken and revealed to me thus far concerning His will and purpose for me. In particular certain key issues I find that He has taken over entirely and as such I can relax and kick my feet. Not to say that I needn't do anything because there are still things outstanding that I intend to do, however I can rest in Him assured that somehow some way He will make a way for me to walk in the works He has prepared. I needn't think or contemplate too much save the Word of Elohim as it should be.

Moving on, things are beginning to shift and to move around in Glory Place and in the places where I've been given the opportunities to visit and minister at such as Semarak and CRC. Yeshua is doing something certainly and by His grace that He would give me opportune moments to witness it in its consummation and fullness. Praise Yahweh and though I do write vaguely and figuratively, this post is not meant for the reader to understand. This is in the end a personal blog made public and there are some things that I find needs a keeping to between Messiah and myself. Praise Yeshua.

-Sunday, 21st October 2018, 3 years 1 months 14 days, 2342

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Job 10:17b

Praise Yahweh, I just want to praise Yahweh that once more I have indeed been vindicated. The trust that He's built in me upon His Son is now showing forth its fruits and I truly am glad because of it. Everything has been resolved in a way that no man could have done so, only Elohim could and for that He deserves all the glory.

Though this does not necessarily mean the warfare is over. On the contrary, change and war are ever with us and as such we must always be on alert and sober at all times. Who knows how the enemy will come against us next? Whether through the mind, the emotions, the situations, or even through people? Nevertheless when one knows their Elohim, when one really knows Yeshua they shall be strong and carry out great exploits. That's actually just half of the verse, the first half explains that the antichrist in the last days will come and sway many to his side with his tactics and words but only those who really know Yahweh shall remain strong and continue carrying out His will.

With every warfare for me comes the expectation of a great breakthrough. The greater the struggle the greater the payout and this time was no different. Now, the war continues on whether realises it or not. The war is ever continuing until Messiah comes in the flesh and then will the saints of the Most High inherit the kingdoms of this world. Huh, really Daniel's book of prophecy really does tell what will happen in the last days and right now it looks as if it has been unsealed. Everything is happening now according to the Word of Elohim, so we had best be prepared that even the enemy shall move according to how Yahweh wills them.

The war continues and it is given to us the mandate to stand and continue to stand against every wiles of the devil that he will muster against us. Warfare, breakthrough, warfare, breakthrough. It is a constant cycle but a most welcome one. After all, it is in the will and purpose of Elohim that as His sons we have the power to destroy the works of the devil. If we do not, most certainly he will destroy us and our works.

-Tuesday, 16th October 2018, 3 years 1 month 9 days, 2110

Friday, 12 October 2018

Hope in Elohim

This is the season to trust Yahweh in. I find that now many situations and circumstances are cropping up not just for me but for those around me as well and said situations are not meant to be dealt with by human means and whatnot. The situations and circumstances in this time and season I find will be challenging, that is for human means to accomplish but nothing to those who know how to trust in Yahweh to take over.

We just ended our monthly 3 days of fasting and prayer and immediately we were beset by many a warfare from all sorts of directions. The physical was being attacked, the spiritual, the emotional; everything was coming under fire from the enemy. All the more serving to point out the book we are studying: 'The Reality of Spiritual Warfare' is indeed true and tested in this time. The perfect book you could say for such a time as this.

Do we know that we are in spiritual warfare? We say we do and yet our actions speak otherwise. I find that now is the time to return to the foundation, to look to the Rock from which we were hewn from and to remember that we have come thus far not because we planned thus, but because He brought us here ultimately. The time will came and is already here as I believe that man's heart shall fail because of all the signs and the wonders in which the Lord Yeshua shall reveal and do through us. He is bringing at last the counsel, wisdom, and strength of man to nothing and now is the time He is calling for His people to cling to Him.

[Jer 13:11] For as the girdle cleaveth to the loins of a man, so have I caused to cleave unto Me the whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah, saith YAHWEH; that they might be unto Me for a people, and for a name, and for a praise, and for a glory: but they would not hear.

This is the prefect opportunity for those who truly do not know how to trust Yahweh to begin trusting Yahweh. What I mean is that many a times we say we stand on the truth and revelation of Divine Healing and Providence from Elohim but in the smaller, littler matters our actions clearly become contradictory. We become self sufficient and independent from Messiah when we are supposed to be in Messiah sufficient and completely dependant on Him for all things, even minute and minuscule details of matters. I've made it a point that before I even undertake the simplest of matters such as driving and even making small decisions to commit my ways to the Lord Yeshua. I utter a quick "Yeshua" under my breath and go forth confident that as I've called and acknowledged my way before Him He shall direct it accordingly into His own will and purpose.

The reason we see and experience needless pains and grievances as I believe is simply because we at the core of it all do not believe. We say we trust Yahweh and we do in the great, big things but in the simplest of matters we lack faith enough to trust He will guide us and instead take matters into our own hands. For example, yesterday I was discussing details concerning visa application with Megan my beloved sister but the more she talked on and on about it it became very clear to me she knew too much. Ski much so that the very knowledge of it was causing her to become angst and fearful of failing to meet the mark. She looked so much into the details that it caused unnecessary fear and doubt to creep into her and she clearly projected that upon me. I am reminded of what the Scriptures say:

[Ecc 1:17-18] And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit. For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

Clearly, it was etched onto her face man! The immense knowledge became a burden rather than a boon to her. Have mercy on me, my Elohim!

Anyways, besides that point it's not her fault. I too would have become burdened by such things if I had not first prayed and committed my ways into the hands of the Lord Yeshua. He has taken me thus far, why should this be any different. I will still choose Him and I know He shall choose me. Blessed be the glorious name of Yahweh.

-Saturday, 13th October 2018, 3 years 1 month 6 days, 1246

Monday, 8 October 2018

New, Fresh Season

With the influx of many new things, I find myself truly in awe of what the Lord Yeshua is doing in my life. It's been three years that I've been here serving Him in the Glory Place Prayer Centre of Malaysia and truly I can say that I am blessed. I find that as He continues to add new things to me: new resposibilites, new revelations, new perceptions, new everyday; He causes me to truly not just be blessed but to have become a blessing is truly beyond my imagination.

As I sit here to write this I truly am grateful and thankful to Yahweh for all His benefits toward me. Not because of how great I am, or even how much I know or can do. I realise within myself that with every great height I go upward with, the need to constantly remind myself that I need solid foundation all the time. I am constantly reminding myself that all that I can do, and have done is simply because of the Lord Yeshua in me and not even me period.

I found it in my heart to write this because now I sense that there is a new season coming upon me in Yahweh. And this season heralds new beginnings and new insight to many things. I find that as I enter this new season in the Lord, that the season truly brings with it bountiful harvest and crop to reap should we be diligent to do so. What I mean is that there is so much to breakthrough and receive in this time, as though heaven's door is truly open to us all the time now. And with this I am excited for what this season brings, and am glad that as I continue to serve and seek the Lord Yeshua first everything else will eventually be added to me. Even the things to which Elohim only knows of me, what I desire. And above all else, that this season is truly the time for the life of Yeshua to manifest because I find that now everywhere the door is open, the opportunity is revealed and present to see the life of Yeshua manifested in us in and for all things. He will be bringing many things, both good and seemingly bad into our lives in this time so that Yeshua will be manifest and made evident in us.

For that reason, I am glad. I truly see that Yahweh is taking us all higher and higher, deeper and deeper with Him. To those who are willing to listen and hear Him I believe that now is the time where He shall perform all His words.

[Jer 1:11-12] Moreover the word of YAHWEH came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, what seest thou? And I said, I see a rod of an almond tree. Then said YAHWEH unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten My word to perform it.

[Eze 12:25] For I am the YAHWEH: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass; it shall be no more prolonged: for in your days, O rebellious house, will I say the word, and will perform it, saith the Lord YAHWEH.

[Eze 12:27-28] Son of man, behold, they of the house of Israel say, The vision that he seeth is for many days to come, and he prophesieth of the times that are far off. Therefore say unto them, Thus saith the Lord YAHWEH; There shall none of My words be prolonged any more, but the word which I have spoken shall be done, saith the Lord YAHWEH.

[Rom 9:28] For He will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth.

-Monday, 8th October 2018, 3 years 1 month 1 day, 2209

Sunday, 2 September 2018


This particular advance has been quite the challenge. Throughout this advance Yahweh has been speaking to me about one singular thing: conflict or perhaps in another word, confrontation. It's not something to dread or to fear but rather something inevitable that comes when one chooses to follow the path Yahweh has laid out for that person.

I found that the closer I became to Messiah Yeshua the more I found myself in situations that require my total absolute surrender in order not just to go through it but to come out at the head and not the tail. And this has become ever so frequent that now it's no longer a matter of 'if' but 'when' it happens for me. I found my perspective beginning to change yet again, that as the closer I walk to the Lord Yeshua the more I must learn to surrender and submit to His guiding hand wherever He takes me to.

During this advance, I've had plenty of conflicts and confrontations but in the end I praise Yahweh that once more and above all He has brought me through each and every single challenge throughout my time in the advance. And I know, I simply know that this is mere preparation for what is to come during our next mission trip to the city of the great King. Needless to say that though I'm far from attaining to the perfection I seek in Messiah, He is making me attain to it in ways I had not seen nor understood.

During this advance, I spent less time mingling with the people in order to prepare myself spirit, soul, and body for what is to come not just for the next trip to the Holy Land but also for each and every single day ahead as well. I see pivotal moments ahead of me and surely by Yeshua's grace and mercy I shall walk in them and come out a changed person one way or another.

For the duration of this advance, I've had my share of ups and downs. However I found that all the roads in the end lead upwards for me as it is but a stepping stone, a learning curve for greater things and greater enjoyment. I found that I enjoyed the times where I became frustrated, showed my weakness, became unable to do anything about my situations. Because then, Yeshua begins to move by His Spirit; then, I begin to believe and see the glory of Elohim. Then I begin to see His strength and power manifest in the things I myself become unable to perform and do. For such a reason I now welcome challenges, more so now than before because I know that the more I become unable, the more He is able to enable me.

This prayer advance was really my pleasure. I found that the blessings of Yahweh are manifold and always return never the same measure but always exceedingly, abundantly, and at the bare minimum to the maximum; double and a hundredfold. The more I enclosed myself with Elohim, the more I found favour with Him and then the favour of man began to flow. Not that I was seeking such favour from man but because I sought the kingdom of Elohim and His righteousness, everything began to be added unto my bosom. I am glad in the house of Yahweh, even though I may experience rough seas during my service to Him, He sees me through it all and leaves a blessing behind Him for me. All the more I should pursue Him, no?

Really with all my heart, praise Yahweh for bringing me thus far. Amen.

-Monday, 3rd September 2018, 2 years 11 months 27 days

Also, success is measured by millimetres. Hallelujah!


Monday, 27 August 2018

Enjoying His Life

I'm really enjoying myself in this advance. Seeing that this advance is just one week prior to our next trip overseas I take this time as a training ground for what is to come and because of it I am greatly benefited. I begin to see the sovereign moving of Yahweh in and through me and because of that everything somehow works together for good even towards me who loves Him. Despite the constant flux of changes and alterations, not to mention the human nature to sometimes change situations at the last moment; everything is proceeding smoothly and well. It's once again a time to learn, a time to remember for me that I stand not because of what I'm capable of doing because I am not capable of such tasks as is given to me; but because of His great mercy, Yeshua's Holy Spirit Who teaches all things and leads me in the way I ought to go.

I am satisfied, I am full of the power and the glory of the kingdom of Yahweh and I am bound to give thanks to Yeshua for the great things He has done, is doing, and will do during this seminar. I am glad, even though I lack sleep I am filled and made fuller in many other areas at the same time. What more, I found the lack of sleep to easily be replenished in the presence of Yahweh so that in nothing should I lack, I am made all the more joyous in the presence of Yahweh.

During this advance, I am beginning to ponder and to think about certain matters and situations not just concerning me but also of others as well. Many things have cropped up during this advance and because of that many things are beginning to change and we must yield ourselves to such change. To receive new wine is to receive a new taste, a new slice of life and sometimes it is unfamiliar and foreign. But that doesn't mean that it isn't beneficial for us.

As I sit here at the secretariat table writing this, I am glad because I truly am the most blessed of the Most High. Everywhere I go, whatever I may do, though I may do wrong; His grace turns it around to glorify Himself. Because of that I have great joy and assurance that everywhere I go I bring the Lord Yeshua Messiah, and because I bring Him, I bring the blessing and become the blessing as the Bible has spoken and promised. In fact, it is very clear and evident during this advance at least for me. I didn't do much, I didn't mix around and yet almost everyone knows who I am despite I myself not knowing who everyone is. I really am blessed because the Lord Yeshua is with me.

But surely this is just the forerunner for the trip ahead. The main issues will come to light there and then. Until then, I am given the privilege to continually better myself through the teaching and leading of the Holy Spirit. Praise Yahweh.

-Tuesday, 28 August 2018, 2 years 11 months 21 days, 1135

Friday, 24 August 2018

Extended Family

The prayer advance is under way and now we have come to the first day of the 10 days together with those from different nations. Australia, Brunei, China, India, Singapore, Thailand, Pakistan, Cambodia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Nagaland are all in attendance and of course those from the homeland of Malaysia as well. This is truly a marvellous time because half of my main duty is now over. The transport for each and every single person has had its ups and downs however everyone has arrived safe and soundly and for that I more so am very grateful for the Holy Spirit Who took over.

Seriously, without the Spirit of the Lord Yeshua taking over everything will have gone haywire even from the get go. But because He did and was an ever present help in times of trouble, though we did see some problems all were resolved quickly and soundly and everyone managed to arrive together to their right and respective places. Praise Yahweh, seriously.

This is by far the most that I've seen so far since the renovation for the new sanctuary and buildings were all completed but a few weeks ago. Now, the advance is on its way and surely we look forward to good and pleasant times in the presence of Yahweh.

My desire for this particular advance is to ensure and to see that every person here in attendance will not just receive a touch but that their lives may receive breakthroughs as to where it should be. The warfare for this advance is particularly evident and manifest especially because of conversing with some of the participants. But I have this sense of hope within that those who experience the greater warfare will also reap the greater harvest of breakthroughs during this advance. I'm not sure why but this advance is particularly different from those before it, although I do say that for every advance; this one feels particularly peculiar in itself.

So many people are here, nearly hitting the limit of 400 people in one place and surely we shall see and are seeing even now that the Lord Yeshua is manifest in our midst. There's just such a sense of belonging in this place and among this people. It's as though I am connected with everyone here and as though we are all part of one big family, which we are by the way in Messiah Yeshua. There's this sense of camaraderie among the people. It's a different feeling altogether. Praise Yahweh.

-Friday, 24th August 2018, 2 years 11 months 17 days, 1544

Sunday, 19 August 2018


Yet for another while I have yet to write much. What with all the things needed for the upcoming 43rd National Prayer & Intercessor's Advance themed "Kingdom Life of Power & Glory", everything is proceeding at a brisk pace. In fact, due to the influx of participants and guests flooding in from all over the world things are moving at a pace like never before; both physically and spiritually.

I cannot begin to express just how fast everything is moving. People are coming by the plane load and the accommodation is being set up at about the same time as their arrival time. But people being people, situations change and because of that there is always an overhaul of all things.

This is exciting, because you can never really know the life and the power of Elohim at work in you unless you yourselves are in the deep end of the pool. And so, I begin to see that as the days go on and the things needed tantamount to climbing a lofty mountain, I'm excited because I feel thoroughly equipped by the mighty working of the Holy Spirit.

I truly am thankful that I am not alone as well. It's really quite remarkable to think that my seniors, Jessica and aunty Florence have been doing this for quite a while all by themselves. It comes at quite the steep cost of sleep time and energy but now that more and more people are being involved the work load is being equally shared and by that equality we are able to help one another should and when the need arises.

[2Co 8:14] But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality

There's not much else to write really. Right now, people are on their way night and day and it's in our hands to not just usher them from the airport but straight to their rooms in Glory Place as well. This is going to be really exciting because I can tell that something amazing will be happening during this advance. Something truly remarkable and astounding. Praise Yahweh. And may the Lord Yeshua Messiah empower and anoint each and everyone who is involved not just with the registration but also in other various means; housekeeping, logistics, scheduling, transportation, accommodations, and everything in between. All glory to Yeshua for the things He has done.

-Sunday, 19th August 2018, 2 years 11 months 12 days, 2011

Friday, 10 August 2018

Inward Strength

For the past few days I had been struggling with some tiredness which suddenly came upon me. Even at the most simplest of tasks would easily leave me gasping for air and I would always feel completely wrung dry after a day's work is complete. I had wondered what was wrong with me. Perhaps it was because I had just returned from Haikou that I've yet to accommodate myself back to the usual grind of Glory Place's working style but that wasn't the case. I knew what had to be done and how to do it most efficiently but that still left me wanting for downtime. Perhaps it is simply warfare and that part is true, what I was going through was simply too unnatural to call it a simple weakness of the body. In fact, my friend humorously suggested that I go for deliverance to which I responded flatly that it was a funny joke. I mean, she did paste a smiling, crying face at the end of the sentence and whatnot. But the more I saw that message, the more I contemplated that something spiritually odd was taking place within me and that the means to rectify it I must seek out and fast. Praise Yahweh I found the cause and the solution to it all: my prayer slot.

Due to the durian season which is already over by the way, the boys and I were relieved from slot duty so long as the durians keep dropping from the trees. Which means early to bed and early to rise. But what was to be just a few weeks extended into 5 weeks worth of not taking slots and when I recall back that really adds up the toll on the spiritual body. Lately, I've begun to realise the importance of soaking oneself in the presence of Yahweh for long periods of time. It's like how one soaks a stained white shirt in a bucket full of bleach for an extended period so as to remove those persistent stains and clots. Much more us, I myself found that it is imperative and absolutely important to take slot because by doing so allows us not just to rest and recharge physically but also spiritually as well. Thus, we never wane strength but wax brighter and stronger all the more because of it. But because of the work's demand we were given off of it and it was only at the very end of the season that Pastor Jean stepped in to put us all back on slot again for which I am grateful. I found such richness after having been away for so long from it that I found my slot time to be immensely rich, satisfying, and refreshing to me altogether.

The problem is no longer a problem now. With my 1.00am to 3.00am slot time restored I now have the means to spend this quiet few hours with the Lord Yeshua whether by myself or together with the boys and I am made better because of it. The tiredness has completely come to an end and now real strength is once more surging from within. Praise Yahweh. Therefore, it's not about how long we sleep. We can sleep a full 8 hours and still wake up as though having slept less than 2 but having spent hours and days in the presence of Yahweh, time becomes irrelevant and inconsequential. I find that because I spend this time solely to worship, pray, and to seek Elohim the hours no longer matter nor count. I can sleep for less than 5 and still be fresh and awake as though having slept the whole day through.

This is something needful to remind myself that my slot time is not to be taken begrudgingly nor lightly, it is the Lord Yeshua I am ministering to after all. And because I draw near to Him, He too draws nears to me with all His wondrous and timely blessings and impartations. Praise Yahweh for this breakthrough.

-Saturday, 11th August 2018, 2 years 11 months 4 days, 0350

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Mission Accomplished; Continuation

It's not a complete experience here at Hainan without first experiencing their coconuts. As I'm told they're also called the City of Coconuts and no wonder, coconut trees decorate almost every road here in Haikou and almost every convenience stores we've been to sells coconuts as a local and common item alongside other usuals found elsewhere. Last night, we had a coconut feast. Coconut water, coconut milk, coconut sweets, coconut chips; the whole line of it. In fact, it was nearly coming out of my nostrils with it. I don't think I can look at another coconut again for a long while.

Anyways for breakfast was dim sum. Praise Yahweh that on the last day we managed to finish everything on our table. This is worth noting. Anyways, it's time. Tell everybody we're on our way...

-Saturday, 4th August 2018, 2 years 10 months 28 days, 1104



Brightness of the Rising

We're heading back soon. With the seminar here at Haikou, Hainan at last finished we wrapped things up with dinner together with the pastors, leaders, and familiar faces to us who helped during the seminar. All in all, I would say that the trip here was worth it because I myself personally get to experience the sovereignty of Yahweh in fulfilling His work and calling upon His people wherever they are no matter what may stand in our way. Time and again I've seen that Elohim truly blinds the eyes of the authorities because if it were not Elohim Who intervened I believe that our trip would have much more turbulence than the clear and fair weather (figuratively speaking) we had during our stay here.

This didn't really feel at all like a trip to me. Everything here at Hainan reminds me of Malaysia, even the people whom I've met and got acquainted with remind me so much about those back home. In one way or another it is just the Lord Yeshua showing that no matter where we go, we will always see familiar faces because we are a family in Messiah and when we meet however distant; we are family and we stick together. I've had this feeling that Yahweh had really blinded the eyes of the authorities and those in charge because what we were doing were so blatant that anyone could have noticed and lodged a report and yet none did. I mean, carrying massive amount of luggages with us when we arrive, over 80 people entering a single hotel room in the night which by the way was caught on camera. A group of young people everyday gathering together at a corner of the hotel floor where they stayed to pray early in the morning. And lugging around many different sorts of tools, materials and harps on motorbikes in the middle of the night. Surely we drew attention, just not the ones that were looking for us.

Perhaps another great miracle was that I could understand what everyone was saying even though it is in Mandarin which I'm not too familiar with. Sure, there were a few hiccups here and there but overall I found that I was able to understand them and they me which to me is a true miracle. I had thought that I would find myself lost in translation but instead I found that I was able to learn more from them as well. I really want to praise Yeshua for that, giving me the opportunity to increase my vocabulary and at the same time to see the extent of that great work which He had begun in me beginning to bear fruit. Hallelujah.

I should rest now. Overnight will begin very soon and Elohim knows how long it shall continue on for. And soon after, we shall be back home in Malaysia once more. Once again, praise Yahweh for giving Megan and I such a privilege as this to see His wonderful works in Hainan and also in each of us.

-Friday, 3 August 2018, 2 years 10 months 27 days, 2100

Nostalgic; Continuation

Another day has passed and we come ever closer to the end of this trip. There is no sentimentality to be had here since we are doing the Lord's work, should He will it He shall bring us back again. But enough is said about departing when we still have days to go here. This are progressing really smoothly and now we are having dinner again. As per usual, Yahweh has moved mightily in the midst of His people with signs and wonders, healing and deliverances aplenty in the sanctuary of Haikou, Hainan.

Anyways for dinner we were taken an authentic (in their own words) Hainanese dinner. In truth, the meal reminded me of the Chinese restaurant in Mantin: Shengee. The food has a very homely feel to it, reminds me of back home. In fact, it rather makes me feel as though I've been here longer than it seems. As though I've been here for more than a week.

This trip really feels quite nostalgic in many senses. Really reminds me of my home back in Mantin. This trip is memorable, and now we move onwards to the next session which by the grace of Yahweh is in a different church altogether. We'll be having Yeshua Heals there in a short while longer and surely Elohim shall bless us and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him.

-Thursday, 2nd August 2018, 2 years 10 months 26 days, 1920

The meeting was short, simple, and straight to the point. As it was a gathering in Pastor Wang's house church, we had just a short while to minister and worship together. Nonetheless, Yahweh moved and He moved greatly in the midst of 80 people. As there were many pastors and leaders gathered together, Pastor Jean used the time to minister especially to them that they would be used by Yahweh to lead and direct His people to experience the latter glory full of signs and wonders and miracles. It was really quaint and lovely. Praise Yahweh. More so that now, what is in store for us now that we have an early night? Elohim knows...


Hong Kong tong sui, fei cang hao.


Halfway Point; Continuation

Tonight, we have a Harp & Bowl session and Yahweh is greatly moving in the midst of the people during our stay here. There really isn't much to explain further because as it is in Malaysia, so it is here in Hainan. Down to the tee, well perhaps the reception varies from place to place, from people to people. But the reception here is truly great, many people are flocking to the presence of Yahweh and healing and deliverances are rife amongst the people. There's really not much to add after that. Anyways we really praise Yahweh because everything is running smoothly here. In fact, it's because of the power of prayer that everything is running like a well oiled machine.

Perhaps what could be learnt the most during this trip is that it is always a necessity to remind myself to always be sober and vigilant wherever we go and whatever we do. I've seen time and again on this trip that truly it's the grace and the mercy of Messiah Yeshua and His anointing upon us that we are safeguarded all round. As I see it, there is always a cause to be ever watchful and ever vigilant against even the things which the enemy intends to bring in especially through inconspicuous means.
Dinner is starting soon, it's time for me to prepare myself for tonight's worship and duties once more. Elohim willing, lead me on Holy Spirit.

-Wednesday, 1st August 2018, 2 years 10 months 25 days, 1816

Another successful day, praise Elohim. Yahweh once more moved powerfully through his servant Pastor Jean and Pastor Phaik Kiang, not to mention even through the worship team and sound crew. There was also an impromptu harp school and despite the fact that it was only announced earlier this evening, a crowd of 30-some people arrived with their harps in tow and joined the harp school while over 150 more stayed to hear the Word being shared. This is quite the great trip, but yet I'm reminded that every time I must remain sober and vigilant. The enemy pounces when we least expect him to and because of that I must remain alert and on guard at every moment. Nonetheless, I am enjoying myself here in Haikou, Hainan. Praise Yahweh for giving me such a privilege as this to come and witness His glory at work among His people.


Personal Viewing; Continuation

Today's been a special day. Although the daytime was just alike in every way to a regular seminar that we would have even in Malaysia, the time following that was something real special. To head to our destination for our dinner which happens to be a seafood restaurant, I rode with Michael on an electric motorbike. Well, it was just like any regular old motorbike ride but it gives me a chance to first hand experience the Hainanese country behind the back of a local. And I find that as he took me on familiar roads of his to reach our destination, I was blessed with seeing Hainan on a more personal viewpoint than just one that comes to do the Lord's work here. Needless to say, I enjoyed myself.

And given that the venue for tonight's session just so happens to take place in our very own hotel room, I got to ride on the bike again with Michael. I must say that the daytime and the night time are very much different but in so many ways nostalgic and comely. In fact, Hainan reminds me of Malaysia so much so that sometimes I forget that I'm actually overseas. The weather, the people, the traffic, the food; practically almost everything reminds me one way of another of Malaysia, particularly that of Kuala Lumpur. We were told that a group of 20 people from the province of Xin Jiang came to join us and so they did. But the fact of the matter is that somehow they chose to use our hotel room as the meeting place to be less inconspicuous. And so, we prepared and needless to say more than 20 arrived. People from our ministry and those who just came for the seminar yesterday somehow heard that we were having a night meeting in our room and so they came. All in all, about 100 people crammed into our room for four. It was really, really hot and stuffy. Nevertheless, Yahweh continues to move and we follow suit.

Things are moving quick and at an abrupt pace that calls for us to adapt to any and every situation and to find a solution. I find that this is the time to manifest what we've accumulated in Glory Place Mantin and see the fruits we bear on our tenure here at Haikou, Hainan. It's really quite hard to believe that it's already two days and more and that we're coming to the halfway point of our journey. The Lord Yeshua is indeed hastening His work among His beloved Chinese people. Praise Yeshua for the things He hath done.

-Wednesday, 1 August 2018, 2 years 10 months 25 days, 0107

Also, grilled pork and roasted chicken wing chips are a pleasant supper surprise.


Towards Great Prizes; Continuation

The journey to Haikou, Hainan has begun and it is already turning into quite the exciting route we are taking. Having been on a budget airline we are now in the midst of a layover of 7 hours here at the Changi airport of Singapore and we have practically spent more than 4 hours of it praying, worshipping, and eating lots of sandwiches. The real adventure has yet to begin and I already feel that I've eaten too much already.

But in all seriousness this is truly the opportune time for China to be open to the light of the gospel of the glory of Messiah and it is truly my privilege along with the rest of the team to not only bear witness to it being revealed but also to perhaps play a part in it. As we bring harp worship once again into Hainan surely strongholds and ancient landmarks will be uprooted and torn down because now light is coming to China. I am feeling quite excited in the spirit because I personally can feel the great work of Yahweh is about to be accomplished for Hainan and her people there.

Having even heard of our family, brothers and sisters in Messiah even joining together with us in prayer back at Malaysia I know within myself that this trip though it has merely begun shall yield fruit aplenty. Back at home we have heard word that our brothers and sisters are praying and destroying the works of the devil together and surely together with all our prayers it shall pave the way for the King of kings to come to Hainan and reveal His glory amongst the people there. Such is the magnitude of prayers that I truly am excited to see the fruit of its labour manifest during our tenure in China for the next few days. The time is soon here for us to board our flight to Hainan and already I am in great expectancy as to what the Lord Yeshua shall accomplish not just in China as we have prayed abundantly but also here in Singapore it shall affect.

It's a spiritual excitement.

-Monday, 30th July 2018, 2 years 10 months 23 days, 0526

And we have arrived. Well, technically we arrived and touched down at around 10.45am in the morning and waited for the rest of our luggages and Pastor Jean and her company to arrive together. You know, we have been quite fervent in our prayers because as we found out Pastor Jean is carrying smelly illegals, durians; into the airport and we are hard pressed to find a way to get it out of customs. No sooner than that that we also realized that sister Praise forgot to label and tag the harps meaning that we too will be hard pressed to explain what exactly is contained in these boxes and what we intend to do with so many harps giving that we're simply on a "sight seeing" trip. And so, with the best solution before us, we committed it all into the hands of the Lord Yeshua to take over. And He has.

Firstly speaking, it was quite a conundrum to explain why exactly six young people were just loitering around the immigration site for no apparent reason for two hours but because we prayed, confusion came into the camps of the enemy. Not to say that they were our enemies but simply we saw that the spiritual enemy of ours intends to hinder and stand in our way. Because of the power of united prayer, the officers were quite confounded with our explanations themselves and gave up on trying to make us leave the premise. A great miracle occurred too during our customs check in. As Jessica and Xin En went first before the rest of us, they put their belongings through the X-ray machine to be checked. Lo and behold, something was found in their luggages, food; particularly an apple. There was but a single officer manning the entirety of the system checking and so when he went to inspect and confiscate the apple from their bags, many of us took that opportune moment when no one was saying anything to just push everything through the machine and scamper off.

So, because of just a single apple giving its life per se as a living sacrifice, we managed to trolley and rush through customs not just the harps but also the durians which Pastor Jean intended to bless the Chinese with. Pastor Jean pushed her baggage through with a large group of Singaporean golfers and because of that they didn't even bother to check her luggage for the durians even though there was such a prevalent smell of it in the air. Personally, it's a miracle with a bit of a flair. Truly awesome and it just invigorates me as to how Yahweh will begin to move mightily amongst the Hainanese here. Praise Yahweh.

We had our dinner and now we are having a brief respite before heading off to the venue to prepare for tonight's beginning of the seminar. I thought I had grasp just how much the Chinese people enjoy food but apparently I had not estimated enough. Our first lunch here and it was already a banquet, more than I could finish myself. Not to say I didn't enjoy it, it's just that there was so much. I finish one dish, three more come. I finish my rice, two mountain sized plates arrive. I finish my tea, orange juice makes its appearance. Truly, overflowing abundance. The city of coconuts, Haikou is.


The first night's worship was truly awesome and now I am just quickly updating as Pastor Jean preaches to a congregation of 200 and more with Pastor Phaik Kiang interpreting for her. I am reminded again and again that the effective and fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much, how much the more then when a righteous people; not of their own righteousness but having become the righteousness of Elohim in Messiah Yeshua, make effective, united, and continuing fervent prayer for the complete taking over by the Holy Spirit for the entirety of this trip. Praise Yahweh. The night continues on and since this is just like another seminar, it will probably end on the midnight hour and more. Praise Yahweh.


Friday, 27 July 2018


Another week has passed by and with this the durian season is slowly coming to an end. It was an interesting challenge in the sense that this is the first time I am experiencing a durian season. I think I've written about that already but it bears repeating just to make my point. I've realised time and time again that the durian season is more than just collecting durians. It actually is like a thorny mirror that reflects the innermost being of a person, myself included. I've seen during this season of picking fruits the true nature of many a people and I myself have come to realise once more that we have yet more room to grow and to be moulded into the will of Elohim.

Over the course of nearly 3 weeks and counting I find that I am greatly challenged. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. And that's good because I find that there are many areas in my life that are lacking and as well areas that are well compensated. This season is one where I find myself put to the test and either found wanting or found fulfilled. In all honesty, this has been quite the adventure; not only am I having to deal with the durians dropping at every time of the day but also having other duties to cover as well as personal slot time in the sanctuary. All in all, I find that I'm actually more tired out than I thought I'd be and that really surprised me. However, it bears to mind that this just means yet another portion in my life that I have the opportunity to grow and learn.

Things are beginning to move once more and I find that now more than anything I must be sure of where and on Whom I stand on. The road ahead as I see for myself is long paved with uncertainties and whatnot but I have yet in me the Redeemer Who lives. People change but Yeshua Messiah is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Because of such an assurance I am able to press on, such a hope I have in Him that presses me onwards to the shining day. Things are really beginning to move for me and now I am needed to rely on the Holy Spirit not just once more but both now and forever if I am to see what He has promised me come to accomplishment. Praise Yahweh, so onward we go.

-Saturday, 28 July 2018, 2 years 10 months 21 days, 0402